
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

New wave

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 66.

New, английский
  1. Of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being

  2. Fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recent

  3. Госво новая зеландия (на о-вах новая зеландия, тихий ок.);

  4. Пров. нью-брансуик (канада)

  5. О-ва новая зеландия (тихий ок.)

  6. Г. нью-брансуик (шт. ньюджерси, сша)

  7. Арх. новосибирские острова (восточно-сибирское м., ссср)

  8. A новый metaphor newspeak n новояз3 1 концепция врождённости языка. 2 см. примечания к plesionym и synonym.

  9. Новый; новейший; современный

New, английский

New, английский

New & rising, английский
    The category of items (apps or games) that are suggested to users due to their recent popularity.

New & rising apps, английский
    The category of items (apps or games) that are suggested to users due to their recent popularity.

New & rising games, английский
    The category of items (apps or games) that are suggested to users due to their recent popularity. new + rising apps (pn)

New (crude) oil, английский
    Новая нефть. нефть месторождений, обнаруженных или введенных в эксплуатацию после определенной даты ( в сша - после 31 декабря 1972 г., в австралии - после 14 сентября 1975 г., в канаде - после 31 декабря 1980 г.). в целях стимулирования поисково-разведоч

New (oil) field, английский
    Новое (нефтяное) месторождение (англ.). нефтяное месторождение в британском секторе северного моря, не являющееся объектом промышленного освоения до 1 апреля 1982 г

New act, английский
    The going on shore without leave, and which though thus termed new, is an old trick.

New admission, английский
    A state inmate sentenced to the doc on a felony conviction who is not currently serving another active doc sentence. a new admission also includes non-state inmates serving federal time with the doc for a reason other than a u.s. marshal hold and inmates received through interstate compact.

New age, английский
    One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 10.

New albums, английский
    The collection title for music albums that were recently released.

New american cinema, английский

New amsterdam, русский

New and underused, английский
    Underutilized vaccines

New apostolic church, английский

New application, английский
    Новая заявка (по которой экспертом еще не было принято решение)

New art, английский
    Новая область техники

New austrian tunnelling method, английский

New background, nb, английский
    Новый задний план в ви- деофонии - семантическое подсостояние неопределенного состояния, соответствующее появлению за движущимся объектом неизвестного ранее заднего плана ср. new scene

New bedford, русский

Classification, английский
  1. Assigning data (i e , cases or observations) cases to one of a fixed number of possible classes (represented by a nominal output variable)

  2. Классификация; систематизация; засекречивание

  3. Классификация (упорядоченная группировка явлений и объектов; может утверждаться в качестве стандарта, в том числе национального или международного), см. nomenclature

  4. The work of putting references or components into order so as to be able to refer to them again and identify them easily  the abo classification of blood

  5. Классификация

  6. N классификация language typological ~ типологическая классификация classificatory a классификационный matrix classifying a классифицирующий article

  7. The placement of an item under the correct number in the customs tariff for duty purposes. at times this procedure becomes highly complicated; it is not uncommon for importers to resort to litigation over the correct duty to be assessed by the customs on a given item

  8. Классификация; категоризация; сортировка

  9. The process of assigning a set of records from a database (observations in a dataset) into (usually) one of ``small" number of pre-specified disjoint categories. related techniques include regression, which predicts a range of values and clustering, which (typically) allows the categories to form themselves. the classification can be "fuzzy" in several senses of the word. in usual sense, the classification technique can allow a single record to belong to multiple (disjoint) categories with a probability (estimated) of being in each class. the categories can also overlap when they are developed either through a hierarchical model or through an agglomerative technique. finally, the classification can be fuzzy in the sense of using "fuzzy logic" techniques. see also: clustering, fuzzy logic, regression. classification and regression trees (cart) classification and regression trees (cart) is a particular form of decision tree used in data mining and statistics.

  10. Классификация. для порошков (пыли)—разделение образца на фракции по размеру, форме и плотности частиц с помощью жидкости; основано, например, на различной скорости оседания фракций в жидкости или на разном поведении частиц в потоке жидкости.

  11. A systematic organization of classes.

  12. The placement of an incident into a hierarchy of descriptors that indicate what the incident is generally about. for example, an incident could be classified as being related to software, and then to microsoft, and then to word 2003.

  13. The type of updates that sce downloads from microsoft update during synchronization.

  14. An offender is classified for a particular security level and housed in an appropriate facility based on assessment of their crime, security risk and prison behavior.

  15. A code which provides a method for categorizing the invention.

  16. The code for a specific type of complementary work or variation.

  17. Классификация, номенклатура

Psychedelic, английский
    One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 67.

Cabaret, английский
    One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 65.