9b | access rail; |
jp | - Jet penetration
- Jet pilot
- Jet propellant
- Jet-propelled
- Jet propulsion
- Jet pump
- Juvenile periodontitis
- The two-chara...
adria airways * *; jet penetration; jet pilot; jet propellant; jet-propelled; jet propulsion; jet pump; juvenile periodontitis; |
a3 | aegean airlines *; |
e4 | aero asia international *; |
jr | aero california; |
gv | - Gas vent
- Glide vehicle
- Grid variation
- Ground visibility
- Ground visibility (met)
aero flight gbmh; gas vent; glide vehicle; grid variation; ground visibility; |
z9 | aero zambia *; |
n6 | aerocontinente sa; |
su | - Supersonic
- Supported unit
- Surface-to-underwater
- Syracuse university
- Standard update; stanford university; syracuse university
- Sulfonylure...
aeroflot * *; signal unit; supersonic; supported unit; surface-to-underwater; syracuse university; standard update; stanford university; сульфонилмочевина; sulfonylurea; помощник редактора; |
d9 | aeroflot-don *; |
3i | aerolineas del sur; |
vw | Vorwerk = farmhouse aeromar airlines; vorwerk = farmhouse; |
vh | - Vent hole
- Very heavy
- Very high
- Vickers hardness
- Viral hepatitis
- Maximum level flight speed with continuous power
aeropostal *; vent hole; very heavy; very high; vickers hardness; вг; |
p5 | aerorepublica; |
5l | aerosur *; |
hc | - Hydrocarbon
- Hard copy
- Head circumference
- Hardware complex
- Hydrocarbons (collective term)
- Head checking – rolling contact fatigue in the c...
aerotopics air svcs./lip air ltd.; углеводород; hydrocarbon; hard copy; head circumference; hydrocarbons; |
8u | afriqiyah airways; |
zi | aigle azur ta; |
a6 | air alps aviation; |
4l | air astana; |
uu | - Micromicro
- Micromicron
- Unless used
- Unable (crm)
air austral; micromicro; micromicron; unless used; перед использованием; |
ja | air bosna; про л. сент-люсия (ме`жду о-вами мартиника и сентлюсия, малые антильские о-ва); |
2j | air burkina; |
sb | - Signalling bit
- Spacing bias
- Spot beam
- Supervisory board
- Scientific breakthroughs
- Scout-bomber
- Service bulletin
- Side...
air caledonie international *; slack bus; signalling bit; spacing bias; spot beam; наблюдательный совет нс; supervisory board; нс; scientific breakthroughs; scout-bomber; service bulletin; side band; simulation branch; slow-burning; solid body; space booster; space branch; splash block; standby; supply; survey of bangladesh; safe berth; безопасный причал; selection board;; serial binary; straight binary; |
a7 | air comet; |
yn | air creebec; |
ux | - Uxor — супруга, жена
- Unexploded. suffix “b” = bomb; “m” = mine or munition; “o” = ordnance; “w” = weapon. v
- User experience
- Пользовательский опыт
air europa *; user experience; |
3s | air guyane s.p.; |
3h | air inuit; |
jm | The two-character iso 3166 country code for jamaica. air jamaica *; |
js | - Jump seat or jps (ahm)
- Surface current density ampere per square meter a·m–2
air koryo *; javascript; |
lk | - Leak
- Link
- Lock
- Lake
- The two-character iso 3166 country code for sri lanka.
- Lock (airbus acronyms)
air luxor; leak; link; lock; lake; |
l8 | - Late
- Поздно
air luxor gb; |
c2 | air luxor stp; |
nx | - Nonexpendable
- Entrance-exit system (signal box control panel)
air macau *; nonexpendable; |
qm | - Quadratmeter
- Quartermaster. q-message: a classified nato communication concerning navigational aids and dangers, or mined areas and swept channels.
air malawi *; quadratmeter; |
mk | The two-character iso 3166 country code for macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of. air mauritius * *; |
9u | air moldova *; |
nz | - Nike-zeus
- New zealand
- The hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline which are released by the adrenal glands
- The two-character iso 3166 country code for new zealan...
air new zealand *; nike-zeus; new zealand; |
el | - Влк. мисти (горн. сист. анды, перу)
- East longitude
- Elastic limit
- Electrical (system)
- Electroluminescent
- Electronic
- Electronics...
air nippon co., ltd.; equivalent length; elevation; высота; отметка; эквивалентная длина; г. эльаснам, эш-шелйфф (алжир); г. эльджадйда (марокко); г. эльмансура (египет); г. эльмйнья (египет); г. эльобёйд (судан); г. эльфайюм (египет); г. эльферроль (испания); г. эль-аюн (адм. центр западной сахары); г. эль-гйза (египет); г. эль-махалла-эль-кубра (египет); г. эль-пасо (шт. техас, сша); гос-во сальвадор, republic of el; east longitude; elastic limit; electrical (system); electroluminescent; electronic; electronics; electronics laboratory; element; elongation; endurance limit; engineering level; equipment list; expected life; explosive limit; l.; erodibility index; |
px | Passenger identifier (mvt message) air niugini *; |
4n | air north airlines; |
fj | The two-character iso 3166 country code for fiji. air pacific; |
v7 | air senegal intl.; |
hm | - The two-character iso 3166 country code for heard island and mcdonald islands.
- Holding to a manual termination (arinc 424 path terminator)
- Her majesty’s
- Heavy ...
air seychelles * *; heavy metal; |
pj | - Passive jamming
- Peripheral jet
- Plasma jet
- Pulse jet
air st. pierre; passive jamming; peripheral jet; plasma jet; pulse jet; |
vt | - Vacuum tube
- Vaportight
- Variable thrust
- Variable time (fuze)
- Vectored-thrust
- Vertical tail
- Vermont
- Ventricular tachy...
air tahiti; voltage transformer; vacuum tube; vaportight; variable thrust; variable time (fuze); vectored-thrust; vertical tail; vermont; желудочковая тахикардия; ventricular tachycardia; vertical tab;; video terminal; virtual terminal; |
tn | - Technical notes
- Test number
- Thermonuclear
- Track number
- Train
- True north
- Tennessee
- The two-character iso 3166 countr...
air tahiti nui *; technical notes; test number; thermonuclear; track number; train; true north; tennessee; |
6u | air ukraine *; |
do | - Execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain
- Deorbit
- Digital output
- Dissolved oxygen
- Drawing office
- D...
air vallee; делать; disel oil; дизельное топливо; deorbit; digital output; dissolved oxygen; drawing office; digital ortho; district office; diesel oil; цифровое устройство вывода;; цифровые выходные данные; |
nf | - Noise factor
- Noise figure
- Nolo flight
- Nose fuze
- Newfoundland
- Шум-фактор; номинальный уровень шума оборудования (измеряемый в децибелах) n...
air vanuatu; nuclear fuel; noise factor; noise figure; nolo flight; nose fuze; newfoundland; |
um | - Unscheduled maintenance
- The two-character iso 3166 country code for united states minor outlying islands.
- Unaccompanied minor (phm)
- Utility model. intellectual...
air zimbabwe; unintentional modulation; случайная модуляция; unscheduled maintenance; user manager; |
4f | air-city; |
a5 | airlinair; |
7d | airline company donbassaero *; |
nd | - Neutral density
- Need
- No drawing
- Nondelay
- Normal distribution (gaussian)
- Nuclear device
- North dakota
- Neutral density...
airlink limited; neutral density; need; no drawing; nondelay; normal distribution (gaussian); nuclear device; north dakota; не сделано; not done; neighbor discovery (protocol); quantum dot; |
j5 | alaska seaplane service; |
xm | External master alitalia express; |
nh | - Nonhygroscopic
- New hampshire
all nippon *; nonhygroscopic; new hampshire; |
qq | - Crying
- Плач
- This is a text-based emoji used to show a player is sobbing: the two qs look like weeping eyes!
alliance airlines; |
e8 | alpi - eagles; |
mq | - Modification to equipment
- The two-character iso 3166 country code for martinique.
american eagle; modification to equipment; |
5n | archangelsk *; |
iz | Inter zonal (territorial). the transfer of costs between business units without cash. arkia israel airlines; |
u8 | armavia airlines *; |
r7 | aserca; |
oz | - Ounce
- Ozone
- Ounce.
- Abbr. for “ounce.”
- Унция - 28,35г.
- Унция -p- ра 1. агент принтера; 2. анализ рабочих характеристик; анализ производите...
asiana *; унция; ounce; ozone; |
kk | Confirming status (crm) atlasjet *; |
6a | aviacsa; |
gu | - Guidance unit
- Government unit; guam
- Gastric ulcer
- The two-character iso 3166 country code for guam.
aviateca *; guidance unit; government unit; guam; язва желудка; gastric ulcer; |
9v | avior airlines; |
g2 | avirex gabon; |
j2 | azerbaijan airlines *; |
zs | Zambia survey dept. azzurra air s.p.a.; zambia survey dept.; |
jv | Joint venture (faa) k kilo (icao) bearskin airlines; |
b2 | belavia *; |
b3 | bellview airlines; |