Powder coat
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Защитный слой, русский
Элемент кровли, предохраняющий основной гидроизоляционный ковер от механических повреждений, непосредственного воздействия атмосферных факторов, солнечной радиации и распространения огня по поверхности кровли.
Coat, английский
- Шерстный покров
- Corrected outside air temperature
- To cover or apply to a substrate surface a layer of a photoresist material by dipping
- A single layer of plaster, paint, or any type of material applied to a surface.
- A layer of material covering an organ or a cavity verb to cover something with something else
- A piece of tarred canvas nailed round above the partners, or that part where the mast or bowsprit enters the deck. its use is to prevent the water from running down between decks. there is sometimes a coat for the rudder, nailed round the hole where the rudder traverses in the ship`s counter. it also implies the stuff with which the ship`s sides or masts are varnished, to defend them from the sun and weather, as turpentine, pitch, varnish, or paint; in this sense we say, “give her a coat of tar or paint.” by neglecting the scraper this may become a crust of coatings.
Coat colour, английский
Coat of mail, английский
The chiton shell.
Coat rack, английский
A storage rack for coats and hats; may include a boot rack, umbrella stand, and drip tray. coatroom 1.a cloakroom. 2. a room for the deposit or checking of outer garments. coaxial cable 1. a cable consisting of two concentric conductors (an inner conductor and an outer conductor) insulated from each other by a dielectric; commonly used for the transmission of high-speed electronic data and/or video signals. 2. a single transmission cable having a concentric conductor and shielding; used for communications transmission, such as for television signals. coal-tar felt 224 coated electrode coaxial cable
Coated, английский
С покрытием
Coated abrasive, английский
Coated bar, английский
A reinforcing bar that has been coated to increase its resistance to corrosion. coated base sheet, coated base felt a roofing material consisting of asphalt-saturated felt which is coated with a harder viscous asphalt to increase its impermeability to moisture significantly. coated electrode, light-coated electrode a filler-metal electrode used in arc welding which consists of a metal wire having a light coating to stabilize the arc.
Coated card, английский
Плата с упрочнением
Coated electrode, английский
Coated electrode., английский
Coated fabric, английский
- A fabric to which a substance such as lacquer, plastic, resin, rubber, or varnish has been applied in firmly adhering layers to provide certain properties, such as water impermeability.
- A flexible product composed of a textile fabric and an adherent polymeric material applied to one or both surfaces.
Coated folding boxboard, английский
Картон двухстороннего мелования для штампованных коробок, изготовляемых методом высечки.
Coated glass, английский
Glass having a coating designed to admit light over most of the visible range but to block light in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges; the coating reflects some of heat generated within a building so that it remains in the building instead of largely being transmitted through the window, thereby effecting a saving of heat during the winter; often applied on glazing in a double window construction.
Coated glass and tinted glass., английский
Coated joint, английский
The joint surface has a thin layer or `paint` with some kind of mineral.
Coated lens, английский
Coated macadam, английский
Coated nail, английский
An enameled nail, cement-coated nail or mechanically galvanized nail.
Coated paper, английский
- Paper having a surface coating that produces a smooth finish. surface appearances may vary from eggshell to glossy.
- Paper that has clay or other coating applied to one or both sides.
- Paper finished with a coating of china clay to give smoothness. collating
- Бумага, на поверхность которой нанесено неорганическое покрытие с одной или двух сторон с использованием связующего вещества.
Coated sands, английский
Coated tongue, английский
Same as furred tongue
Защитный слой, русский
Элемент кровли, предохраняющий основной гидроизоляционный ковер от механических повреждений, непосредственного воздействия атмосферных факторов, солнечной радиации и распространения огня по поверхности кровли.
Питьевая вода, русский
Вода, по качеству в естественном состоянии или после подготовки отвечающая гигиеническим нормативам и предназначенная для удовлетворения питьевых и бытовых потребностей человека либо для производства продукции, потребляемой человеком