
Новости переводов

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Disability discrimination

Юридический глоссарий по психическому здоровью
    When someone is treated worse because of their physical or mental health condition, this is known as `disability discrimination`. the equality act is the law that explains what a disability is, and when worse treatment counts as discrimination. generally, you have to show that you have a disability before you can challenge worse treatment as disability discrimination. the exceptions to this are if you received worse treatment because your employer thinks you`re disabled but you`re not, or because of your association with a disabled person. see our pages on disability discrimination for more information.

Disability, английский
  1. Нетрудоспособность

  2. Disabilidad

  3. Invalidez, minusvalía, discapacidad, incapacidad, inhabilidad

  4. Инвалидность, нетрудоспособность

  5. According to the americans with disabilities act, a legally specified incapacity or disqualification.

  6. A condition in which part of the body does not function in the usual way and makes some activities difficult or impossible.  learning disability ‘…disability – any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being’ [who]

  7. Инвалидность; недееспособность; нетрудоспособность disability-adjusted life years (daly)

  8. Инвалидность; недееспособность; нетрудоспособность

  9. Недееспособность

  10. Impairment, handicap

  11. Impairment, handicap a physical or mental condition that limits, but does not prevent, the performance of certain tasks (for example, a person who is blind or deaf)

  12. The inability to perform all or part of one’s occupational duties because of an accident or illness. this can be due to a sickness, injury or mental condition and does not necessarily have to have been caused by the job itself.

  13. `disability` has a special legal meaning under the equality act, which is broader than the usual way you might understand the word. the equality act says that you have a disability if you have an impairment that is either physical or mental and the impairment has a substantial, adverse and long term effect on your normal daily activities.

Disability denial notice, английский
    Извещение об отказе признать нетрудоспособным

Disability determination services, английский
    Служба по определению нетрудоспособности

Disability evaluation specialist, английский
    Специалист по оценке инвалидности

Disability freeze, английский

Disability glare, английский
    Glare that reduces visual performance and visibility and often is accompanied by discomfort. disappearing stair, folding stair, loft ladder a swinging stair, usually a folding ladder, which enables passage to an attic space or loft. the stair is fixed to a trapdoor which, when closed, hides the stair from viewers below.

Disability income insurance, английский
    Health insurance that is paid to a policyholder who experiences a loss of income due to an injury or an illness. disability insurance plans pay a portion of the salary of a disabled worker until his/her retirement age.

Disability insurance, английский
    Страхование на случай нетрудоспособности

Disability insurance benefits, английский
    Страховые выплаты по нетрудоспособности

Disability-adjusted life years, английский

Disability-adjusted life years (daly), английский
    Индекс dalys или годы жизни, скорректированные на инвалидность показатель бремени заболевания в определенной популяции и эффективности лечения. он основываются на внесении поправки к ожидаемой продолжительности жизни (life expectancy) на долговременную инвалидность, по данным официальной статистики.

Discriminate, английский
    Отличать; выделять; различать

Discriminated union, английский
    Размеченное объединение

Discriminating hologram, английский

Discriminating monopoly, английский
    A monopoly supplier that charges different prices to different customer groups, based on different price elasticities. see price discrimination.

Discrimination, английский
  1. An act which confers particular privileges on a class arbitrarily selected

  2. Разрешающая способность; выделение (целей)

  3. Законодательство, налоги или другие меры в отношении импортируемых товаров и услуг, которые могут не напрямую или неумышленно дискриминировать ввозимую продукцию или услуги

  4. Различительная/разрешающая способность. способность выявлять и определять разницу между двумя элементами [15]. кроме того, способность изме-рительного прибора реагировать на незначительные изменения измеряемой величины.

  5. The act of drawing perceptual, notational or spacial distinctions. in social life, discrimination often implies a differential (favourable/unfavourable) treatment of categories of persons on arbitrary ground, an overt manifestation of prejudices. 24

  6. A content descriptor developed by the pan european gaming information (pegi) and the british board of film classification (bbfc).

  7. Различительная/разрешающая способность. способность выявлять и определять разницу между двумя элементами [15]. кроме того, способность измерительного прибора реагировать на незначительные изменения измеряемой величины.

  8. Either:

  9. The favoring of one group of people, resulting in unfair treatment of other groups.

  10. In employment law, discrimination means the adverse treatment of an employee based on a “protected ground” under human rights legislation. the protected grounds under the alberta human rights act include race, ethnicity, place of origin, sex, gender, age, religion, disability, and more besides (see protected grounds).

  11. From a legal perspective, discrimination occurs when an employee is treated unfairly on grounds such as sex, race, disability, or age. these are known as protected characteristics.

  12. There are many situations in which you may feel treated unfairly because of your disability, but the law only covers these types of discrimination: direct discrimination discrimination arising from disability indirect discrimination harassment victimisation not complying with the duty to make reasonable adjustments. in the uk, law that protects you from discrimination is called the equality act.

Discrimination detection, английский
    Детектирование с-дискриминацией

Discrimination filter, английский
    Разделительный фильтр

Discrimination in trade, английский

Discrimination instruction, английский

Association, английский
  1. Ассоциация, объединение, союз

  2. Two variables are associated if some of the variability of one can be accounted for by the other. in a scatterplot of the two variables, if the scatter in the values of the variable plotted on the vertical axis is smaller in narrow ranges of the variable plotted on the horizontal axis (i.e., in vertical "slices") than it is overall, the two variables are associated. the correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association, which is a special case of association in which large values of one variable tend to occur with large values of the other, and small values of one tend to occur with small values of the other (positive association), or in which large values of one tend to occur with small values of the other, and vice versa (negative association).

  3. N когн. ассоциация1

  4. Американская ассоциация производителей метизов [скобяных изделий]

  5. Американская ассоциация специалистов по антисептированию древесины

  6. Ассоциация (производителей) акустических и теплоизоляционных материалов

  7. Ассоциация изготовителей архитектурных алюминиевых изделий

  8. Ассоциация изготовителей конструктивных элементов из фибро- бетона

  9. Ассоциация изготовителей рулонных кровельных материалов на основе битума

  10. Ассоциация изготовителей стеклопакетов

  11. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных материалов и изделий

  12. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных метизов [крепёжных деталей] впп brinell hardness number твёрдость по бринеллю

  13. Ассоциация изготовителей теплоизоляционных материалов и изделий

  14. Ассоциация инженеров по подъёмно-транспортному оборудованию

  15. Ассоциация по научным исследованиям и технической информации в области строительства

  16. Ассоциация производителей изделий из ячеистого бетона автоклавного твердения

  17. Ассоциация производителей просечно-вытяжных металлических изделий

  18. Ассоциация специалистов по исследованию и совершенствованию деревянных конструкций

  19. Британская ассоциация (изготовителей) товарного бетона

  20. Национальная ассоциация (технического персонала) карьеров строительного гранита

  21. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей деревянных (строительных) изделий оа overall габаритный (размер) о/a on approval на утверждении (о проекте и тд )

  22. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей дубовых изделий для покрытия пола (сша)

  23. Национальная ассоциация по сборному железобетону (сша)

  24. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по выполнению теплоизоляционных работ (сша)

  25. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству кровель

  26. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству настилов покрытий зданий (сша)

  27. Национальная ассоциация поставщиков товарного бетона

  28. Национальная ассоциация производителей изделий из лесоматериалов nibs 1. national institute of building

  29. Национальная ассоциация производителей пиломатериалов

  30. Национальная ассоциация субподрядных организаций по установке оконных и дверных заполнений (сша)

  31. In psychology, the cognitive connection between two or more concepts or ideas such that the presence of one tends to evoke the others. in sociology, the process by which people become allied to one another and form groups as the result of such alliances. in statistics, the cooccurance of two or more events with a probability above what would be expected by chance. dissociation is the logical complement of the statistical concept of association.

  32. A relationship between peer objects.

  33. In performancepoint planning business modeler, the relationship between a source model and a destination model for the purpose of manipulating the arrangement of interpretive data and aggregating the corresponding numerical measurements.

  34. The definition of a relationship between entity types.

  35. The link between a collection and a deployment.

  36. The mapping of a file extension (for example, .mp3) or protocol (for example, http) to a programmatic identifier (progid). this mapping is stored in the registry as a per-user setting with a per-computer fallback. applications that participate in the default programs system set the association mapping for the file extension or protocol to point to the progid keys that they own.

  37. The state of being totally connected to, or experiencing, an event, mental or external. the opposite is dissociation (sometimes, disassociation), which is being an objective observer.

Information, английский
  1. Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.

  2. Информация

  3. Facts about something  have you any information about the treatment of sunburn?  the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened.  you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started.  that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)

  4. N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.

  5. In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.

  6. Информация; данные; сведения

  7. Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства

  8. Literally that which forms within, but more adequately

  9. Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.

  10. Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.

  11. Информация, сведения

Supervised community treatment (sct), английский
    You can be under supervised community treatment if you are put under a community treatment order (cto). for more information about what a cto is, how it affects you and how you can change or end it, see our pages on ctos. t

Unspent convictions or cautions, английский
    When a person is convicted of a crime, that conviction is considered to be irrelevant after a set amount of time (the rehabilitation period), except in very limited circumstances. after the rehabilitation period for a conviction has lapsed, the conviction is referred to as `spent`. this period of time varies according to the sentence received. a conviction is described as `unspent` if the rehabilitation period associated with it has not yet lapsed. simple cautions become spent immediately at the moment they are issued, while conditional cautions become spent after three months. v