
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Turret jib

Глоссарий горнодобывающей промышленности

    Jib, английский
    1. A triangular sail mounted on a stay from the stem or bowsprit to the mast.

    2. A triangular staysail at the front of a ship.

    3. Кливер, переносить (парус), перекидываться

    4. Стаксель - косой парус, поднимаемый на переднем штаге и своим передним нижним углом (галсовым углом) закрепленный на палубе

    5. A large triangular sail, set on a stay, forward. it extends from the outer end of the jib-boom towards the fore top-mast head; in cutters and sloops it is on the bowsprit, and extends towards the lower mast-head. (see sail.) the jib is a sail of great command with any side wind, in turning her head to leeward. there are other jibs, as inner jib, standing-jib, flying-jib, spindle-jib, jib of jibs, jib-topsails, &c.—jib is also used for the expression of the face, as the cut of his jib. also, the arm of a crane.—to jib, is when, before the wind, the sail takes over to the opposite quarter; dangerous in strong breezes. (see gybing.)—clear away the jib! the order to loose it, preparatory to its being set.—flying-jib. a sail set upon the flying jib-boom.— middle or inner jib. a sail sometimes set on a stay secured to the middle of the jib-boom.

    6. A triangular headsail, hoisted between foremast and bowsprit. jib-boom: a spar extending the bowsprit of larger sailing vessels. jibber-kibber: wrecker’s term for walking a hobbled horse along the cliffs with a lantern on its back. at night the motion, resembling that of a ship’s light bobbing on waves, was intended to decoy vessels onto the rocks for plunder.

    7. A particularly small foot hold, usually only large enough for the big toe, sometimes relying heavily on friction to support weight.

    8. A triangular sail attached to the headstay. a jib that extends aft of the mast is known as a genoa.

    Jib (working, storm), английский
      Стаксель (лавировочный, штормовой), кливер

    Jib -, английский
      Гусёк стрелы крана

    Jib adjustment, английский

    Jib and staysail jack, английский
      A designation of inexperienced officers, who are troublesome to the watch by constantly calling it unnecessarily to trim, make, or shorten sail.

    Jib boom, английский
      A piece which extends the upper end of a boom, 2.

    Jib car, английский
      Каретка стаксель-шкота

    Jib crane, английский
    1. Potence

    2. A crane having a swinging boom. jib door, gib door a door which is flush with, and treated in the same manner as, the surrounding wall so as to be concealed; has no visible hardware on the room side.

    Jib crane, английский

    Jib door., английский

    Jib end, английский

    Jib fairlead, английский
      Проводка стаксель-шкотов

    Jib foot, английский

    Jib headed rig, английский
      Топовое вооружение

    Jib headed sloop rig, английский
      Вооружение шлюп с топовым стакселем

    Jib holeman, английский

    Jib in, английский

    Jib of jibs, английский
      A sixth jib on the bowsprit, only known to flying-kite-men: the sequence being—storm, inner, outer, flying, spindle, jib of jibs.

    Jib sections, английский

    Jib sheet, английский
    1. Стаксель-шкот

    2. A sheet used to control the position of the jib. the jib has two sheets, and at any time, one is the working sheet and the other is the lazy sheet.

    Jib track, английский
      Погон каретки стаксель-шкота

    Turtle back, английский

    Turret coal cutter, английский