Список слов, которые чаще всего пишутся с ошибками в американском английском |
A word we all see and use frequently, but that throws many of us off when it comes to spelling. typically the dilemma is which consonant is doubled — the "s"?" the "c"? or both? the right answer is just the "s."
Necessary, английский
- Необходимый
- Необходимый; нужный; неизбежный
- A word we all see and use frequently, but that throws many of us off when it comes to spelling. typically the dilemma is which consonant is doubled — the "s"?" the "c"? or both? the right answer is just the "s."
Frequently, английский
Occassion, английский
Let`s take this occasion to say that there`s only one "s" in this word. the reason is that the "sion" is actually a form of a "tion" ending, as in action. there`s no double "t" there, no double "s" here.
Maintainance, английский
It`s tempting to take "maintain" and just attach the suffix "ance." there`s a "ten" in there instead of a "tain." just memorize this sentence: "i have to do it ten times for proper maintenance."