Список слов, которые чаще всего пишутся с ошибками в американском английском |
Just think that you`ll become a major league speller when you spell "colleague" correctly — and remember, it`s with two "l`s."
Colleague, английский
Just think that you`ll become a major league speller when you spell "colleague" correctly — and remember, it`s with two "l`s."
Consciencious, английский
This one has a "t" and not a "c" near the end, even though it comes from the word conscience. one mnemonic: if you`re conscientious, you don`t only dot your "i`s," you also cross your "t`s" (so put a "t" in this word)!
Apparant, английский
Apparently a lot of people find this tough to spell. one tip is to think of an app (spelled with two "p" letters) to help you become a better parent.