
Новости переводов

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Orange peel skin

Powder Coatings Glossary
    Visible, wave-shaped interference pattern on the coated surface

Interference, английский
  1. Effect caused by the introduction of unwanted electrical signals into an electrical circuit. in cctv this results in "noise" in the signal or picture, which disrupts the picture.

  2. Extraneous energy which tends to interfere with the reception of the desired signals.

  3. Disturbances of an electrical or electromagnetic nature that introduce undesirable

  4. “artifactual increase or decrease in apparent concentration or intensity of an analyte due to the presence of a substance that reacts nonspecifically with either the detecting reagent or the signal itself.” [clsi]

  5. Signal

  6. Столкновение прав (заявляемых или патентных); приоритетный спор

  7. A scrambling of the content of signals by the reception of desired signals.

  8. Disturbances of an electrical or electromagnetic nature that introduce undesirable responses in other electronic equipment.

  9. A range of phenomena associated with the superposition of waves

  10. For light, the way that waves add together, depending on their phase. constructive interference occurs when the waves are in phase and their amplitudes add. destructive interference occurs when the waves are 180 degree out of phase and their amplitudes cancel.

  11. N интерференция interfix n интерфикс

  12. The static and other noises sometimes heard over the phone line.

  13. Столкновение одновременно заявляемых прав на патент

  14. Distortion of a light wave due to interaction with another wave

  15. A proceeding, conducted before the patent trial and appeal board, to determine priority of invention between a pending application and one or more pending applications and/or one or more unexpired patents under pre-aia u.s. patent law.

  16. A proceeding conducted before the board of patent appeals and interferences to determine the priority of invention between a pending application and one or more pending applications and one or more unexpired patents.

  17. The negative effect of a learners first language(s) on the learning of a target language.

  18. Помехи, наводки

Edge loss, английский
    Withdrawal of the powder from the edges during melting; insufficient coatingthickness atthe edges

Picture frame effect, английский
    Visible surface deviation (gloss, flow, structure for­mation) around the edges of a component