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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Patent attorney

Англо-русские патентные термины
  1. Патентный поверенный

  2. Патентный поверенный |8. patent claim формула изобретения; патентное притязание

Attorney, английский
  1. Поверенный

  2. Адвокат, юрист

  3. See sea-attorney.

  4. Уполномоченный; доверенный; поверенный в суде; юрист; адвокат

  5. An attorney is a person over the age of 18 whom you have appointed to make decisions on your behalf about your welfare and/or your property and financial affairs. you need an attorney if you are unable to make such decisions yourself. if you do not have the capacity to appoint an attorney, the court of protection will appoint a deputy to perform this role. a health and welfare attorney makes decisions about things like your daily routine, your medical care, where you live and, if you specially request this, whether you should have life-sustaining treatment. a property and financial affairs attorney makes decisions about things like paying bills, collecting benefits and selling your home. see our pages on the mental capacity act for more information.

Attorney, испанский
    Someone that is qualified to represent clients in court and to give them legal advice. (see counsel)

Attorney fees, английский
    Оплата услуг адвоката

Attorney general, английский

Attorney of record, английский
  1. The lawyer whose name is listed in a case record as representing someone in the case

  2. An attorney, who has appeared in court, signed or received pleadings or other forms on behalf of an inmate client or who has filed a letter of representation with the particular institution where the inmate resides. the attorney remains the attorney of record until another attorney or the client substitutes for him/her, he/she is allowed by the court to withdraw, or the case is closed.

Attorney-at-law, английский
    An advocate, counsel, or official agent employed in preparing, managing, and trying cases in the courts

Attorney-client privilege, английский
    A legal doctrine that is intended to protect the confidentiality of communications between an attorney and his or her client. the underlying rationale is that by assuring confidential communications, lawyers and their clients will feel free to discuss sensitive legal matters thoroughly.

Attorney-in-fact, английский
  1. A private person (who is not necessarily a lawyer) authorized by someone to act in his or her place, either for some particular purpose, or for the transaction of business in general. this authority is given in writing, called a power of attorney

  2. Лицо, действующее по доверенности

  3. Частное лицо, имеющее доверенность представлять интересы данной организации (лица) во всех инстанциях, кроме судебной

Attorneys` fees, английский

Attorneys’ entrance, английский

Attorney’s opinion of title, английский
    An instrument written and signed by the attorney who examines the abstracts of title, stating his opinion as to whether a seller may convey good title.

Patent, английский
  1. A government document giving an inventor the exclusive right to make or sell his or her invention for a specific number of years.

  2. Патент

  3. Патент (охранный документ, представляющий исключительное право на осуществление, использование и продажу изобретения в течение определенного срока и на определенной территории)

  4. A доступный

  5. Form of intellectual property. the inventor of a new article or process usually registers his invention with a government department which confers on him the sole right (known as a patent right) to use the invention for a limited period of time.

  6. A patent gives the owner the right to prohibit/exclude others from using his/her patented technology. it does not even grant the patent owner the right to practice his/her own technology (called сfreedom of operationт) because his/her patent may be dominated by another person`s or persons` patent(s) that could exclude him or her from doing so.

  7. Право (на что-либо), получаемое благодаря патенту пожалование земли правительством документ о пожаловании земли правительством

  8. A property right granted by the government of the united states of america to an inventor "to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the united states or importing the invention into the united states" for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted.

  9. Legal title that gives inventors the right, for a limited period (usually 20 years), to prevent others from making, using or selling their invention without their permission in the countries for which the patent has been granted.

  10. A grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use and sell that invention for a set period of time.

Patent, английский

Patent, шведский

Patent, испанский
    A government grant giving an inventor the exclusive right to make or sell his or her invention for a term of years

Patent acquisition, английский
    Приобретение патентов

Patent act, английский
    Свод патентных законов; патентный закон см. patent law

Patent agent, английский
  1. (брит.) патентный поверенный

  2. (брит.) патентный поверенный |5. patent application заявка на патент

  3. Ackermann. it was originally introduced to prevent capsizing of horse drawn vehicles when turning sharply. see also jeantaud steering,

Patent anchor, английский
    Any of several proprietary stockless anchors.

Patent and trademark depository library (ptdl), английский
    A library designated by the uspto to receive copies of patents, cd-roms containing registered and pending marks, and patent and trademark materials that are made available to the public for free. as of october 1st, 2011 these libraries have been renamed and are referred to as patent and trademark resource centers (ptrcs). the term "pdtl" is no longer used.

Patent application, английский
  1. Заявка на патент

  2. Request for patent protection for an invention filed with the epo or other patent office.

  3. An application for a patent filed under federal law that includes all types of patent applications (i.e., utility, design, plant, and reissue) except provisional applications. the nonprovisional application establishes the filing date and initiates the patent examination process. a nonprovisional utility patent application must include:

Поверенный, русский
  1. Поверенный , агент, доверенное лицо, посредник , присяжный поверенный, частный поверенный

  2. Сторона в договоре поручения. в обязанности поверенного

  3. , сторона договора поручения. полномочия поверенного удостоверяются доверенностью.

Притязание, русский
  1. Притязание , требование , изъявлять притязания, иметь притязания

  2. 1. стремление получить нечто, предъявление своих прав на нечто.

Patent retrieval, английский
    Патентный поиск (поиск патентной информации)

Patent department, английский
    Патентный отдел (фирмы)