Adaptive thresholding
Глоссарий по неразрушающему контролю в авиации |
- Threshold value varying with inconstant background gray level.
- Пороговое значение варьируется в зависимости от непостоянного уровня серого фона.
- Threshold value varying with inconstant background gray level.1
Adaptive, английский
- Адаптивный; настраиваемый
- A general modifer used to describe systems such as neural networks or other dynamic control systems that can learn or adapt from data in use. adaptive fuzzy associative memory (afam) an fuzzy associative memory that is allowed to adapt to time varying input. adaptive resonance theory (art) a class of neural networks based on neurophysiologic models for neurons. they were invented by stephen grossberg in 1976. art models use a hidden layer of ideal cases for prediction. if an input case is sufficiently close to an existing case, it ``resonates" with the case; the ideal case is updated to incorporate the new case. otherwise, a new ideal case is added. arts are often represented as having two layers, referred to as an f1 and f2 layers. the f1 layer performs the matching and the f2 layer chooses the result. it is a form of cluster analysis. see also: ftp:://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/faq2.html, http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/art/
- Адаптационный
Adaptive algorithm, английский
Адаптивный алгоритм
Adaptive artificial hand, английский
Адаптивная искусственная кисть
Adaptive attack, английский
Adaptive autopilot, английский
Adaptive beamformer, английский
Адаптивный лучеформирова- тель [для выявления сю "нала неизвестной формы волны (улучшает детектирующую способность гидроакустической антенны)!
Adaptive behavior, английский
Адаптивное поведение
Adaptive break-in echo suppressor, английский
Adaptive bridge, английский
Адаптивный мост
Adaptive brightness, английский
Automatic display adjustment that changes the brightness of your pc screen (laptop and desktop) using light environment information provided by the ambient light sensor.
Adaptive channel allocation, английский
- Динамическое распределение пропускной способности канала связи между несколькими устройствами в зависимости от их потребностей
- Адаптивное распределение каналов
Adaptive channel estimator, английский
Адаптивное устройство оценивания характеристик канала
Adaptive character reader, английский
Адаптивное устройство считывания
Adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack, английский
Adaptive chosen-plaintext attack, английский
Adaptive communication, английский
Самонастраивающаяся связь
Adaptive compass drive system, английский
Adaptive compression, английский
Data compression software that continually analyzes and compensates its algorithm, depending on the type and content of the data and the storage medium.
Adaptive contrast enhancement (ace), английский
Ace works to increase contrast locally, and brings out image details to produce crisp, highly-detailed images.
Adaptive control, английский
- Самонастраивающаяся система управления
- Адаптивное управление
Adaptive control action, английский
Адаптивное управляющее воздействие
Background, английский
- Фон
- The surface area against which the pattern is contrasted. the surface area of
- The portion of a scene that sits behind the main, foreground subject. the background can be made sharp or unsharp through the use of selective focusing techniques and depth of field manipulation.
- A фоновый; внеязыко- вой knowledge
- Sound or noise that interferes with radio or sonar reception.
- Фон, задний план о ~ for
- A page that you can assign to another page to create multiple layers in a drawing.
- In a graphical user interface such as windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user.
- The area on a card that allows a user to make the card’s image a background when clicked on.
- The area that appears behind the tiles on the start screen.
- The color or image that appears behind the content of a visual element, for example, behind the text that is displayed in a textbox control or on your graphical user interface.
- The image that appears in the conversation window.
- The picture that appears in the photos hub.
- Formations on or signals from a test object that constitute the background to a discontinuity. the higher the level of background noise, the more difficult it is to distinguish a discontinuity. background signals may arise from visual, acoustic, chemical, electrical, or radiation sources that the sensor responds to. see also sensitivity; signal-to-noise ratio.
- Formations on or signals from a test object that constitutes the background to a discontinuity. the higher the level of background noise, the more difficult it is to distinguish a discontinuity. background signals may arise from visual, acoustic, chemical, electrical or radiation sources that the sensor responds to. see also neural acuity; sensitivity; signal-to-noise ratio.
- Formations on, or signals from, a test object that constitute the background to a discontinuity. the higher the level of background noise, the more difficult it is to distinguish a discontinuity. see also background fluorescence; neural acuity; sensitivity; signal-to-noise ratio. glossary b 491
- In magnetic particle testing, the appearance or brightness of the surrounding area acting to reduce the contrast of an indication. (2) nonrelevant signal that tends to interfere with the normal reception or interpretation of the target being sought.
Зависимости, русский
1. разновидность параметрического проектирования. 2. правила, определяющие положение, наклон, касательность, размеры и отношения между объектами в геометрии
Alternating current magnetization, английский
- Magnetization by a magnetic field generated when alternating current is flowing.
- Намагничивание магнитным полем, возникающим при протекании переменного тока.
- In magnetic particle testing, technique for inducing an active magnetic state by a cyclically reversing waveform, a state generally characterized by its form following ability and by shallow penetration.
Acoustic emission rate, английский
- Number of times the amplitude has exceeded the threshold in a specified unit of time.
- Количество раз, когда амплитуда превышала пороговое значение в указанную единицу времени.
- Number of times the acoustic emission signal amplitude has exceeded the threshold in a specified unit of time.