Affirming the antecedent
Glossary of Statistical Terms |
A valid logical argument that concludes from the premise a → b and the premise a that therefore, b is true. the name comes from the fact that the argument affirms (i.e., asserts as true) the antecedent (a) in the conditional.
Antecedent, английский
- In a conditional p → q, the antecedent is p.
- Ранее упомянутый; предшествующий (признак по пункту формулы изобретения, ранее упомянутый в описании изобретения)
- Ранее упомянутый; предшествующий (признак по пункту формулы изобретения, ранее упомянутый в описании изобретения) ю il2. anticipate порочить новизну; отрицать новизну (изобретения) ||3. anticipation известность признака (изобретения); отрицание новизны (изобретения или признака) ц4. anticipatory порочащий новизну (изобретения) ц5. anticipatory art порочащие новизну материалы
- N антецедент antepenult(imate)
Conditional, английский
- Условный
- A условный | n 1 усло- вие2; 2 грм. а) условное наклонение (син. ~ mood), б) условная связь (син. ~ conjunction); 3 лог. условное высказывание mood, sentence
- In probabilistic expert systems, a collection of conditional distributions for the same group of variables (referred to as the head) over all of the states of a conditioning set of variables (referred to as the tail). the conditional distribution of height and weight for various mutually exclusive groupings of age and sex would be a conditional, with height and weight as the head variables and age and sex the tail variables. see also: slice.
- A control structure such as an if-statement or case-statement that conditionally executes a block of code
Standard units, английский
A variable (a set of data) is said to be in standard units if its mean is zero and its standard deviation is one. you transform a set of data into standard units by subtracting the mean from each element of the list, and dividing the results by the standard deviation. a random variable is said to be in standard units if its expected value is zero and its standard error is one. you transform a random variable to standard units by subtracting its expected value then dividing by its standard error.
Denying the consequent, английский
A valid logical argument that concludes from the premise a → b and the premise !b that therefore, !a. the name comes from the fact that the operation denies (i.e., asserts the logical negation) the consequent (b) in the conditional.