Список слов, которые чаще всего пишутся с ошибками в американском английском |
Always two "r" letters! according to english pronunciation rules, with one "r," it would be pronounced as "oh-cured" which means … nothing!
Occurred, английский
Always two "r" letters! according to english pronunciation rules, with one "r," it would be pronounced as "oh-cured" which means … nothing!
Pronunciation, английский
N 1 произноше- ние, выговор, акцент (син. articulation); 2 фонетическая транскрипция (син. phonetic transcription) received p~ нормативное, литературное произношение1; оксфордское произношение2 (см. тж. bbc english, king’s english, queen’s english) proparoxytone n слово, в котором ударение па- дает на третий с конца слог (см. тж. antepenultimate)
Pronounced, английский
A заметный, явный (син. noticeable) accent
Pasttime, английский
Unlike some other compound words consisting of two words ending and beginning with the same letter (see "underrate" below), pastime doesn`t have two "t`s."
Occassion, английский
Let`s take this occasion to say that there`s only one "s" in this word. the reason is that the "sion" is actually a form of a "tion" ending, as in action. there`s no double "t" there, no double "s" here.