Список слов, которые чаще всего пишутся с ошибками в американском английском |
Even though we know the word "till" is a word and "til" isn`t, there is only one "l" in until.
Until, английский
Even though we know the word "till" is a word and "til" isn`t, there is only one "l" in until.
Withold, английский
Here we are with the compound word/double consonants issue again. but it`s "with" and "hold" combined, not "with" and "old" or "wit" and "hold," so you need the two "h`s" in there.
Underate, английский
Yet another compound word in which you should double the consonants that end the first word and start the second. if you spell it with only one "r," you`ve come up with a neologism (a new word) that could mean having eaten less than expected.