
Новости переводов

13 февраля, 2025

Правила составления библиографического списка: стандарты и профессиональная помощь редактора

13 февраля, 2025

Проверка переведенного переводчиком-человеком текста на машинный перевод: как отличить

13 февраля, 2025

Среднее время на создание одного поста для социальных сетей сократилось до одной минуты.

12 февраля, 2025

Локализация сайта на редкие в России языки

12 февраля, 2025

Что скрывается за запросом клиентов "заказать субтитры на английском языке"?

12 февраля, 2025

Как убрать кириллицу из текста и для чего это бывает нужно?

11 февраля, 2025

Корректура и локализация текстов для интернет-магазина

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Результаты поиска термина [interference]

  1. Effect caused by the introduction of unwanted electrical signals into an electrical circuit. in cctv this results in "noise" in the signal or picture, which disrupts the picture.

  2. Extraneous energy which tends to interfere with the reception of the desired signals.

  3. Disturbances of an electrical or electromagnetic nature that introduce undesirable

  4. “artifactual increase or decrease in apparent concentration or intensity of an analyte due to the presence of a substance that reacts nonspecifically with either the detecting reagent or the signal itself.” [clsi]

  5. Signal

  6. Столкновение прав (заявляемых или патентных); приоритетный спор

  7. A scrambling of the content of signals by the reception of desired signals.

  8. Disturbances of an electrical or electromagnetic nature that introduce undesirable responses in other electronic equipment.

  9. A range of phenomena associated with the superposition of waves

  10. For light, the way that waves add together, depending on their phase. constructive interference occurs when the waves are in phase and their amplitudes add. destructive interference occurs when the waves are 180 degree out of phase and their amplitudes cancel.

  11. N интерференция interfix n интерфикс

  12. The static and other noises sometimes heard over the phone line.

  13. Столкновение одновременно заявляемых прав на патент

  14. Distortion of a light wave due to interaction with another wave

  15. A proceeding, conducted before the patent trial and appeal board, to determine priority of invention between a pending application and one or more pending applications and/or one or more unexpired patents under pre-aia u.s. patent law.

  16. A proceeding conducted before the board of patent appeals and interferences to determine the priority of invention between a pending application and one or more pending applications and one or more unexpired patents.

  17. The negative effect of a learners first language(s) on the learning of a target language.

  18. Помехи, наводки
    A condition where an exterior diameter in the finish area of the bottle is larger than the mating interior diameter of the closure.
    interference absorption circuit
      interference bands
        Measured on an interferometer, the dark lines or “bands” optically projected across the face of an object to determine its shape by means of measured elevation
      interference between the subject and reference beam
        interference board
          (ам.) отдел столкновений патентных прав
        interference color
          interference copy of hologram
            interference copying of holograms
              interference detection and interdiction
                Countermeasures team команда по определению типа, источника и эффекта электро- 309 магнитных излучений на стартовых площадках ракет
              interference effect
                interference experiment
                  A method validation experiment which estimates the systematic error resulting from interference and lack of specificity. one test sample is prepared by adding the suspected interferer to a sample containing the analyte of interest. a second aliquot of the original sample is diluted by the same amount, then both samples are analyzed by the test method. the average difference of replicate measurements and the average difference for a group of interference samples provide an estimate of constant systematic error.
                interference figure
                  interference filter
                    An optical filter that selectively transmits one wavelength and reflects others based on interference effects inside the structure. also called dielectric filter.
                  interference fitted thread
                    interference frequency
                      interference fringe frequency
                        interference fringe pattern
                          interference fringes of holographic pattern
                            interference fringing
                              interference immunity against electrostatic discharge (esd)
                                interference immunity against •ast transient signal (burst)
                                  interference inverter
                                    interference methanometer
                                      interference noise
                                        interference objective
                                          In a microscope, a small, metallized glass mounted in contact with the test object and adjustable for tilt to control fringe spacing.
                                        interference pattern
                                          When two waves overlap, their amplitudes add at every point. this results in an interference pattern which records the relative phase relationship between the two waves, storing each individual wave`s characteristics. this is how a hologram works.
                                        interference prediction model
                                          Модель прогнозирования помех
                                        interference proceeding
                                          Судопроизводство по столкновению прав
                                        interference pulse
                                          interference rejection capability
                                          interference rejection factor
                                            Коэффициент подавления помех
                                          interference sealing thread
                                            Piping seal using a tapered connection made up under great pressure, forcing the mating surfaces together more tightly than is possible with a spiral thread. compare gasket seal.
                                          interference search
                                          1. (ам.) экспертиза на правомерность выдачи патента (в приоритетном споре)

                                          2. Экспертиза на правомерность выдачи патента (в приоритетном споре)
                                          interference study
                                          1. Анализ влияния. исследование с целью проверить избиратель-ность (или специфичность) метода путем добавления материалов, которые могут встречаться в пробах и которые, как предполагается, способны создавать помехи.

                                          2. Анализ влияния. исследование с целью проверить избирательность (или специфичность) метода путем добавления материалов, которые могут встречаться в пробах и которые, как предполагается, способны создавать помехи.
                                          interference suppression capacitor
                                            Емкость, подавляющая интерференцию
                                          interference with custody
                                            interference zone at the wing root
                                              interference-free range
                                                interference-to- carrier ratio
                                                  Отношение помеха