atmospheric | Атмосферный - |
atmospheric - | Атмосферная коррозия |
atmospheric absorption |
atmospheric air |
atmospheric and oceanographic image processing system |
atmospheric boiling point |
atmospheric burner | A gas burner in a furnace in which combustion air is supplied at atmospheric pressure. |
atmospheric chemistry | Химия атмосферы. область метеорологии, занимающаяся изучением химического состава атмосферы и протекающих в ней химических и фотохимических процессов (вмо). особое значение для контроля за загрязнением атмосферного воздуха имеют реакции, приводящие к образованию загрязняющих веществ (например, фотохимического смога), а также к их преобразованию в неопасную форму. см. также, помимо других терминов: nitrogen cycle; smog; sulfur cycle — круговорот азота; смог; круговорот серы. |
atmospheric cloud physics laboratory | Комплект приборов для изучения процесса образования облаков с борта орбитальной станции «опейслэб» асрм attitude control propulsion motors рулевые (ракетные) двигатели, двигатели реактивной системы стабилизации и управления [системы ориентации] асрт accep |
atmospheric combustion | Combustion takes place when gaseous, liquid or solid fuels react at an elevated temperature with oxygen by burning, thus releasing heat in an open combustion system. |
atmospheric condensation |
atmospheric condenser |
atmospheric conditions | - In general, the relative humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature existing at a given time.
- See atmospheric pressure; standard temperature and pressure.
atmospheric conditions. |
atmospheric cooler tower |
atmospheric corrosion |
atmospheric density |
atmospheric devices laboratory | Лаборатория разработки устройств, применяемых при полете в атмосфере |
atmospheric dilution |
atmospheric dispersion |
atmospheric drag | Сопротивление атмосферы |
atmospheric dust |
atmospheric effects | Атмосферные эффекты |
atmospheric emmission |
atmospheric explorer mission |
atmospheric extinction |
atmospheric fading | Gas fading |
atmospheric fluidized bed |
atmospheric freeze drying |
atmospheric infrared sounder |
atmospheric lymanalpha emissions |
atmospheric moisture |
atmospheric monitoring satellite | Спутник для контроля атмосферных условий |
atmospheric o | Single-action steam-engine. a condensing machine, in which the downward stroke of the piston is performed by the pressure of the atmosphere acting against a vacuum. |
atmospheric oxygen |
atmospheric perturbation |
atmospheric pollutants determination techniques pi |
atmospheric pressure | - A
- The weight of a 1 square inch column of the earth’s atmosphere. at sea level, atmospheric pressure is 14.696 pounds per square inch.
- Атмосферное давление атмт attempt попытка
- Pressure exerted by the atmosphere at any specific location. (sea level pressure is approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute.)
- The pressure of the air on the surface of the earth comment: disorders due to variations in atmospheric pressure include mountain sickness and caisson diseases.
- Ambient pressure caused by the weight of the earth’s atmosphere. because the weight of the earth’s overlying atmosphere varies inversely with altitude, atmospheric pressure decreases with elevation. also called barometric pressure. see also standard atmospheric pressure. compare gauge pressure; absolute pressure.
- Ambient pressure caused by the weight of the earth’s atmosphere. because the weight of the earth’s overlying atmosphere varies inversely with altitude, atmospheric pressure decreases with elevation. also called barometric pressure. at sea level, standard barometric pressure is taken as 101.325 kpa (14.696 lbf·in.–2). it is also equal to the pressure exerted by a mercury column 760 mm (29.92 in.) high — that is, equal to 760 mm hg (29.92 in. hg) or 760 torr.
atmospheric pressure gasifier |
atmospheric pressure. baroque a european style of architecture and decoration which developed in the 17th cent. in italy from late renaissance and mannerist forms, and culminated in the churches, monasteries, |
atmospheric propagation model | Модель распространения радиоволн в атмосфере земли |
atmospheric research information exchange | Study изучение возможности взаимного обмена информацией о результатах исследований атмосферы |
atmospheric residence time |
atmospheric riser |
atmospheric runoff | Атмосферные сточные воды (образуются вследствие выпадения атмосферных осадков) |
atmospheric sciences laboratory | Лаборатория научных исследований атмосферы |
atmospheric sciences research laboratory |
atmospheric sounding projectile | Ракета для исследования верхних слоев атмосферы |
atmospheric stability | Устойчивость атмосферы. см. stability; stability, static — устойчивость; статическая устойчивость. |
atmospheric steam curing | The steam curing of concrete or cement products at atmospheric pressure, usually at a maximum ambient temperature between 100 to 200°f (40 to 95°c). atmospheric-type vacuum breaker a backflow preventer containing a float check, check seat, and an air inlet port. as water flows through this device, it causes the float check to rise off a seat, thereby permitting the flow of water. if pressure is lost upstream or if the flow of water is turned off, the float check falls, thereby allowing air to enter the line and preventing backflow. atrium 63 atmospheric-type vacuum breaker atlas |
atmospheric steam curing. |