Русско-латинский словарь |
Crystallicus, a, um, латинский
Crystallinus, a, um, латинский
Крист., русский
Crystalline, английский
- A substance or rock composed largely or wholly of mineral crystals.
- Transparent, clear, or pure.
- Made up of crystals. the term crystalline applies to sections of all chemical fibers, which consists of alternate crystalline and amorphous (noncrystalline) regions. these regions are influenced by manufacturing conditions and to some extent can be controlled. the degree of crystallinity influences the physical properties of fibers.
Crystal, английский
- A solid with a regular array of atoms. sapphire (ruby laser) and yag (nd:yag laser) are two crystalline materials used as laser sources.
- A chemical formation of hard regular-shaped solids
- A type of inclusion. a crystal is a mineral deposit trapped inside the diamond.
- The regular solid geometric form assumed by a crystallized chemical element or compound, such as the dodecahedral, octahedral, cuboid, or other shapes assumed by a diamond.
- A clear, flawless diamond.
- Homogeneous solid chemical element or compound having a regular
- See transducer element. crystal, x cut: in ultrasonic testing, cut with face perpendicular to the x direction of the piezoelectric crystal. in a quartz slice so cut, a thickness mode of vibration occurs when the slice is electrically stimulated in the x direction. see also transducer element.15 crystal, y cut: in ultrasonic testing, piezoelectric crystal whose cut face is perpendicular to the y direction. in quartz, a transverse mode of vibration is obtained when the slice is electrically stimulated in the y direction. see also transducer element.15
- See transducer element. crystal, x-cut: cut with face perpendicular to the x-direction of the piezoelectric crystal.7 in a quartz slice so cut, a thickness mode of vibration occurs when the slice is electrically stimulated in the x direction.7,22 crystal, y-cut: piezoelectric crystal whose cut face is perpendicular to the y direction. in quartz, a transverse mode of vibration is obtained when the slice is electrically stimulated in the y direction.7,22
Crystallicus, a, um, латинский
Crystallisatio, onis, f (salium), латинский