
Новости переводов

12 февраля, 2023

Préparation à la publication d`un article scientifique : modifications et suggestions du relecteur

09 декабря, 2020

Relecture par un locuteur natif anglais

11 сентября, 2020

Révision en russe

11 марта, 2019

Souhaiter les fêtes en multilingue

20 декабря, 2017

"traduction professionnelle"

30 октября, 2017

Déchiffrement et transcription des informations audios et vidéos, transformation en forme de texte

20 июля, 2015

La qualité inférieure du texte original est un problème constant pour les agences de traduction

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Force portante

    Bearing capacity, английский

    Bearing strength, английский
      Amount of weight that a soil or subgrade can safely support (20).

    Load carrying capacity, английский

    Stability, английский
    1. Stability refers to how long a fragrance lasts, either in the bottle with the other ingredients, or exposed to heat, light or air.

    2. Устойчивость; стабильность

    3. It is paramount that a vessel is stable in all aspects at all times. when cargo is loaded/discharged, the stability is monitored by a computer, which takes into account the weight and position of cargo within the vessel.

    4. The ability of a laser system to resist changes in its operating characteristics. temperature, electrical, dimensional, and power stability are included.

    5. The resistance of a structure or element thereof to withstand sliding, overturning, buckling, or collapsing.

    6. Устойчивость

    7. Остойчивость - способность судна сопротивляться крену

    8. Остойчивость; устойчивость; устойчивость стержня при сжатии

    9. A quality implying a ship`s capacity to bear every motion of the sea.

    10. The property of resisting change or of returning to an original position if disturbed. this requires a ship’s center of gravity to be vertically below its center of buoyancy (cf. metacenter).

    11. Стойкость; устойчивость; стабильность о ~ under no-load

    12. Стабильность. устойчивость к распаду или иным химическим изменениям или физическому разделению [36].

    13. A reasonable length of time for a fragrance to remain stable before the product is affected by certain raw materials, heat, light and air.

    14. The tendency for air to rise.

    15. Устойчивость, стабильность. свойство системы сохранять состояние покоя или постоянного движения и восстанавливать это исходное состояние после любого воздействия или нарушения. в метеорологии этот термин часто используется как синоним статической устойчивости (см. stability, static) (вмо). stability, static (or hydrostatic stability) — статическая устойчивость; устойчивое равновесие (или гидростатическая устойчивость). состояние гидростатического равновесия атмосферы, при котором воздушная частица, смещенная со своего исходного положения, подвергается действию гидростатиче-

    16. A property of a system`s behavior when its equilibrium is disturbed. equilibria may be unstable, neutral or stable. an illustration of the three types is provided by a ball respectively balanced on a ridge, placed on a flat and level surface and in a concave hole. the three types differ in response to displacements. an unstable equilibrium requires hardly any disturbance to be lost, typically forever, e.g., the state of a volatile fluid, the beginning of a competitive game, equality among human interactors. a neutral equilibrium is arbitrary or non-preferential, whereas a stable equilibrium is such that a system returns to it after the displacing disturbance is removed. e.g., in wartime, civil liberties, production of consumer goods and communications may be restricted only to be restored after hostilities cease. this marks a stable equilibrium. however, if these restrictions persist despite the absence of war this would indicate that the equilibrium was neutral. equilibria are stable only relative to the magnitude of the disturbance. if a disturbance exceeds the threshold of a stable equilibrium, it may bring the system to another (unstable, neutral or stable) equilibrium (->polystability, ->ultrastability). adaptation is a higher form of stability in which a stable equilibrium is maintained or regained in the face of disturbances that attempt or temporarily displace the equilibrium. ~

    17. A term used to describe the tendency of a fiber or fabric to return to its original shape after being subjected to external influence, such as tension, heat, or chemicals.

    18. The relative steadiness or safety of a security or fund compared to the market as a whole. for example, money market funds and other short-term investments offer more stability than funds that invest in growth stocks.

    19. Tendency of a vehicle to remain in a steady state under the influence of perturbing forces, or to return to that state when momentarily disturbed from it. stabilizer bar (uk

    Force, английский
    1. Сила; усилие; (воздушная) армия

    2. Сила; (воздушная) армия

    3. N сила functional ~ функциональная сила (текста ) illocutionary ~ тра иллокутивная сила locutionary ~ тра локутивная сила perlocutionary ~ тра перлокутивная сила forecasting n прогнозирование foregrounding n когн. выдвижение3

    4. Сила

    5. A term which implies the sudden rush of water through a narrow rocky

    6. [1] a body of troops, ships, aircraft, or combination thereof. [2] a major sub-division of a fleet, tasked for a specific mission. [3] a measure of wind intensity (see beaufort scale).

    7. Перемещение, вызванное силой ~ of coordinate axes перенос [смещение] координатных осей

    8. Сила; усилие о - acting at one

    9. Сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными; ~ in design

    Force, французский

    Force account, английский
      A term used when work, 1 is ordered to be done without prior agreement as to lump sum or unit price cost thereof and is to be billed for at cost of labor, materials and equipment, insurance, taxes, etc., plus an agreed percentage for overhead and profit.

    Force account construction, английский

    Force aviation headquarters group, английский
      Штабная группа авиационного крыла корпуса морской пехоты

    Force balance accelerometer, английский

    Force balance servo amplifier, английский

    Force coefficient, английский

    Force coefficient:, английский
      Force coefficients give the overall effect of the wind on a structure, structural element or

    Force control, английский
      Управление по усилию, силовое управление, регулирование усилия

    Force cup, английский

    Force de tension, французский

    Force dryer, английский
      Силовой влагоотделитель

    Force exécutoire, французский

    Force exterieure, французский

    Force feed lubrication, английский
      A system of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied to the bearing surface under pressure.

    Force feedback, английский
      A technology that generates push or resistance in an input/output device. force feedback enables an input/output device, such as a joystick or a steering wheel, to react to the user’s action in appropriate response to events displayed on the screen. for example, force feedback can be used with a computer game to react to a plane rising in a steep ascent or a race car turning a tight corner.

    Force fight, английский
      Взаимонагружение в многокамерном гц за счет разности давлений в камерах

    Force fight reduction, английский
      Снятие взаимонагружения см. также force fight

    Force follow, английский
      Maximum topspin follow shot hit with speed. this term is used mostly when referring to a firm, nearly straight-in (small cut angle) follow shot.

    Force hydraulic motor, английский
      Привод распределительного золотника

    Bearing strength, английский
      Amount of weight that a soil or subgrade can safely support (20).

    Portance, французский