
Новости переводов

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Disability freeze

Юридический специализированный словарь

    Disability, английский
    1. Нетрудоспособность

    2. Disabilidad

    3. Invalidez, minusvalía, discapacidad, incapacidad, inhabilidad

    4. Инвалидность, нетрудоспособность

    5. According to the americans with disabilities act, a legally specified incapacity or disqualification.

    6. A condition in which part of the body does not function in the usual way and makes some activities difficult or impossible.  learning disability ‘…disability – any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being’ [who]

    7. Инвалидность; недееспособность; нетрудоспособность disability-adjusted life years (daly)

    8. Инвалидность; недееспособность; нетрудоспособность

    9. Недееспособность

    10. Impairment, handicap

    11. Impairment, handicap a physical or mental condition that limits, but does not prevent, the performance of certain tasks (for example, a person who is blind or deaf)

    12. The inability to perform all or part of one’s occupational duties because of an accident or illness. this can be due to a sickness, injury or mental condition and does not necessarily have to have been caused by the job itself.

    13. `disability` has a special legal meaning under the equality act, which is broader than the usual way you might understand the word. the equality act says that you have a disability if you have an impairment that is either physical or mental and the impairment has a substantial, adverse and long term effect on your normal daily activities.

    Disability denial notice, английский
      Извещение об отказе признать нетрудоспособным

    Disability determination services, английский
      Служба по определению нетрудоспособности

    Disability discrimination, английский
      When someone is treated worse because of their physical or mental health condition, this is known as `disability discrimination`. the equality act is the law that explains what a disability is, and when worse treatment counts as discrimination. generally, you have to show that you have a disability before you can challenge worse treatment as disability discrimination. the exceptions to this are if you received worse treatment because your employer thinks you`re disabled but you`re not, or because of your association with a disabled person. see our pages on disability discrimination for more information.

    Disability evaluation specialist, английский
      Специалист по оценке инвалидности

    Disability glare, английский
      Glare that reduces visual performance and visibility and often is accompanied by discomfort. disappearing stair, folding stair, loft ladder a swinging stair, usually a folding ladder, which enables passage to an attic space or loft. the stair is fixed to a trapdoor which, when closed, hides the stair from viewers below.

    Disability income insurance, английский
      Health insurance that is paid to a policyholder who experiences a loss of income due to an injury or an illness. disability insurance plans pay a portion of the salary of a disabled worker until his/her retirement age.

    Disability insurance, английский
      Страхование на случай нетрудоспособности

    Disability insurance benefits, английский
      Страховые выплаты по нетрудоспособности

    Disability-adjusted life years, английский

    Disability-adjusted life years (daly), английский
      Индекс dalys или годы жизни, скорректированные на инвалидность показатель бремени заболевания в определенной популяции и эффективности лечения. он основываются на внесении поправки к ожидаемой продолжительности жизни (life expectancy) на долговременную инвалидность, по данным официальной статистики.

    Freeze, английский
    1. The practice of staying down and not moving anything after following through on a shot

    2. Замерзать

    3. Прервать (напр., работу циф- |зов^й индикации устройства

    4. Freezing; frozen. 1. to permit drilling tools, casing, drivepipe, or drill rods to become lodged in a borehole by reason of caving wails, or impaction of sand, mud, or drill cuttings, to the extent that they cannot be pulled out. also called bind, seize. 46 a glossary of the diamond-drilling industry 2. to "burn in" a bit. see burn in 1. 3. the premature setting of cement, especially when cement slurry hardens before it can be ejected fully from pumps or drill rods during a borehole-cementa tion operation. 4. the act or process of drilling a borehole utilizing a drilling fluid chilled to minus-30° to -40° p., as a means of consolidating, by freezing, the borehole wall materials and/or core as the drill bit penetrates a water-saturated formation, such as sand, gravel, etc.

    5. In i/o operations, to prevent execution of a thread.

    6. To lock specific rows or columns in place in order to keep them in view while scrolling in a worksheet.

    7. Игнорирование объектов на указанных слоях при регенерации чертежа с целью ускорения формирования изображения. объекты на замороженных слоях не отображаются на экране и не регенерируются на виртуальном экране.

    Freeze, английский

    Freeze (froze frozen), английский

    Freeze (froze, frozen), английский

    Freeze calculated landing time, английский

    Freeze column, английский
      Закрепить столбец freeze-frame стоп-кадр freeze-frame image статическое изображение freezing1. помещение в архив; 2. застывший; фиксированный

    Freeze coordinates (pl, английский
      Л зафиксировать (с сохранением в памяти) координаты (положения рабочего органа. станка, напр., в момент касания датчика детали)

    Freeze drying, английский
      A method of preserving food or tissue specimens by freezing rapidly and drying in a vacuum freiberg’s disease freiberg’s disease / fra?b! &z d?zi z/

    Freeze frame, английский
      Repeating or holding one frame so that it appears that the action has stopped.

    D domestic services, английский

    Прямой перевод, русский