
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Sec fee

Глоссарий экономических терминов
    Small fee the sec charges to sellers of equity securities on an exchange.

Fee, английский
  1. Failure effects evaluation

  2. Feature extraction environment

  3. Пошлина; сбор

  4. Комиссия, взнос, платеж

  5. Remuneration for professional work.

  6. Оплата; плата; выплата

  7. Fees charged by central or local governments can be distinguished from taxes when they are charged as payments for the supply of particular services by the authorities. fees are usually not considered taxes when listing taxes to be included in a double tax treaty.

  8. Гонорар

  9. An amount of money charged for a particular service or product supplied by the uspto.

Fee (charge, collect from whom?), английский
    Плата (оплата, гонорары) (просить, взимать с кого?)

Fee agreement, английский
    Договор об оплате

Fee and commission expenses, английский
    Расходы на комиссионные

Fee and commission income, английский
    Доходы в виде комиссионных

Fee engineer, английский

Fee income, английский
    Комиссионный доход , доход от платежей и комиссионных

Fee petition, английский
    Петиция на оплату

Fee reductions/rebates, английский
    A fee reduction occurs when an investor is charged a management fee lower than the one specified in the vehicle terms (e.g. in the ppm or lpa). however, if the investor is charged the same management fee as the one specified in the fund terms, but once that fee is received by the management company, the investor receives a portion of its fee back as a rebate, this is considered a fee rebate.

Fee required by law, английский
    Пошлина, установленная законом

Fee schedule, английский
    Тариф на услуги (банка)

Fee simple, испанский
    The most complete, unlimited form of ownership of real property, which lasts until the current holder dies without an heir

Fee simple, английский
  1. An inheritable, possessory interest in land which may endure until the death of all lineal and collateral heirs of the first owner and which may be freely conveyed by its owner.

  2. Fee simple refers to the most common type of property ownership. it means the owner’s rights to the property are indefinite and can be freely transferred or inherited when the owner chooses. it is most often associated with single-family homes, as condominiums and townhomes are purchased with covenants, conditions, and restrictions.

Fee simple defeasible, английский

Fee simple estate, английский
    The most complete form of ownership of real property; absolute ownership. commonly used to denote a property where the owner has undivided title to the land on which the property is situated.

Fee tail, английский
    An estate of inheritance which is limited to one particular class of heirs of the person to whom it is granted.

Fee television, английский
    Абонентское телевидение; платное телевидение

Fee transaction, английский
    A transaction that registers revenue with no matching cost. feed (n)

Fee waivers, английский
    Fee waivers represent a portion of the management fee that is waived and can be used by the investment manager to satisfy a capital call. the waived management fee process and potential distribution of the amount waived to be used in a capital call are generally detailed in the vehicle documentation. the amount waived and the amount used for the capital calls for the year are disclosed in financial statement footnotes.

Fee-and-commission compensation, английский
    See: fee-based compensation

Fee-based compensation, английский
    Payment to a financial adviser of a set hourly rate, or an agreed-upon percentage of assets under management, for a financial plan. when the plan is implemented, the adviser may also receive commission on some or all of the investment products purchased, which would be fee-and-commission compensation.

Securities, английский
  1. Ценные бумаги (редко — облигации с пере ленным размером процента; облигации, ставка процентов по которым увязана с каким-либо индексом; облигации, которые можно обменять на акции)

  2. Shares and debt obligations of every kind,including options, warrants, and rights to acquire shares and debtobligations.

  3. Documents providing evidence of a share in the capital of a company (e.g. share certificate), or the indebtedness of some person to the holder (e.g. government or corporate bonds) or similar legal rights.

  4. Paper certificates (definitive securities) or electronic records (book-entry securities) evidencing ownership of equity (stocks) or debt obligations (bonds).

  5. Ценные бумаги

Minimum price fluctuation, английский
    Smallest increment of price movement possible in trading a given contract. also called point or tick.

Smidge, английский
    Small amount of price, usually +/- 1/8 or 1/4.