
Новости переводов

29 января, 2020

Congratulazioni sul sito HappyGreetings.ru

28 ноября, 2018

48º Conferenza Internazionale di Filologia a San Pietroburgo

22 ноября, 2018

Perché bisogna revisionare i testi di un sito dopo la traduzione

13 февраля, 2018

Una linguista scozzese ha definito la differenza tra una lingua e un dialetto

09 октября, 2017

Servizi di interpretazione durante le mostre a Mosca

13 февраля, 2017

Agenzia di traduzioni o traduttore freelance?

14 июля, 2016

Storia delle traduzioni: scarpe di moda

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Glossary of Anatomy (Italiano-Inglese)

      The pointed top of the scapula, which forms the tip of the shoulder
      adduttore lungo
        long adductor;
        long adductor
          adduttore lungo;
          1. Алатау (назв. горн, хребтов средней азии)

          2. Army launch area

          3. American library assn.

          4. Aft lower aftward compartment (ahm)

          5. Alighting area (icao)

            <... ala; army launch area; american library assn.; разрешенная посадочная площадь (площадка); пал. крыло;
            alveolo dentario
              dental alveolus;
              dental alveolus
                alveolo dentario;
                      A small triangular muscle at the back of the elbow
                      1. Ano

                      2. A short passage after the rectum at the end of the alimentary canal, leading outside the body between the buttocks and through which faeces are passed. see illustration at diges... ano; ano. sieso; анус;
                              A small projection on the outer ear opposite the tragus
                              ring-finger; third finger;
                                third finger
                                    1. Aorta

                                    2. The main artery in the body, which sends blood containing oxygen from the heart to other blood vessels around the body. see illustration at heart in supplement comment: the ao... aorta; aorta;
                                    aorta addominale
                                      abdominal aorta;
                                      abdominal aorta
                                        The part of the aorta which lies between the diaphragm and the point where the aorta divides into the iliac arteries. see illustration at kidney in supplement
                                      aorta addominale;
                                      aorta ascendente
                                        ascending aorta;
                                        ascending aorta
                                          The first section of the aorta as it leaves the heart and turns upwards. compare descending aorta
                                        aorta ascendente;
                                        aorta discendente
                                          descending aorta;
                                          descending aorta
                                            The second section of the aorta, which turns downwards. compare ascending aorta
                                          aorta discendente;
                                            1. Additive system of photographic exposure

                                            2. Вершина

                                            3. Analysis of performances and expenditures

                                            4. Ariane passengers experiments

                                            5. Additive system of photogra... apice; additive system of photographic exposure; a; analysis of performances and expenditures; ariane passengers experiments; песковая насадка; advanced processor extension; гребень антиклинали; вал,земляной; вершина; высшая точка; апекс; геоморф;
                                            apparato digerente
                                              digestive system;
                                              digestive system
                                              1. Sistema digestivo

                                              2. The set of organs such as the stomach, liver and pancreas which are associated with the digestion of food. also called alimentary system
                                              apparato digerente;
                                              apparato respiratorio
                                                respiratory; respiratory system;
                                                  apparato respiratorio;
                                                  respiratory system
                                                  1. Sistema respiratorio

                                                  2. The series of organs and passages which take air into the lungs, and exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide

                                                  3. Дыхательная система
                                                  apparato respiratorio; sistema respiratorio; rs; дыхательная система;
                                                  apparato urinario
                                                      apparato urinario;
                                                        arcata dentale inferiore
                                                          inferior dental arch;
                                                          inferior dental arch
                                                            arcata dentale inferiore;
                                                            arcata dentale superiore
                                                              superior dental arch;
                                                              superior dental arch
                                                                arcata dentale superiore;
                                                                arco aortico
                                                                  arch of aorta;
                                                                  arch of aorta
                                                                    arco aortico;
                                                                    arco dell’aorta
                                                                      aorta arch;
                                                                      aorta arch
                                                                        arco dell’aorta;
                                                                        arco palatoglosso
                                                                          palataglossal arch;
                                                                          palataglossal arch
                                                                            arco palatoglosso;
                                                                                1. the coloured part round a nipple 2. in the eye, the part of the iris closest to the pupil
                                                                              areola; пал. ареола;
                                                                              arteria aorta
                                                                                aorta artery;
                                                                                aorta artery
                                                                                  arteria aorta;
                                                                                  arteria arcuata
                                                                                    arch of foot artery;
                                                                                    arch of foot artery
                                                                                      arteria arcuata;
                                                                                      arteria ascellare
                                                                                        axillary artery;
                                                                                        axillary artery
                                                                                          An artery leading from the subclavian artery in the armpit
                                                                                        arteria ascellare;
                                                                                        arteria brachiale
                                                                                          brachial artery;
                                                                                          brachial artery
                                                                                            An artery running down the arm from the axillary artery to the elbow, where it divides into the radial and ulnar arteries
                                                                                          arteria brachiale;
                                                                                          arteria carotide comune
                                                                                            common carotid artery;
                                                                                            common carotid artery
                                                                                              The main artery running up each side of the lower part of the neck. also called carotid
                                                                                            arteria carotide comune;
                                                                                            arteria dorsale del piede
                                                                                              dorsalis pedis artery;
                                                                                              dorsalis pedis artery
                                                                                                arteria dorsale del piede;
                                                                                                arteria femorale
                                                                                                  femoral artery;
                                                                                                  femoral artery
                                                                                                  1. Arteria femoral

                                                                                                  2. A continuation of the external iliac artery, which runs down the front of the thigh and then crosses to the back of the thigh
                                                                                                  arteria femorale;
                                                                                                  arteria iliaca comune
                                                                                                    common iliacvein; common iliac artery;
                                                                                                    common iliacvein
                                                                                                      arteria iliaca comune;
                                                                                                      common iliac artery
                                                                                                        One of two arteries which branch from the aorta in the abdomen and in turn divide into the internal iliac artery, leading to the pelvis, and the external iliac artery, leading to the leg
                                                                                                      arteria iliaca comune;
                                                                                                      arteria iliaca interna
                                                                                                        internal iliac artery;
                                                                                                        internal iliac artery
                                                                                                          An artery which branches from the aorta in the abdomen and leads to the pelvis
                                                                                                        arteria iliaca interna;
                                                                                                        arteria mesenterica inferiore
                                                                                                          inferior mesenteric artery;
                                                                                                          inferior mesenteric artery
                                                                                                            One of the arteries which supply the transverse colon and rectum
                                                                                                          arteria mesenterica inferiore;
                                                                                                          arteria mesenterica superiore
                                                                                                            superior mesenteric artery;
                                                                                                            superior mesenteric artery
                                                                                                              One of the arteries which supply the small intestine
                                                                                                            arteria mesenterica superiore;
                                                                                                            arteria polmonare
                                                                                                              pulmonary artery;
                                                                                                              pulmonary artery
                                                                                                              1. Arteria pulmonar

                                                                                                              2. One of the two arteries which take deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation. see illustration at heart in supplement
                                                                                                              arteria polmonare;
                                                                                                              arteria renale
                                                                                                                renal artery;

                                                                                                                Glossary of Anatomy (Italiano-Inglese)

                                                                                                                Отказ от ответственности. Glossary of Anatomy (Italiano-Inglese) не охраняется авторским правом. Для создания глоссария редакторами бюро переводов были использованы материалы из открытых источников и опубликованы в образовательных целях. Если вы заметили неточность в терминологии, ошибки или факт неправомерного использования информации, свяжитесь с главным редактором бюро переводов по электронной почте.