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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Adhesive slate

Глоссарий горнодобывающей промышленности

    Adhesive, английский
    1. A substance used to bond two surfaces together.

    2. Клей; клеящее вещество

    3. A substance capable of holding materials together by surface attachment

    4. A substance capable of holding materials together by bonding the surfaces that are in contact.

    5. A substance capable of holding materials together by surface attachment.

    6. Contact

    7. Heat activated

    8. Solvent activated

    Adhesive activated yarns, английский
      Yarns treated by the fiber manufacturer to promote better adhesion to another material such as rubber and/or to allow easier processing.

    Adhesive bonded wooden constructions, английский

    Adhesive bonding, английский

    Adhesive dentistry, английский

    Adhesive dressing, английский
      A dressing with a sticky substance on the back so that it can stick to the skin

    Adhesive failure, английский
      The separation of two surfaces joined by an adhesive, either by a force less than that specified by the manufacturer or by service conditions.

    Adhesive joint, английский
      The location at which two adherends are held together with a layer of adhesive.

    Adhesive migration, английский
      In nonwovens, the movement of adhesive together with its carrier solvent in a fabric during drying, giving it a non-uniform distribution within the web, usually increasing to the outer layers.

    Adhesive sheet, английский

    Adhesive spot welding, английский

    Adhesive strapping, английский
      Overlapping strips of adhesive plaster used to protect a lesion

    Adhesive strength, английский
      Describes the adherence of one material to another; during coating, the adhesion of the powder coating to the substrate

    Adhesive tap test, английский
      Испытание адгезии металлического покрытия липкой лентой (покрытие надрезано по прямоугольной сетке, после чего на него наклеена липкая лента. адгезия покрытия определяется по отставанию от поверхности основания кусочков покрытия цри отдирании липкой ленты)

    Adhesive tape, английский

    Adhesive tape; self- adhesive tape;, английский

    Adhesive water, английский

    Adhesive waterproofing), английский

    Adhesive wear, английский
    1. Is often referred to as galling, scuffing, scoring, or seizing. it happens when sliding surfaces contact one another, causing fragments to be pulled from one surface and to adhere to the other.

    2. See wear, adhesive.

    Adhesive weight, английский
      The total weight carried on the driving axles of a vehicle and therefore contributing to adhesion.

    Adiabatic calorimeter, английский

    Ader wax, английский