Disability glare
Глоссарий по архитектуре и конструкциям |
Glare that reduces visual performance and visibility and often is accompanied by discomfort. disappearing stair, folding stair, loft ladder a swinging stair, usually a folding ladder, which enables passage to an attic space or loft. the stair is fixed to a trapdoor which, when closed, hides the stair from viewers below.
Disability, английский
- Нетрудоспособность
- Disabilidad
- Invalidez, minusvalía, discapacidad, incapacidad, inhabilidad
- Инвалидность, нетрудоспособность
- According to the americans with disabilities act, a legally specified incapacity or disqualification.
- A condition in which part of the body does not function in the usual way and makes some activities difficult or impossible. learning disability ‘…disability – any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being’ [who]
- Инвалидность; недееспособность; нетрудоспособность disability-adjusted life years (daly)
- Инвалидность; недееспособность; нетрудоспособность
- Недееспособность
- Impairment, handicap
- Impairment, handicap a physical or mental condition that limits, but does not prevent, the performance of certain tasks (for example, a person who is blind or deaf)
- The inability to perform all or part of one’s occupational duties because of an accident or illness. this can be due to a sickness, injury or mental condition and does not necessarily have to have been caused by the job itself.
- `disability` has a special legal meaning under the equality act, which is broader than the usual way you might understand the word. the equality act says that you have a disability if you have an impairment that is either physical or mental and the impairment has a substantial, adverse and long term effect on your normal daily activities.
Disability denial notice, английский
Извещение об отказе признать нетрудоспособным
Disability determination services, английский
Служба по определению нетрудоспособности
Disability discrimination, английский
When someone is treated worse because of their physical or mental health condition, this is known as `disability discrimination`. the equality act is the law that explains what a disability is, and when worse treatment counts as discrimination. generally, you have to show that you have a disability before you can challenge worse treatment as disability discrimination. the exceptions to this are if you received worse treatment because your employer thinks you`re disabled but you`re not, or because of your association with a disabled person. see our pages on disability discrimination for more information.
Disability evaluation specialist, английский
Специалист по оценке инвалидности
Disability freeze, английский
Disability income insurance, английский
Health insurance that is paid to a policyholder who experiences a loss of income due to an injury or an illness. disability insurance plans pay a portion of the salary of a disabled worker until his/her retirement age.
Disability insurance, английский
Страхование на случай нетрудоспособности
Disability insurance benefits, английский
Страховые выплаты по нетрудоспособности
Disability-adjusted life years, английский
Disability-adjusted life years (daly), английский
Индекс dalys или годы жизни, скорректированные на инвалидность показатель бремени заболевания в определенной популяции и эффективности лечения. он основываются на внесении поправки к ожидаемой продолжительности жизни (life expectancy) на долговременную инвалидность, по данным официальной статистики.
Glare, английский
- Блик. очень яркое отражение света на экране дисплея
- Ground level
- Блик
- Random illumination incident on the image plane that is not associated with the primary image.
- Light reflected toward the camera from shiny or even relatively matte surfaces. in moderation, it is one of the most useful ways to add life to drab subjects. if excessive, tame it by: moving the glaring object, the light, or camera angle; using softer light, a polarizing camera filter (not on bare metal), or dulling-type spray (not on bald heads). also see: kicks and . . .
- 1. a long stare that expresses a negative emotion such as anger 2. an uncomfortably or dazzlingly bright light 3. scattered bright light when examining something with a microscope verb 1. to stare angrily 2. to shine uncomfortably brightly 3. to be very obvious or conspicuous
- Relatively bright light entering the eye creating dazzle, discomfort, or visual impairment.
- The sensation produced by brightnesses within the visual field that are sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility.
- Слепящий свет
- Sound which is too bright, trebly or edgy.
- Excessive brightness (or brightness varying by more than 10:1 within the field of view) that interferes with observation or interpretation of a test response. glare may be caused by reflection, whether specular (smooth surface) or diffuse (rough surface), of light or radiation sources. glare, blinding: glare so intense that for an appreciable length of time after it has been removed, no object can be seen.2,6 glare, direct: glare resulting from high luminances or insufficiently shielded light sources in the field of view. direct glare is usually associated with bright areas, such as luminaires, ceilings and windows which are outside the visual task or region being viewed.2,6 glare, reflected: glare resulting from specular reflections of high luminances in polished or glossy surfaces in the field of view. it usually is associated with reflections from within a visual task or nearby areas.2,6
- Excessive brightness (or brightness varying by more than 10:1 within the field of view) that interferes with observation or interpretation of a test response. depending on intensity, glare may be blinding or merely discomforting. often caused by reflection, whether specular (from a smooth surface) or diffuse (from a rough surface), of light or radiation sources.
- Excessive brightness (or brightness varying by more than 10:1 within the field of view) that interferes with observation or interpretation of a test response. glare may be caused by reflection, whether specular (smooth surface) or diffuse (rough surface), of light or radiation sources.
Glare, английский
Glare angle, angle of reflection, английский
The law-of-the-light states: "the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence." simply: light is reflected at the same angle it came from, but in the opposite direction. pool players understand. tip: as soon as this law becomes intuitive, lighting will be easier.
Glare zone, английский
The angle within which lights will produce glare on a surface; beyond which, the glare-free zone*, it will be absent. see: glare and copy art.
Glarea, ae, f, латинский
Glareosa, orum, npl, латинский
Performance, английский
- Показатель деятельности. степень эффективности деятельности. производительность.
- (технические или летные) характеристики
- A way in which something works the doctors are not satisfied with the performance of the transplanted heart.
- N 1 действие; актив- ность; 2 употребление (н. хомский, см. тж. competence 2) linguistic ~ употребление языка, языковая активность (н. хомский, см. тж. linguistic competence) 1 стихотворный размер. 2 обозначающий действие, уже законченное по отношению к данному. performative a перформативный | n тра пер- форматив3 verb
- Эксплуатационные качества, ходовые качества
- Exhibition of gaits or other required routines.
- Microsoft edge developer tool to profile a web page frame rate. this tool helps you see what is happening behind the scenes when your pages are slowing down.
- The degree to which a product or service executes its specified function.
- Результаты деятельности
- A term contrasted with competence which refers to the speaker`s actual language production.
Visibility, английский
- The greatest distance at which it is possible with the unaided eye to recognize a prominent dark object against the horizon sky. at night, it is defined as the greatest distance at which a moderately intense, unfocused light source can be seen on the hori
- Видимость
- [1] visual range. [2] the atmospheric property that determines ability to see and identify objects. [3] in meteorology, the distance at which a standard object can be seen and identified by the unaided human eye.
- Видимость. наибольшее расстояние, на котором можно увидеть и опознать черный предмет соответствующих размеров на фоне дневного неба или в ночных наблюдениях— при общем освещении на уровне нормального дневного света (вмо). при определении ночной видимости можно использо вать вместо чёрного объекта несфокусированный свет задан ной интенсивности. инструментально оценку видимости мож но проводить путем измерения ослабления света при прохож дении им достаточно протяженного отрезка пути. результаты измерения видимости обычно представляют собой средние значения наблюдений, проводимых по всему горизонту.
- A property of a replica that indicates which members of the replica set it can synchronize with and which conflict resolution rules apply. replicas fall into three visibility types: global, local, and anonymous.
- The ability of a bluetooth device to let any other bluetooth device discover and connect with it.
- The ability of one element to see or refer to another. for one element to send a message to another element, the latter must be visible to the former.
- Said of a variable. a variable is visible if its contents can be accessed by its name. a local variable in one function might not be visible from inside another function. vi - the classic text editor on a unix machine. generally available on all unix based operating systems. the modern version of vi is vim.
- Maximum distance at which an object of defined size, brightness and contrast can be seen and recognized.
- Quality or state of being perceivable by the eye. in many outdoor applications, visibility is defined in terms of the distance at which an object can be just perceived by the eye. in indoor applications it usually is defined in terms of the contrast or size of a standard test object, observed under standardized view conditions, having the same threshold as the given object.2,6
- Quality or state of being perceivable by the eye. outdoors, visibility is usually defined in terms of the distance at which an object can be just perceived by the eye. indoors, visibility usually is defined in terms of the contrast or size of a standard test object, observed under standardized view conditions and having the same threshold as the given object (iesna 1984).
- The prominence and positions a website occupies within the organic search results.
Discomfort, английский
- A feeling of mild pain you may experience some discomfort after the operation.
- Дискомфорт; неудобство; затруднение ~ of traffic затруднение движения по дороге
Aventurine, английский
Glass (or glazes) containing colored spangles of nonglassy material. avenue 1. a wide street, usually planted with trees; generally straight. 2. a way of approach or access.
And palaces of southern, английский
Germany and austria in the early 18th cent. it is characterized by interpenetration of oval spaces, curved surfaces, and conspicuous use of decoration, sculpture, and color. its late phase is called rococo. the style prevailing in the restrained architectural