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A government grant giving an inventor the exclusive right to make or sell his or her invention for a term of years
Government, английский
- N управление ~ and binding (theory) управление и связыва- ние (концепция )
- Generally means the constitution of our country as exercised under the legislature of king or queen, lords, and commons.
- The acts, rules, procedures, instruments of power and institutions by which the citizens of a country (or more generally the parts of a system) communicate with (->communication) and exert control upon each other so that the country as a whole maintains its unity and is directed toward ends chosen from within that country (->self-organization, ->autonomy). its opposite is laissez faire. in the reality of politics, government is rarely uniformly distributed and constituted (->constitution) instead in a ruling elite, exercising institutional control over those governed. this unequal distribution of government is particularly prevalent in technical realisations. e.g., the governor of a steam engine, computer control of a production process. in biology, such control hierachies (->hierarchy) rarely exist which suggest that they may be an outgrowth of rational constuctions not a fact of nature. qeafh
- An app category that facilitates engagement with government or politics.
Paternity, испанский
Who the birth (biological) parents of a child are
Pat down search, испанский
A limited search of the outer clothing of a person in an attempt to discover weapons which might be used to assault the officer and may be conducted if the officer has a reasonable belief that the detained person is armed and dangerous