- , в геологии - чечевицеобразная форма залегания горных пород и полезных ископаемых; округлое или овальное тело с уменьшением мощности к краям.
- (нем . linse, от лат. lens - чечевица), в оптике - прозрачное тело, ограниченное выпуклыми или вогнутыми поверхностями (одна из поверхностей может быть плоской) и преобразующее форму светового пучка. линзы бывают собирающие (положительные) и рассеивающие (отрицательные) (рисунок). линзы для видимого света обычно изготовляют из стекла; для ультрафиолетового излучения - из кварца, флюорита, фторида лития и др.; для инфракрасного излучения - из кремния, германия, флюорита, фторида лития и др.
Lens, английский
Lens, английский
Линза, объектив, русский
Lins, шведский
Lens, lentis, f, латинский
Lens, английский
- An optical device for focusing light onto the imaging device in a camera.
- A transparent optical component consisting of one or more pieces of optical glass with surfaces so curved (usually spherical), that they serve to converge or diverge the transmitted rays of an object, thus forming a real or virtual image of that object.
- A transparent optical component consisting of one or more pieces of optical glass with surfaces curved (usually spherical), so that they converge or diverge the transmitted rays of an object, forming a real or virtual image of that object.
- An optical device for focusing a desired scene onto the imaging device in a cctv camera.
- Low energy neutral spectroscopy
- An optical component that converges or diverges an incident wavefront.
- A curved piece of optically transparent material which depending on its shape is used to either converge or diverge light.
- A combination of shaped glasses and air spaces set in a specific arrangement within a barrel. within the lens is a diaphragm that can be opened and closed to allow in specific amounts of light. this is controlled manually by a ring on the outside of the lens barrel, or electronically via pins in the coupling ring that mounts the lens to the camera. lenses have two primary functions
- (1) the transparent, double convex (outward curve on both sides) structure of the eye suspended between the aqueous and vitreous; helps to focus light on the retina. (2) a device or means of causing the eye to make the maximum change possible in the accommodative pattern without introducing an undesirable change in the convergence pattern. lens (back-surface) – a type of free-form progressive lens that employs a factory-molded spherical surface on the front and a free-formsurfaced progressive surface that has been combined with the prescription curves on the back. lens (dual-surface) – a type of free-form progressive lens that employs a factory-molded progressive surface with a portion of the total addition power on the front and a free-formsurfaced progressive surface with the remaining addition power that has been combined with the prescription curves on the back.
- 1. the part of the eye behind the iris and pupil, which focuses light coming from the cornea onto the retina. see illustration at eye in supplement 2. a piece of shaped glass or plastic which forms part of a pair of spectacles or microscope 3. same as contact lens comment: the lens in the eye is elastic, and can change its shape under the influence of the ciliary muscle, to allow the eye to focus on objects at different distances.
- The glass of a telescope, or of a microscope, with curved surfaces like a lentil, whence the name.
- [1] physics; a transparent optical element, so constructed that it serves to change the degree of convergence or divergence of the transmitted rays. [2] sea service; the glass sealing a port or window. see also fresnel lens.
- Light enhanced naval surveillance. let fly!: command [1] to release sails. [2] to fire a weapon (slang). let go!: command to release and drop the anchor. let go and haul!: command to simultaneously slacken the weather braces and pull the lee braces, issued when tacking a square-rigged vessel.
- Линза; объектив
- Transparent object that refracts light passing through it in order to focus the light.
- Transparent object, whether artificial or natural, that refracts light passing through it in order to focus the light.
Beam expander lens, английский
Holographically generated lens, английский
Eyelens, английский
Lentil, английский
Magnifier, английский
- Усилитель
- Лупа, увеличивающая линза hand ~ лупа (угломерного инструмента)
- A display utility that makes the computer screen more readable by people who have low vision by creating a separate window that displays a magnified portion of the screen.
Line of departure, английский
- Линия бросания
- Conceptual line from which successive waves of landing craft leave for an amphibious assault.
Lens, английский