Глоссарий содержит определения по испытаниям на герметичность, инфракрасным и термическим испытаниям, электромагнитному тестированию, акустико-эмиссионным испытаниям, ультразвуковому контролю, визуальному тестированию.
blur (rt) | unsharpness; penumbra; |
unsharpness penumbra | blur (rt); |
defect detection sensitivity (rt) | sensitivity; defect; |
radiographic screen (rt) | intensifying screen; |
intensifying screen | radiographic screen (rt); salt screen (rt); усиливающий экран; |
radiographic sensitivity (rt) | sensitivity; radiographic; |
additive, absorptive (rt) | contrast agent; |
contrast agent | additive, absorptive (rt); |
anode current (rt) | tube current; |
tube current | anode current (rt); |
bottom echo (ut) | back reflection; |
back reflection | - Signal received from the far boundary or back surface of a test object.
- Сигнал, полученный от дальней границы или задней поверхности объекта контроля.
- In ultrasonic testi...
bottom echo (ut); |
brightness amplifier (rt) | image intensifier; |
bubbler (ut) | water delay column; |
water delay column | bubbler (ut); delay column (ut); |
certified density (rt) | step-wedge calibration film; |
step-wedge calibration film | certified density (rt); |
cooling crack | cracks; cooling; |
cracks, heat treating | cracks; quenching; |
crystal (ut) | transducer element; |
transducer element | - In an ultrasonic transducer, the piezoelectric crystal to be coupled to the test surface. also called the crystal. transducer, flat response: transducer whose frequency response has no resonan...
crystal (ut); |
current flow method (mt) | circular magnetization; |
circular magnetization | - Magnetization in an object resulting from current passed longitudinally through the object itself or through an inserted central conductor.
- Намагничивание объекта возникает в резуль...
current flow method (mt); циркулярное намагничивание; |
current induction method (mt) | induced current magnetization; |
induced current magnetization | current induction method (mt); |
delay (ut) | sweep delay; |
sweep delay | - (1) delay in time of starting the sweep after the initial pulse. (2)control for adjusting the time. also called time delay.
- (1) delay in time of starting the sweep after the initial...
delay (ut); time delay (ut); |
delay column (ut) | water delay column; |
direct film (rt) | non-screen film; |
non-screen film | direct film (rt); |
false indications | non-relevant indications; |
non-relevant indications | An indication due to misapplied or improper inspection. also, an indication caused by an actual discontinuity in the material that does not affect the usefulness of the part (such as a change of s... false indications; |
fatigue cracks | cracks; fatigue; |
film clearing time (rt) | clearing time film contrast (rt); |
clearing time film contrast (rt) | film clearing time (rt); |
film density (rt) | density; film; |
film processing (rt) | processing; film; |
film unsharpness (rt) | unsharpness; |
unsharpness | film unsharpness (rt); geometric unsharpness (rt); inherent unsharpness (rt); movement unsharpness (rt); scatter unsharpness (rt); screen unsharpness (rt); нерезкость; |
film viewer (rt) | film illuminator; |
film illuminator | film viewer (rt); |
inherent filtration | filtration; собственная фильтрация; |
flaw sensitivity (rt) | sensitivity; defect; |
flux, magnetic leakage | field; leakage; |
fog density (rt) | fog; |
forging cracks | cracks; forging; |
fraunhofer zone (ut) | far field; |
fresnel zone (ut) | near field; |
near field | - Distance immediately in front of a plane transducer in which the ultrasonic beam exhibits complex and changing wavefronts. also called the fresnel field or fresnel zone.
- Distance im...
fresnel zone (ut); |
frilling (rt) | sloughing; |
gamma, film (rt) | gradient; |
gamma-ray source container (rt) | container; gamma-ray source; |
geometric unsharpness (rt) | unsharpness; |
grit blast | sandblast; |
h & d curve (hurter and driffield) (rt) | characteristic curve; |
h and d curve (rt) | characteristic curve; |
hairline seam | seam; |
half-value period (rt) | half-life; |
heat treat cracks | cracks; quenching; |
hot cracks | cracks; hot; |
image contrast (rt) | contrast; film; |
image definition (rt) | definition; radiographic; |
image quality level (rt) | radiographic quality level; |
radiographic quality level | image quality level (rt); quality level (rt); |
inherent unsharpness (rt) | unsharpness; |
irrelevant indication | ghost; |
law of reciprocity, photographic (rt) | reciprocity law; |
ld (rt) | median lethal dose; |
median lethal dose | ld (rt); |
lead screens | screens; lead; |
leakage field | Flux leakage field. field; leakage; |
line focus (rt) | effective focal spot; |
effective focal spot | Size and geometry of focal spot after target interaction. viewed from along the primary beam central axis at the target, the effective focal spot would appear nearly square and smaller than the ac... line focus (rt); |
linear absorption coefficient | absorption coefficient; linear; |
vertical linearity and horizontal linearity | linearity; |
main bang (ut) | initial pulse; |
initial pulse | - Pulse applied to excite the transducer. it is the first indication on the screen if the sweep is undelayed. also called the main bang. may refer to an electrical pulse or an acoustic pulse. main bang (ut);