
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Strict mode

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    A state that applies a set of restrictions to javascript code.

Mode, английский
  1. В общем случае, гармоническое колебание в системе. в оптоволокне возможная траектория прохождения светового луча. число мод зависит от длины волны, диаметра сердцевины волокна, числовой апертуры и других параметров.

  2. Понятие, описывающее расхождения лучей света в оптическом волокне

  3. For lists, the mode is a most common (frequent) value. a list can have more than one mode. for histograms, a mode is a relative maximum ("bump").

  4. Мода (в статистике наиболее часто встречающаяся величина признака)

  5. A term used to describe how the power of a laser beam is geometrically distributed across the cross section of the beam. also used to describe the operating mode of a laser such as continuous or pulsed.

  6. An electromagnetic field distribution that satisfied theoretical requirements for propagation in a waveguide or oscillation in a cavity (e.g., a laser). light has modes in a fiber or laser. a single electromagnetic wave traveling in a fiber.

  7. A way of doing things. exposure modes are pre-programmed, user-selectable ways of controlling the readings from the exposure system to meet certain subject or picture conditions. these include aperture-priority mode, shutter-priority mode, program-depth mode, etc. autofocusing modes allow a choice of how the camera/lens will go about autofocusing.

  8. Мода. статистический термин для описания пика кривой распределения множества данных (т.е. наиболее часто встречающегося класса или значения). множество данных только с одной модой называется унимодальным. множество данных с двумя модами описывается как бимодальное.

  9. Mid-ocean dynamics experiment.

  10. In statistics, (a) the most probable occurance in a probability distribution of possible occurances and, if the occurances are ordered, (b) the occurance that is more probable than any nearby occurance. if a distribution contains two modes by the letter definitiona it is called bimodal.

  11. Действующие установки программы или текущее состояние.

  12. The manner in which acoustic energy is propagated through a material as characterized by the particle motion of the wave.

  13. The value that occurs most often in a series of numbers

  14. The value that occurs most often in a series of numbers in the following series of numbers, 8 is the mode: 6, 5, 8, 3, 7, 8, 9, 8, 4

Mode, английский

Mode, английский

Mode, шведский

Mode (statistic), английский
    Мода (статистическая). значение или значения, наиболее часто встречающиеся в совокупности данных [16].

Mode 1 and mode 2, английский

Mode byte, английский
    Байт режима

Mode c, английский

Mode centre, английский
    Центр зоны колебаний

Mode cleaner cavities, английский
    Optical cavities used as filters for improving the beam quality of laser beams

Mode cleaners, английский
    Devices which can improve the beam quality of laser beams

Mode competition, английский
    The phenomenon that different resonator modes experience laser amplification in the same gain medium, leading to cross-saturation effects

Mode conditioning patchcord (mcpc), английский
    Designed for gbe and fibre channel links using legacy multimode fibers and vcsel light sources operating at 850 nm. normally it is a pair of duplex jumpers that are installed between the transmission equipment at each end of the fiber link. the transmit side has a short singlemode section “offset” fusion spliced to mmf so the light is coupled outside of the center core defect of the mmf

Mode conversion, английский
  1. Change of ultrasonic wave propagation mode upon reflection or refraction at an interface.

  2. Change of ultrasonic wave propagation mode upon reflection or refraction at an interface.7

Mode conversion (ut), английский
    Changing from one mode of vibration to another; caused by retraction at an interface.

Mode converted signal, английский
  1. Unintended signal from mode conversion of primary test angle, due to interaction with component geometry such as the signals after a back wall signal in a long narrow bar.

  2. Unintended signal from mode conversion of primary test angle, due to interaction with component geometry such as the signals after back wall signal when testing a long narrow bar. 561

Mode coupling, английский
  1. A concept for describing and calculating light propagation in certain situations, e.g. involving nonlinear interactions

  2. The transfer of energy between modes. in a fiber, mode coupling occurs until equilibrium mode distribution (emd) is reached.

  3. Связь мод

Mode d'emploi, французский

Mode declaration, английский
    Описание вида

Mode detector, английский
    Детектор режима

Mode evolution, английский
    The dynamic process a multilongitudinal mode laser undergoes whereby the changing distribution of power among the modes creates a continuously changing envelope of the laser`s spectrum.

Restrictions, английский
    Limitations on the use or occupancy of real estate contained in a deed or in local ordinances pertaining to land use.

Javascript, английский
  1. Javascript is a scripting language that is used within html pages to add interactivity and additional functionality, normally in a client-side environment.

  2. Клиентский язык программирования, работающий посредством выполнения определенных команд, встроенных во фрагменты кода стандартных html-страниц, на компьютере пользователя.

  3. A scripting language targeted specifically to the internet. it is the first scripting language to fully conform to ecmascript, the web’s only standard scripting language. despite its name, javascript is not a derivative of java; its origin is netscape’s livescript language.

  4. A scripting language used to create interactive or animated content for the internet, such as games or advanced financial applications.

  5. A set of program instructions, vaguely similar to- java- but not actually related, written straight into the html of a webpage instead of as an applet.

  6. A programming language that makes it possible to dynamically insert content, links, meta data, or other elements, on websites. javascript can potentially make it difficult for search engine bots to crawl and index webpages and increase the time it takes for webpage to load for users.

  7. A programming and scripting language that is often embedded in html content to add non-static features.

Paused ( adverb ), английский
    A state that applies to a node in a failover cluster or server cluster. the node is a fully active member in the cluster but cannot accept new clustered services or applications. for example, a clustered service or application cannot fail over or fail back to a paused node. you can administer and maintain a paused node.

Data-overrun error, английский
    A state in which the sending computer is transmitting characters faster than the receiving computer can accommodate them. if this problem persists, reduce the bits-per-second (bps) rate.