
Новости переводов

26 апреля, 2024

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Подготовка к локализации сайта

23 апреля, 2024

Копирайтинг в переводах

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Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

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Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Результаты поиска термина [displacement]

  1. Перемещение

  2. Водоизмещение

  3. The weight of water displaced by the immersed volume of a ship`s hull, exactly equivalent to the weight of the whole ship.

  4. The weight, in tons of 2,240 pounds, of the vessel and its contents. calculated by dividing the volume of water displaced in cubic feet by 35, the average density of sea water.

  5. Перемещение, сдвиг, весовое водоизмещение,

  6. The fact of being moved out of the usual position  fracture of the radius together with displacement of the wrist

  7. Водоизмещение судна

  8. Водоизмещение; водоизмещающее плавание

  9. The centre of gravity of the displacement relates to the part of the ship under water, considered as homogeneous. the weight of water which a vessel displaces when floating is the same as the weight of the ship. (see centre of cavity.)

  10. Weight of a vessel expressed as either the number of long tons, or the cubic feet of water, displaced by the hull (1 ton = 35 cu.ft of seawater or 35.9 cu.ft of fresh).

  11. The volume of liquid delivered by a single stroke of a pump piston.

  12. Sometimes used as a synonym for offset deflec tion, deviation, dislocation, throw.

  13. The capacity of an air compressor, usually ex pressed in cubic feet of air per minute (c.f.m.).

  14. The weight of water dislocated by the hull of a vessel.

  15. The weight of a boat measured according to the weight of water it displaces. a boat displaces an amount of water equal to the weight of the boat, so the boat’s displacement and weight are identical.

  16. Изменение линейного или углового положения* перемещение, отклонение органа управления

  17. The product of stroke and of cylinder bore and number of cylinders of an engine, representing the theoretical volume of (incompressible) working fluid that can be drawn into an engine with each cycle. see also capacity and swept volume. 45

  18. Displacement is where you change your nearest relative. the process of changing the nearest relative is often known as ‘displacement proceedings’. your nearest relative can be displaced if you or the local authority have concerns about the way that they are behaving. see our pages on the nearest relative for more information.
    The weight of water displaced by a floating vessel, thus, a boat`s weight.
    The volume of water measured buy its weight, that a boat displaces as it floats.
displacement -
    Вентиляция вытесняющим потоком
displacement angle
    Угол рассогласования; угол отклонения
displacement bleaching
    displacement curve of areas
      Строевая по шпангоутам
    displacement diagram
      displacement distance
        Расстояние, на котором заменяется данный объем воды (в водотоке)
      displacement error
        Ошибка из-за смещения
      displacement factor
        Index of vehicle performance usually expressed as a product of engine displacement and axle ratio divided by the product of drive wheel rolhng radius and gross weight. mainly us usage.
      displacement fluid
        displacement hull
        1. A type of hull that plows through the water, displacing a weight of water equal to its own weight, even when more power is added.

        2. A hull designed to travel through the water, rather than planing over it.

        3. Корпус судна с полным весовым

        4. A type of hull that plows through the water rather than skimming the surface dinghy 98 (planeing hull) or hovering above it (ground-effect vessel).

        5. A hull that "displaces" a volume of water equal to the weight of the boat. a hull designed to run in the water rather than on top of the water. when a displacement hull moves through the water, it pushes that water out of the way. water will then flow around the hull and fill the "hole" the boat leaves astern.
        displacement hull
          A hull that plows through the water, with little or no lift qualities displacing water equal to its own weight.
        displacement hull.
          Доски с толстым корпусом (обычно закругленные в поперечнике), доски известны как "доски 2-го дивизиона". отличаясь исключительной неустойчивостью и трудным управлением в ветреную погоду, они ходят быстрее, чем доски других типов, против ветра в
        displacement in transit condition
          Водоизмещение в транспортном положении (плавучей полу
        displacement lengh ratio (dlr)
          Отношение водоизмещения к длине
        displacement length ratio (dlr)
          Соотношение водоизмещение/длина
        displacement map
          Карта замещения; текстура замещения
        displacement pile
          A solid pile or hollow pile whose lower end is closed so that in being driven, the pile displaces an equivalent soil volume (either by compaction or soil displacement).
        displacement pump
          Объемный насос
        displacement responsive inductive transducer
          displacement speed
          1. The maximum economical speed attainable by a displacement hull vessel. this is a function of hull shape, waterline length, displacement, and drag. additional power may increase this speed by a small amount but is not economical (cf. hull speed).

          2. Also called hull speed. the theoretical speed that a boat can travel without planing, based on the shape of its hull. this speed is 1.34 times the length of a boat at its waterline. since most monohull sailboats cannot exceed their hull speed, longer boats are faster.
          displacement tank
            Мерный бак
          displacement tonnage
            Displacement when loaded to the summer load line. the normal measure of warship size. see tonnage.
          displacement variable
            Переменная типа "смещение"
          displacement voltage of the neutral points voltage
            displacement volume
              Удельная подача, расход за один оборот насоса, мотора
            displacement-time -
              Кривая зависимости перемещений от времени
            displacement-type float
                Усилия, вызванные перемещениями; ~s due to flexure (внутренние) усилия, возникающие при изгибе [от изгиба]; ~ due to a mass массовая сила; ~ due to friction сила трения; ~ exerted against the wall сила, действующая на стену; ~s exerted by