Термины, используемые при проведении ультразвукового контроля сварных соединений, дефектов разнообразной формы и ориентации.
amplitude linearity | See linearity, amplitude. amplitude, echo: vertical height of a received signal on an a-scan, measured from base to peak for a video presentation or from peak to peak for a radio frequency present... амплитудная линейность; |
beam exit point | See probe index. точка выхода луча; |
considered basic | Meter, mole, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin and candela.10,17 |
cross noise | Cross talk. перекрестный шум; |
delayed sweep | See sweep delay. задержка развертки; |
delayed time base | See delayed sweep. база с задержкой по времени; |
flaw location scale | Specially graduated ruler that can be attached to an angle beam transducer to relate the position of an indication on the display to the actual location of a discontinuity within the test object.7... масштаб расположения дефектов; |
fraunhofer zone | See far field. frequency, fundamental: in resonance testing, the frequency at which the wavelength is twice the thickness of the test material.7,22 frequency, pulse repetition: number of pulses pe... зона фраунгофера; |
fresnel field | See near field. поле френеля; |
fresnel zone | See near field. зона френеля; |
interface synchronization | See interface triggering. синхронизация интерфейса; |
neper | Natural logarithm of a ratio of two amplitudes (equal to 8.686 db) used as a measure of attenuation. power ratios are expressed as half the natural logarithm.7 непер; |
parasitic echo | See spurious echo. паразитическое эхо; |
resonance technique | Method using the resonance principle for determining speed, thickness or presence of laminar discontinuities.7 резонансная техника; |
schlieren system | Optical system used for visual display of an ultrasonic beam passing through a transparent medium.7,22 |
specific acoustic impedance | Acoustic impedance in a particular test object or a defined volume of a specified material. see also acoustic impedance; characteristic acoustic impedance. удельный акустический импеданс; |
spectrum response | Amplification (gain) of a receiver over a range of frequencies.7 спектральный отклик; |
squint angle | Angle by which the ultrasonic beam axis deviates from the probe axis.7 угол косоглазия; |
time base | See sweep. временная база; |
transducer relative sensitivity | Response of the transducer to a given source.16 transducer, resonant: transducer that uses the mechanical amplification due to a resonant frequency (or several close resonant frequencies) to give ... относительная чувствительность преобразователя; |
transmission characteristics | Test object characteristics that influence the passage of ultrasonic energy, including scattering, attenuation or surface conditions.7 характеристики передачи; |
амплитудная линейность | amplitude linearity; |
точка выхода луча | beam exit point; |
перекрестный шум | cross noise; |
задержка развертки | delayed sweep; |
база с задержкой по времени | delayed time base; |
масштаб расположения дефектов | flaw location scale; |
зона фраунгофера | fraunhofer zone; |
поле френеля | fresnel field; |
зона френеля | fresnel zone; |
синхронизация интерфейса | interface synchronization; |
паразитическое эхо | parasitic echo; |
резонансная техника | resonance technique; |
удельный акустический импеданс | specific acoustic impedance; |
спектральный отклик | spectrum response; |
временная база | time base; |
относительная чувствительность преобразователя | transducer relative sensitivity; |
характеристики передачи | transmission characteristics; |