
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Dac instance

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    A copy of a dac deployed on an instance of the database engine. there can be multiple dac instances on the same instance of the database engine.

Dac, польский

Dac, испанский
    Acrónimo de digital to analog converter [conversor de digital a analógico]

Dac, английский
  1. Delay adaptive combiner

  2. Dynamic assignment scheme with the macs

  3. Damage assessment center

  4. Data acquisition and control

  5. Data analysis and control

  6. Data analysis central

  7. Delta air charter

  8. Digital-analog conversion

  9. Digital-to-analog converter

  10. Display analysis console

  11. Deployable accs component

  12. Dynamic air traffic control test

  13. Abbreviation for distance amplitude correction; also used to denote electronic distance amplitude correction on some instruments.

  14. Depot access conditions

  15. Design acceptance confirmation

Dac development assistance committee of the oecd, английский
    Комитет оэср по содействию развитию

Dac package, английский
    An xml manifest that contains all of the objects defined for the dac; the package gets created when a developer builds a dac project.

Dac package file, английский
    The xml file that is the container of a dac package.

Dac placement policy, английский
    A pbm policy that comprises a set of conditions, which serve as prerequisites on the target instance of sql server where the dac can be deployed.

Dac project, английский
    A visual studio project used by database developers to create and develop a dac. dac projects get full support from visual studio and vsts source code control, versioning, and development project management. dacl (n)

Dac, digital-to-analogconverter, английский

Daca, английский
  1. Demand assigned circuit access

  2. Div. des archives cartographiques et audio-visuelles, archives nationales du canada

Dacan, английский
    Douglas aircraft company of canada

Dacaps, английский
    Data collection and processing system

Dacb, английский
    Data adapter control block

Dacca, английский
    Г. дакка (столица бангладеш)

Dach, английский
    Deputy assistant chief hydrologist

Dachau, английский
    Г. дахау (фрг)

Dachiardite, английский

Dachkragen, немецкий
    übergroßer, die schultern völlig bedeckender, flacher kragen

Dachshund, английский

Dacia, английский

Data-tier application instance, английский
    A copy of a dac deployed on an instance of the database engine. there can be multiple dac instances on the same instance of the database engine.

Blind via, английский
    A copper-plated hole in a printed circuit board that does not extend all the way thru a pcb. this prevents probing a component’s signal pin by removing access to the via on the opposite side of the board.