Face, английский
- "лицо" (глаза, нос, рот, щеки и губы)
- The front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin
- Side of a hill or mountain being logged.
- Field ancillary computer effort
- Federation of associations on the canadian environment
- The front part of the head, where the eyes, nose and mouth are placed verb to have your face towards or to look towards something please face the screen.
- Скол
- The edge of a sharp instrument. also, the word of command to soldiers, marines, and small-arm men, to turn upon the heel a quarter or half a circle round in the direction ordered.
- [1] usn command to turn on the heel to left or right as ordered (the rn term is turn). [2] the after surface of a propeller blade (confusingly, the forward surface is the “back”).
- That part of a bit in contact with the bottom of a borehole when drilling is in progress and which cuts the material being drilled. also called cutting face, working face.
- To cover or build up a surface, such as the face or cutting points of a bit, with a layer of metal usually applied by a welding method. see dress 1, hard face. `
- One of the flat, more or less smooth, surfaces of a mineral crystal. 4. the bottom of a drill or borehole. 5. in any adit, tunnel, stope, or other underground workplace, the end at which work is progressing or was done last. also called. working face.
- The horse`s head. also, to turn toward a cow.
- The front side of the fabric as opposed to the back. this is the side of the fabric that is normally treated and tested to meet commercial standards. see id cord.
- The active front of excavation of the coal/ore in a mine.
- The location where excavation is taking place.
- The undisturbed soil immediately ahead of the shield.
- Треугольная или четырехугольная плоская поверхность, являющаяся базовым элементом произвольной трехмерной поверхности.
Familia, испанский
Ojo, испанский