
Новости переводов

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Копирайтинг в переводах

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Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Заряд , только заряды на воздух тратить

  2. , определенное количество взрывчатого вещества (пороха, твердого ракетного топлива, ядерного горючего), обычно снабженного инициатором взрыва или средством воспламенения. заряды бывают вышибные, метательные, подрывные, разрывные, ракетные твердотопливные и ядерные.

Пуля, русский
  1. Небольшой снаряд из свинца зачастую сложной формы для стрельбы из оружия с нарезным стволом.

  2. Пуля , отлить пулю, слить пулю

  3. , головная часть боевого патрона к стрелковому, охотничьему и спортивному оружию. делятся на обыкновенные и специальные (трассирующие, т. е. оставляющие след, бронебойные, зажигательные и др.).

Выстрел, русский
  1. Выстрел , на выстрел

  2. Горизонтально расположенное рангоутное дерево, подвешенное над водой перпендикулярно борту судна. выстрел предназначен для крепления шлюпок, а также для посадки в шлюпки членов экипажа судна.

Inserticulum, i, n, латинский

Barut, турецкий

Charge, английский
  1. In criminal law, each thing the defendant is accused of. (see count)

  2. The amount of refrigerant in a system.

  3. Заряд; заправка; загрузка

  4. Заряд

  5. To run into an opponent; legal if done from the front or side of the ball carrier; illegal against a player without the ball or from behind.

  6. The quantity of refrigerant in a refrigeration system.

  7. The proportional quantity of powder and ball wherewith a gun is loaded for execution. the rules for loading large ordnance are: that the piece be first cleaned or scoured inside; that the proper quantity of powder be next driven in and rammed down, care however being taken that the powder in ramming be not bruised, because that weakens its effect; that a little quantity of paper, lint, or the like, be rammed over it, and then the ball be intruded. if the ball be red hot, a tompion, or trencher of green wood, is to be driven in before it. also, in martial law, an indictment or specification of the crime of which a prisoner stands accused. also, in evolutions, the brisk advance of a body to attack an enemy, with bayonets fixed at the charge, or firmly held at the hip. also, the command on duty, every man`s office.—a ship of charge, is one so deeply immersed as to steer badly.—to charge a piece, is to put in the proper quantity of ammunition.

  8. [1] the explosive or propellant with which a gun or shell is loaded. [2] to load a gun or a vessel. [3] a formal accusation of infraction of discipline or crime. [4] to store electrical energy in a battery. [5] to pressurize a pneumatic or hydraulic system. [6] a figure, badge, or heraldic symbol on the field of a flag.

  9. The process of adding electrical energy to a battery.

  10. The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery.

  11. The document evidencing mortgage security required by crown law (law derived from english law). a fixed charge refers to a defined set of assets and is usually registered. a floating charge refers to other assets which change from time to time (ie. cash, inventory, etc.), which become a fixed charge after a default.

  12. Долговое обязательство

  13. Сбор, платеж

  14. Being charged means you`ve been formally accused of committing a crime. you will be given a paper called a `charge sheet` which will have details of the allegations, the date you have to go to court, and any conditions of bail.

Shot, английский
  1. 1. p. и p.p. от глагола to shoot (стрелять); 2. ружейная дробь; 3. инъекция, укол, прививка (разг., напр., a rabies shot

  2. The action of hitting the cue ball into an object ball with the goal of pocketing a ball

  3. A ball kicked or headed by a player at the opponent`s net in an attempt to score a goal.

  4. Same as injection (informal )  the doctor gave her a tetanus shot.  he needed a shot of morphine to relieve the pain.

  5. All sorts of missiles to be discharged from fire-arms, those for great guns being mainly of iron; for small-arms, of lead. when used without prefix, the term generally means the solid shot only, as fired for a heavy blow, or for penetration. also, a synonym of scot, a reckoning at an inn, and has immemorially been thus understood. ben jonson`s rules are

  6. [1] a solid projectile for discharge from a cannon or other weapon. [2] the aimed discharge of a missile. [3] the distance traveled by a missile. [4] usn term for a 15-fathom length of anchor chain or cable (the rn calls this a shackle of cable). [5] the union of two or more cables to form one long one.

  7. Small spherical particles of brittle hard steel used as the cutting agent in drilling a borehole with a shot drill. also called adamantine shot, buckshot, chilled shot, corundum, steel shot. see shot drill.

  8. An explosive charge or blast.

  9. Of no further use.

  10. Thanks, e.g., shot for the drinks bru.

  11. The number of filling yarns per row of tufts.

  12. In magnetic particle testing, the period of time when current is flowing through the test object. shot duration and the number of shots required for testing may be varied.

  13. Current flow technique. si (international system of units): measurement system in which the

Blast, английский
  1. Vent

  2. Взрыв; взрывная [ударная] волна; струя

  3. Звуковой сигнал, звук

  4. A sudden and violent gust of wind: it is generally of short duration, and succeeded by a fine breeze.—to blast, to blow up with gunpowder.

  5. Поблочная асинхронная передача

  6. The operation of increasing the diamond exposure on a bit face by removing some of the matrix metal through the abrasive action of grains of sand carried in a high-pressure stream of air. also called sand blast.

  7. The operation of breaking rock by means of an explosive.

  8. Взрыв || взрывать air ~ 1. дутьё 2. напорная струя воздуха hot ~ горячее дутьё

  9. Сильный порыв ветра

Количество, русский
  1. ~ of informatioia message количество информации в сообщении

  2. Кол.; кол-во

  3. Количество, число, сумма, цифра, контингент, наличность, состав; величина, мера. ср. величина и часть. , число , бессчетное количество, неисчислимое количество, несметное количество, несчетное количество

  4. – число, величина, численная определенность. о количестве спрашивают: «сколько», «как много», «как долго». см. также категория.

  5. , философская категория, выражающая внешнюю определенность объекта: его величину, число, объем, степень развития свойств и т. д.

Воспламенения, русский

Алый, русский
    Алый , красный

Пульверизировать, русский