
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Queryable type

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    The type of the query variable in a linq query. the type of the variable that represents the data source is also a queryable type. a queryable type can be implicitly or explicitly typed, but in either case it must be a generic ienumerable or iqueryable type.

Query, английский
  1. Поисковый запрос

  2. N 1 вопрос (тж. question, interrogation 1); 2 вопросительный знак (тж. interrogation 2, interrogation mark, interrogation point, interrogation, mark of interrogation, point of interrogation, question mark)

  3. Вопрос по данным. синоним: data query.

  4. Запрос (в банковской переписке)

  5. The word, words, or phrase that a user enters into a search engine.

Query analyzer, английский
    Анализатор запросов

Query and reporting tool, английский
    Средство генерации запросов и отчетов

Query answer, английский
    Ответ на запрос

Query binder, английский
    An object that binds an existing streaminsight query template to specific input and output adapters.

Query binding, английский
    The process of binding instances of input adapters and instances of output adapters to an instance of a query template.

Query box, английский
    A text box in which a user types words to begin a search-as-you-type’ experience. a query box displays context-sensitive query completion suggestions

Query builder, английский
  1. Построитель запросов; средство формирования запроса

  2. The user interface for defining work item queries.

Query by example, английский
  1. Запрос по образцу

  2. Запрос по образцу; запрос по примеру

  3. A simple-to-use query language implemented on several relational database management systems. using query by example, the user specifies fields to be displayed, intertable linkages, and retrieval criteria directly onto forms displayed on the screen. these forms are a direct pictorial representation of the table and row structures that make up the database. thus, the construction of a query becomes a simple checkoff’ procedure from the viewpoint of the user. ‘

Query by form, английский
  1. Запрос через форму

  2. Запрос через форму; запрос по форме query-by-mail запрос по электронной почте; запрос, оформляемый в виде сообщения электронной почты

Query by model, английский
    Запрос по модели

Query clause, английский
  1. A single clause of a query expression. there are several different query clauses, each identified by its initiating query keyword. for instance, the from/from clause’ refers to clauses like ‘from c in customers’ in visual basic

  2. The combination of an expression (or query subclause) and its adjacent logical operator. it is modeled on the where clause of a sql statement and contains field name, operator, and value.

Query completion, английский
    Расширение запроса query composerформирователь запросов

Query construction dialog, английский
    Диалог формирования запроса

Query criteria, английский
    The set of criteria used to search for objects.

Query decomposition, английский
    Декомпозиция запроса

Query design, английский
    All elements included in the query window, such as tables, criteria, the order in which fields are arranged, and so on. the design also specifies whether auto query is turned on, and whether you can edit the source data.

Query design grid, английский
    Сетка проектирования запроса

Query designer, английский
    Конструктор запросов

Query enhancement, английский
    Расширение запроса

Query expression, английский
    An expression that uses a language-integrated syntax for queries.

Upgrade with maintenance, английский
    The type of volume license agreement that grants the new version rights to the licensed product family throughout the term of the customer’s volume license agreement.

Link type, английский
    The type of task dependency. the four dependency types are finish-to-start [fs], finish-to-finish [ff], start-to-start [ss], and start-to-finish [sf].