Глоссарий геологических терминов |
(adjective) pertaining to the physical character of a rock. hp
Local relief, английский
- A general term referring to the prevailing difference in elevation between the lowest and highest parts of the landscape at a given locale (e.g. the average difference in elevation between a representative portion of a valley floor and the tops of the bounding valley walls). sw
- A generic term referring to the collective, relative differences in elevation of a land surface on a broad scale; also called “relief”. ssm
Linear gilgai, английский
A type of gilgai dominated by parallel micro-low troughs separated by low ridges (microhighs) and oriented perpendicular to the topographic contour (i.e., up and down slopes); the prevailing type of gilgai on sloping terrain (slopes > 8 %). compare - circular gilgai, elliptical gilgai, gilgai. sw