
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Profile settings

Глоссарий по вычислительной технике
    Настройка конфигурации

Profile, английский
  1. Profil

  2. Профайл, набор цветовых характеристик устройств ввода и вывода, используемый для контроля цветопередачи в системах управления цветом

  3. Профиль

  4. 1. a brief description of the characteristics of a person or thing 2. a set of data, usually in graph or table form, which indicates to what extent something has the same characteristics as a group tested or considered standard 3. the amount that other people notice somebody or something  verb to give a short description or assessment of somebody or something (note: profiling – profiled)

  5. Шаблон

  6. Краткий очерк; обзор; характеристика; портрет статистический отчет с изложением заданной информации по конкретному предмету. в оперативной деятельности воз этот термин чаще всего используется в связи с формированием национального информационно- аналитического обзора по стране (country profile) или с характеристикой реактогенных свойств вакцин (aefi profile of vaccine). program for appropriate technologies in health (path)

  7. Краткий очерк; обзор; характеристика; портрет статистический отчет с изложением заданной информации по конкретному предмету. в оперативной деятельности воз этот термин чаще всего используется в связи с формированием национального информационно- аналитического обзора по стране (country profile) или с характеристикой реактогенных свойств вакцин (aefi profile of vaccine).

  8. Профиль, проекция "бок" теоретического чертежа

  9. An outline, contour, or drawing showing the outline of a vertical section through a bit, borehole, etc. as applied to diamond bits, the profile serves to illustrate the shape of the bit crown. compare double-round nose, flat face, single-round nose.

  10. A perfume or perfumed product profile is a description of the fragrance prepared by a marketer, which is given to a perfumer for inspiration and formulation. the profile should contain all pertinent details in relation to marketing the new fragrance plan, type, name, package, color/theme, mood, impression, cost parameters, etc.

  11. A computer-based record that contains software settings and identification information.

  12. A group of settings that match content type and bit rate with appropriate audio and video codecs.

  13. A set of characteristics that define any business-related item, such as a customer, a company, or a business process. each profile is an individual instance of a profile definition.

  14. In expression encoder, a group of settings that adjust the quality of the encoded video.

  15. In windows powershell, a script that runs when windows powershell or windows powershell integrated scripting environment (ise) starts. the profile script sets up and customizes the windows powershell environment and can contain cmdlets, scripts, functions, or any valid windows powershell command.

  16. The descriptive information about a user that is shown to other users. this editable information is separate from the registration information they provide to establish their windows live account. this separation allows users to disclose or conceal personal information as they choose.

  17. The link to the personal page where users can store information (such as personal interests) and links (such as to friends and photos).

  18. The portion of a user’s yammer account that contains descriptive information about him/her that is visible to other users.

  19. To analyze a program to determine how much time is spent in different parts of the program during execution.

  20. Форм-фактор

  21. Краткий биографический очерк

  22. A side view of the tunnel.

  23. A cross section of the rail – see longitudinal or transverse profiles.

  24. Габарит

Profile, английский

Profile (portraits), английский
    A one-eye-only sideview of a person.

Profile a faible epaisseur de parois, французский

Profile album, английский
    An entity in microsoft dynamics crm where the user’s profile picture is stored as an attachment.

Profile alignment system (pas), английский
    A core alignment technique for fusion splices in which light is injected at right angles. a ccd camera detects the fiber’s refractive inlet profile in the x and y axes for optimization

Profile allege, французский

Profile based optimization, английский
    Оптимизация, основанная на профилировании

Profile based optimization;, русский

Profile buyer/seller, английский
    Trader trying to get involved in a stock who presents self as a buyer/seller to draw a call from a customer. that is the trader has nothing real, or natural.

Profile command, английский
    Контурное управление (обработкой детали, напр., на станке с чпу)

Profile configuration failed, английский
    Сбой настройки конфигурации profile-driven recompilation повторная компиляция с учетом профиля программы

Profile control system, английский

Profile definition, английский
    The properties that are available in a particular profile type. each profile is associated with a profile definition. for example, the new user profile definition could contain the following properties: name, age, gender, address, and so forth.

Profile dispersion, английский
    Dispersion attributed to the variation of refractive index contrast with wavelength.

Profile drag, английский

Profile draughts, английский
    In naval architecture, a name applied to two drawings from the sheer draught: one represents the entire construction and disposition of the ship; the other, her whole interior work and fittings.

Profile editor, английский
    A tool provided with windows media encoder that creates and edits the encoding profiles.

Profile file, английский
    Файл параметров (пользователя, устройства)

Profile flying, английский

Profile form, английский

Конфигурации, русский
    , в астрономии - характерные взаимные положения планет, луны и других тел солнечной системы относительно земли и солнца. различают верхние и нижние соединения планет, восточной и западной элонгации, противостояние планет, восточной и западной квадратуры. лунные конфигурации характеризуются фазами луны.

Application tuning, английский
    Настройка на применение

Keyboard customization, английский
    Настройка клавиатуры