
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Windows mail

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
  1. A feature of windows vista that provides e-mail client software with the increased functionality of instant search, and junk mail and phishing filters.

  2. The microsoft app for sending and receiving email.

Mail, английский
  1. A coat of armour. also, a number of rings interwoven net-wise, and used for

  2. Почта

Mail, английский

Mail, английский

Mail address, английский
    Почтовый адрес; адрес электронной почты

Mail and calendar, английский
    The two microsoft apps that allow users to send and receive mail, as well as manage events.

Mail answering machine, английский

Mail app, английский
    An app for office that appears only in outlook or outlook web app.

Mail app for outlook, английский
    An app for office that appears only in outlook or outlook web app.

Mail boat, английский
    [1] any vessel carrying mail on any route. [2] one under post office contract to carry mail on a specific route and schedule.

Mail bomb, английский

Mail box, английский
    A multiple arrangement of boxes for receipt and/or distribution of mail at a central maenianum 612 magnetic catch point in a building; mainly used in apartment or office buildings. mail chute, letter chute a small shaft for conducting letters from an upper floor to a postbox on the ground floor. mail slot, letter slot a small opening, often with a hinged closer, which is set in an exterior door, sidelight, etc., and through which mail is delivered. main 1. in an air-conditioning system, a major duct or pipe for distributing to or collecting from various branches. 2. in any system of continuous piping, the principal artery of the system to which branches may be connected.

Mail box. letter-box backplate a plate, attached to the interior side of a door, which permits the passage lemon spline ledger board 1.a ribbon strip. 2. one of a number of horizontal boards, joined by vertical supports, as in a fence., английский

Mail buoy watch, английский
    See hazing.

Mail chute. letter-drop plate a letter-box plate, often with a letter-box backplate., английский

Mail contact, английский
    A mail-enabled active directory contact that contains information about people or organizations that exist outside an exchange server organization. each mail contact has an external e-mail address.

Mail contractor, английский
    Подрядчик, занимающийся доставкой почты по договору с правительственными учреждениями

Mail control, английский
    The primary navigation tab for mailflow management features in outlook live: transport rules, called -€oerules-€? in outlook live service; supervision policies, including closed campus supervision policy and bad words supervision policy, and anti-bullying supervision policy; ip safelisting; domain types: hosted or shared.

Mail cover, английский
    Слежка за перепиской без вскрытия, перлюстрации писем mail-catcher приспособление для приёма и сбрасывания почты во время движения поезда

Mail delay, английский
    Time a payment spends in the postal system before delivery.

Mail delivery report, английский
    Уведомление о доставке почты

Mail directory, английский
    Каталог почты mail-enabled со средствами электронной почты; поддерживающий функции электронной почты mail-enabled applicationприложение, поддерживающее электронную почту

Functionality, английский
    The features, operations, functions, or capability supported by a program or program component.

Credential locker, английский
    A feature of windows where a user’s credentials are securely stored.

Windows service hardening, английский
    A feature of windows vista that limits the damage that can be done to the system by an attacker by preventing the compromised service from changing important configuration settings in the file system or registry or from infecting other computers on the network. for example, the remote procedure call (rpc) service can be kept from replacing system files or modifying the registry.