Backflow-prevention regulation
Глоссарий по мелиорации земель |
Правовые нормы, запрещающие поступление в водный источник любых химикатов, добавляемых к воде при орошении
Backflow-prevention device, английский
Обратный клапан
Regulate, английский
- To take control of a situation, often by physically beating other people example the party was starting to get out of hand so i had to regulate.
- Signallers can regulate the train service by giving priority to one train over another; also means levelling the ballast (see also tamping)
Regulate, английский
Regulated afterburner, английский
Regulated afterburning, английский
Regulated channel, английский
Regulated commodities, английский
The group of registered commodity futures and options contracts traded on organized u.s. futures exchanges.
Regulated condition; controlled condition, английский
Regulated electrical supply package, английский
Блок электропитания с регулированием параметров тока
Regulated feed, английский
Regulated financial institution, английский
Регулируемая финансовая организация
Regulated flow, английский
Зарегулированный сток (сток реки, на которой созданы гидротехнические сооружения) см. также regulated run-off
Regulated income, английский
Income regulated by the office of railway regulators (orr). regulated income will be described as franchised income
Regulated investment company, английский
An investment company allowed to pass capital gains, dividends, and interest earned on fund investments directly to its shareholders so that it is taxed only at the personal level, and double taxation is avoided.
Regulated investment company (ric), английский
Company, also known as a mutual fund, formed under us law to make diversified investment with funds provided by investors who receive dividends and capital gains realized by ric.
Regulated line section (symmetric pairs, coaxial pairs or radio-relay, английский
Regulated metal deposition, английский
Precisely controlled short-circuit transfer technology, available as an option on axcess models. for spatter reduction, up to 20% reduced heat input, or filling gaps.
Regulated mfi, английский
Регулируемая мфо
Regulated power supply, английский
Стабилизированный источник питания
Regulated product, английский
A product that is regulated by a government authority that requires compliance and audit reporting.
Поступление, русский
То, что поступило, пришло в результате чего-либо. наиболее широко применяется, в значении денежного поступления на счет, в том числе за продажу, поставку продукции, в результате распространения выпуска ценных бумаг и т. д.
Bank armoring, английский
Крепление речного берега
Backflow-prevention device, английский
Обратный клапан