
Новости переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Electron diffraction

Глоссарий терминов в нанотехнологиях
    A surface science technique used to examine solids by firing a beam of electrons at a sample and observing the electron deflection from the sample’s atomic nuclei.

Diffract, английский

Diffracted bandwidth, английский
    Ширина полосы дифракции

Diffracted beam, английский

Diffracted event, английский
    Ось синфазности диафрагировая

Diffracted field, английский

Diffracted light, английский

Diffracted light energy, английский

Diffracted object field, английский

Diffracted radiation, английский

Diffracted wave, английский

Diffracted wavefront, английский

Diffracted-beam energy, английский

Diffracting aperture, английский

Diffraction, английский
  1. The "spreading" of waves into the lee of obstacles such as breakwaters by the transfer of wave energy along wave crests. diffracted waves are lower in height than incident waves.

  2. Дифракция

  3. Deviation of the direction of propagation of a radiation, determined by the wave nature of radiation, and occurring when the radiation passes the edge of an obstacle.

  4. A wave property which creates deviation from a straight line when the beam passes near an edge of an opaque object. deviation of part of a beam, determined by the wave nature of radiation and occurring when the radiation passes the edge of an opaque obstacle.

  5. Light curves or travels around small circular objects.

  6. The changing of direction (bending or spreading) that occurs when a light wave interacts with an opening or barrier

  7. (1) in acoustics, the reflection of a wave front when passing the edge of an ultrasonically opaque object. (2) in radiation technologies, a special case of scatter, where coherently scattered photons undergo interference or reinforcement, resulting in patterns indicative of the scattering medium. see also xray diffraction.

  8. (1) в акустике - отражение волнового фронта при прохождении края непрозрачного для ультразвука объекта. (2) в радиационных технологиях - особый случай рассеяния, когда когерентно рассеянные фотоны подвергаются интерференции или усилению, что приводит к образованию структур, указывающих на рассеивающую среду. см. также дифракция рентгеновских лучей.

  9. (1) in radiographic testing, special case of scatter, where coherently scattered (full intensity is retained) photons undergo interference or reinforcement, resulting in patterns indicative of the scattering medium. see also x-ray diffraction. (2) in ultrasonic testing, deflection of a wavefront when passing the edge of an ultrasonically opaque object.15

  10. Deflection of a wavefront when passing the edge of an ultrasonically opaque object.7,22

Diffraction (rt), английский
    The scattering of incident radiation from the regularly spaced atoms in crystals or complex molecules such that interference between the scattered waves results in a pattern of maxima and minima in the intensity of the scattered radiation.

Diffraction (ut), английский
    The deflection of a wave front when passing the edges of an obstacle.

Diffraction formula, английский

Diffraction from hologram, английский

Diffraction from pattern, английский

Diffraction from volume hologram, английский

Diffraction grating, английский
  1. An array of fine, parallel, equally-spaced reflecting or transmitting lines that mutually enhance the effects of diffraction to concentrate the diffracted light in a few directions determined by the spacing of the lines and by the wavelength of the light

  2. An array of fine, parallel, equally spaced reflecting or transmitting lines that mutually enhance the effects of diffraction to concentrate the diffracted light in a few directions determined by the spacing of the lines and by the wavelength of the light.

  3. Дифракционная решетка

Deflection, английский
  1. The deference between a tire's unloaded or free radius and the loaded radius.

  2. Vertical distance between the chord and the skyline, measured at midspan; frequently expressed as a percentage of the horizontal span length (22).

  3. The displacement of a structural member or system under load.

  4. Отклонение

  5. The ricochet of a ball after it hits a player.

  6. The tendency of a ship from her true course; the departure of the magnetic needle from its true bearing, when influenced by iron or the local attraction of the mass. in artillery, the deviation of a shot from the direction in which it is fired. the term is usually reserved to lateral deviations, especially those resulting from irregular causes—those constant ones due to the regular motion of rifled projectiles coming under either of the designations “constant deflection,” “derivation,” borrowed from the french, or “drift,” from the americans. these latter, according to the direction usually given to the rifling in the present day, all tend away to the right, though they include some subordinate curves not yet distinctly determined.

  7. [1] gunnery term for the angle between the line-of-sight to the target and the line-of-sight to which the gun must be pointed to compensate for movement, wind, etc. [2] deviation of a compass needle caused by local magnetic influence, especially on a ship.

  8. A change in the intended course of a borehole produced intentionally or unintentionally by various conditions encountered in the drill hole or by the operational characteristics of the drilling equipment used. also called deviation.

  9. Отклонение от прямого направления отклонение магнитной стрелки; отклонение стрелки (приборов)

  10. See static tire deflection,

Electron equivalents (ees), английский
    A class of programmable atom equivalent that is much smaller than traditional paes. the small size allows these materials to diffuse throughout the crystalline assemblies, much like classical electrons in metal solids.

Electroluminescence (el), английский
    The light produced by some materials — mainly semiconductors — when exposed to an electric field. in this process, the electric field excites electrons in the material, which then emit the excess energy in the form of photons. light-emitting diodes (leds) are the most well known example of el.