
Новости переводов

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Словарь стратиграфических терминов

    (1957). aurora (plural = aurorae), a. the time interval from the first appearance o f a new phylogenetic stage (subspecies) until the first appearance o f the next subspecies (tan sinhok, 1931, p....
barren interva
    (barren zone). a stratigraphic interval without fossils or devoid of all diagnostic fossils or representatives of the taxonomic categories on which the remainder of the stratigraphic section is su...
biostratigraphic correlatio
    (biocorrelation). similarity or correspondence in fossil content and biostratigraphic position between two stratigraphic sections (see sections 3.a.9 and 7.g).
biostratigraphic horizo
    (biohorizon). a stratigraphic boundary, surface, or interface across which there is a significant and distinctive change in biostratigraphic character (see section 7.c.4).
    (biostratigraphic facies). the biostratigraphic aspect of a stratigraphic unit or interval as portrayed by its fossil content (see section 3.a.13 and weller, 1958, p. 622-623, 634-635).
biostratigraphic zon
    (biozone). a general term for any kind of biostratigraphic unit. the fundamental biostratigraphic unit (see section 7.c.3).
chronostratigraphic correlatio
    (chronocorrelation, time correlation).
chronostratigraphic horizo
    (chronohorizon). a stratigraphic surface or interface that is isochronous—everywhere of the same age. the terms “chronostratigraphic horizon” or “chronohorizon” are also applied to very thin and d...
condensed sectio
    (condensed succession). a relatively thin but uninterrupted stratigraphic section of considerable time duration, in which the deposits accumulated very slowly.
    (cross-bed, crossbed). a single bed, more than 1 cm in thickness inclined at an angle to the main planes o f stratification (mckee and weir, 1953, p. 382). d
    (depositional sequence), a. the unit immediately above a system in the chronostratigraphic hierarchy, now called “erathem” (r. c. moore, 1933, p. 54;
    (faunal zone), a. belts o f strata, each o f which is characterized by an assemblage o f organic remains (buckman, 1902, p. 557). b. a biostratigraphic unit or body o f strata characterized by a p...
    (floral zone). a biostratigraphic unit or body o f strata characterized by a particular assemblage of fossil floras, regardless o f whether it is inferred to have chronological or only environment...
    (holobiozone, holontozone). a biochronostratic unit representing the total range o f a taxon (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 69).
    (homotaxis). similarity of serial arrangement; specifically taxonomic similarity between stratigraphic or fossil sequences in separate regions, or the condition of strata characterized by similar ...
lithostratigraphic correlatio
    (lithocorrelation). similarity or correspondence in lithologic properties and lithostratigraphic position between two stratigraphic sections (see sections 3.a.9 and 5.e).
lithostratigraphic zon
    (lithozone). a body of rocks that can be recognized by its lithologic properties and to which casual reference is made, but for which there is inappropriate basis to justify designation as a forma...
    (merobiozone, merontozone). a biochronostratic unit representing the partial range o f a taxon (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 69).
type are
    (or type region). the geographic area or region that encompasses the stratotype or type locality of a stratigraphic unit or stratigraphic boundary (see section 4.b.6).
    (plural = strata). a layer (generally tabular body) of rock characterized by certain lithologic properties or attributes that distinguish it from adjacent layers from which it is separated by visi...
magnetostratigraphic polarity zon
    (polarity zone). the basic formal unit of magnetostratigraphic polarity classification. polarity zones may be subdivided into polarity subzones and grouped into polarity superzones (see section 8....
magnetostratigraphic polarity-reversal horizo
    (polarity-reversal horizon).
magnetostratigraphic polarity-transition zon
    (polarity-transition zone). a substantial interval in a succession of rock strata (of the order of 1 m in thickness) in which the magnetic polarity is reversed gradually (see section 8.b.6).
law of superpositio
    (principle of superposition). the general law or principle, attributed to steno (1669), upon which all geologic chronology is based: in any sequence of layered rocks, sedimentary or extrusive volc...
an informal unit even if name
    (see section 5.c. 10).
    (subzone). a subdivision of any kind of biozone (see section 7.c.5).
    (superzone). a grouping of several biozones with common biostratigraphic features (see section 7.c.6).
    (tectostratigraphic) unit. a mixture o f lithostratigraphic units resulting from tectonic deformation.
    (teil-zone). a. the local duration o f existence o f a species (pompeckj, 1914). b. the range zone o f a taxon in a specific section or area as contrasted with the total range. equivalent to local...
    (type section). the original or subsequently designated standard of reference of a named layered stratigraphic unit or of a stratigraphic bounddownloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books...
when the ter
    “facies” is used, it is desirable to make clear the specific kind of facies to which reference is made: lithofacies, biofacies, metamorphic facies, tectonofacies, etc. it should not be used for bo...
proposed as a complement to the ter
    “homotaxis,” meaning similarity or equivalence in stratigraphic position and sequence.
    A biochronostratic unit based on the range o f a fossil form (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 68).
    A biostratic unit representing a partial part o f a range-zone; equivalent to partial-range zone (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 68).
    A biostratic unit representing an entire range zone (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 68).
    A biostratic unit representing the local development o f a range zone; equivalent to local-range zone (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 68).
    A biostratigraphic unit characterized by an association or aggregation o f se lected taxa o f restricted and largely concurrent range, chosen as indicative o f approximate contemporaneity (interna...
    A biostratigraphic unit defined as a body o f rock with upper and lower boundaries marked by reversible faunal changes that are essentially parallel to time planes (vella, 1964, p. 622). 112
multifossil range zone
    A biostratigraphic unit, a special type o f range zone, marked by a concentration o f the range zones o f a number o f different fossils (american
standard zone
    A biostratigraphic zone based on a type section in which specified beds 137 yield characteristic fauna. the base o f the lowest bed yielding this fauna is defined as the base o f the zone. the top...
biofacial zone
    A biostratigraphic zone that recurs in a single rock succession due to recurrence o f the environment in which the organisms represented by the fossil assemblage that characterize the biozone live...
assemblage zone
    A biozone consisting of a stratum or body of strata characterized by a distinctive assemblage or association of three or more fossil taxa that, taken together, distinguishes it in biostratigraphic...
abundance zone
    A biozone consisting of a stratum or body of strata in which the abundance of a particular taxon or specified group of taxa is significantly greater than is usual in the adjacent parts of the sect...
hydrostratigraphic unit
    A body o f rock having considerable lateral extent and composing a geologic framework for a reasonably distinct hydrologic system (maxey, 1964, p. 126).
polarity-chronostratigraphic unit
    A body o f rock that contains the primary magneticpolarity record imposed when the rock was deposited, or crystallized, during a specific interval o f geologic time (north american stratigraphic c...
morphostratigraphic unit
    A body o f rock that is identified primarily from the surface form it displays; it may or may not be lithologically distinctive from contiguous units. typically applies to surficial deposits such ...
gradation zone
    A body o f rock with upper and lower boundaries defined by selected evolutionary stages o f a gradational bioseries o f planktonic foraminifera or o f any similarly well distributed bioseries (vel...
    A body o f strata characterized by a certain paleoenvironment that is inferred from its fossil content and that can be distinguished from the paleoenvironment o f adjacent strata (poag and valenti...
    A body o f strata characterized by a certain paleoenvironment that is inferred from the lithology and can be distinguished from the paleoenvironment o f adjacent strata (poag and valentine, 1976, ...
stratigraphic unit
    A body of rock recognized as a unit (distinct entity) in the classification of the earth’s rocks, based on any of the many properties and attributes that rocks possess. stratigraphic units based o...
pedostratigraphic unit
    A body of rock that consists of one or more pedologic horizons developed in one or more lithostratigraphic, allostratigraphic, or lithodemic units and is overlain by one or more formally defined l...
magnetopolarity unit
    A body of rock unified by its remanent magnetic polarity and distinguished from adjacent rock that has different polarity (north
    A body of rocks bounded above and below by specifically designated, significant and demonstrable discontinuities of regional or interregional magnitude in the stratigraphic succession; the basic u...
unconformity-bounded unit
    A body of rocks bounded above and below by specifically designated, significant, and demonstrable discontinuities in the stratigraphic record, preferably of regional or interregional extent (see
magnetostratigraphic polarity unit
    A body of rocks characterized by its magnetic polarity (see chapter 8).
magnetostratigraphic unit
    A body of rocks unified by similar magnetic characteristics (not only magnetic polarity) which allow it to be differentiated from adjacent rock bodies (see sections 8.a and 8.b.3).
lithostratigraphic unit
    A body of rocks—sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic— that is defined and recognized on the basis of its observable and distinctive lithologic properties or combination of lithologic properties an...
lineage zone
    A body of strata containing specimens representing a specific segment of an evolutionary lineage. it may represent the entire range of a taxon within a lineage or only that part of the range of a ...
concurrent-range zone
    A body of strata including the concurrent, coincident, or overlapping parts of the range zones of two specified taxa selected from among the total forms contained in a sequence of strata (see sect...
partial-range zone
    A body of strata within the range of a taxon above the uppermost documented occurrence of one taxon and below the lowermost documented occurrence of another taxon (report of the stratigraphical co...
biochronostratic unit
    A chronostratic unit based on a biostratic unit (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 66).
lithochronostratic unit
    A chronostratic unit based on a lithostratic unit (henningsmoen, 1961, p. 66, 73).
    A chronozone representing the rocks formed anywhere during the time span o f a biostratigraphic unit (north american stratigraphic code, 1983, p. 869).
    A chronozone representing the rocks formed anywhere during the time span o f a lithostratigraphic unit (north american stratigraphic code, 1983, p. 869).
condensation zone
    A concentration o f several biozones in a single bed (heim, 1934).
topo-stratigraphic unit
    A convenient regional stratigraphic unit consisting o f a combined rock unit and a biostratigraphic unit (jaanusson, 1960, p. 218). equivalent to the mixed topostratic unit o f henningsmoen (1961)...
lithodemic unit
    A defined body o f predominantly intrusive, highly deformed, and/or highly metamorphosed rock, distinguished and delimited on the basis o f rock characteristics.
biochronologic unit
    A division o f geologic time distinguished on the basis o f biostratigraphic data (teichert, 1958a, p. 113).
polarity-chronologic unit
    A division o f geologic time distinguished on the basis o f the record of magnetopolarity as embodied in a polarity-chronostratigraphic unit (north
index fossil
    A fossil that identifies and dates the strata or succession of strata in which it is found, especially any fossil taxon that combines morphologic distinctiveness with relatively common occurrence ...
guide fossil
    A fossil used to identify the age of the strata in which it is found, to indicate the conditions under which it lived, or as an index or guide in correlation of strata. synonymous to index fossil....
    A group or set o f conformable laminae (campbell, 1967, p. 16-17, 20).
parastratigraphic rock unit
    A grouping o f strata identified by objective lithologic criteria but lacking in either mappability or, most commonly, in lithologic homogeneity and constancy (krumbein and sloss, 1963, p. 333).
in contrast to lithostratigraphic units
    A lithodemic unit generally does not conform to the law o f superposition (north american stratigraphic code, 1983, p. 859).
    A lithodemic unit next higher in rank to suite and comprising two or more suites or complexes having a degree o f natural relationship to one another, either in the vertical or the lateral sense (...
informal lithostratigraphic unit
    A lithologic body to which casual reference is made but for which there is insufficient need, insufficient information, or inappropriate basis to justify designation as a formal unit (see section ...
industrial lithostratigraphic unit
    A lithostratigraphic unit recognized primarily for utilitarian purposes, such as an aquifer, oil sand, quarry layer, or ore-bearing bed.

Словарь стратиграфических терминов

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