
Новости переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Excited states

Глоссарий терминов в нанотехнологиях
    In quantum mechanics, all levels of energy above the lowest or ground state (also known as equilibrium). excited states are ranked in order of increasing energy; that is, the second excited state has higher energy than the first.

Excitare, латинский

Excitare fluctus in simpulo, латинский
    Поднять бурю в стакане воды

Excitare [1], латинский

Excitatio, английский

Excitatio, onis, f, латинский

Excitatioll, английский

Excitation, английский
  1. Возбуждение

  2. Energizing the active medium to a state of population inversion.

  3. The state of being mentally or physically aroused

Excitation, французский

Excitation coil, английский
    Coil that carries the excitation current. also called primary coil or winding. see sensing coil.

Excitation field, primary field, английский

Excitation potential, английский
    Потенциал возбуждения (потенциал, прилагаемый к рентгеновской трубке для создания характеристичного излучения из мишени)

Excitation power amplifier, английский

Excitation response, английский

Excitation system response, английский

Excitation time, английский

Excitation, induction, английский

Excitator, oris, m, латинский

Excitatus, a, um, латинский

Excite, английский

Excited, английский

Excited state, английский
    Atom with an electron in a higher energy level than it normally occupies.

Equilibrium, английский
  1. Равновесие

  2. The state of being equally balanced; a state of a body in which the forces acting on it are equally balanced.

  3. A state of balance

  4. Равновесие, равновесное состояние ~ of forces равновесие сил

  5. Literally balance, here balance of forces acting on each other. in a static equilibrium forces compensate each other so that the system is motionless, e.g., a scale at rest. if forces do not compensate each other fully at one instant in time, a system moves until it encounters higher-order constraints, e.g, after starting an engine, it accelerates to a point at which energy supply and work load plus friction are again in balance. in such a dynamic equilibrium, forces complement each other dynamically so that the system`s behavior is repetitive, predictable, does not generate new states and the trajectory follows a regular cycle. e.g., mass production at a well-worked out assembly line, sterotypical conversation within a 28 family, routine administrative procedures. a system may have several distinct equilibria (->polystability). a system in equilibrium conveys no information. one important equilibrium property is stability. homeostasis is a process of interaction favouring an equilibrium.

  6. The stable state of the system. see: attractor.

  7. A state of balance in which there is no tendency for change. see disequilibrium.

Increasing, английский

Ferroelectrics, английский
    Crystalline substances that have a permanent spontaneous electric polarization (electric dipole moment per cubic centimeter) that can be reversed by an electric field.

Electro-optics, английский
    The study of the influence of an electric field on the optical properties of matter — especially in crystalline form — such as transmission, emission, and absorption of light. also known as optoelectronics.