
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий по эконометрике (англо-русский)
  1. Ковариантность; ковариация

  2. The covariance between two attributes or events is a statistical measure of their association. for two continuous attributes, the covariance is computed as s(x-?x)(y-?y)/(n-1), the average cross-product of the deviations of the individual values from their average or expectation. see also: correlation, expectation.

  3. A statistical measure of the tendency of two variables to change in conjunction with each other. it is equal to the product of their standard deviations and correlation coefficients.

  4. In programming languages, the ability to use a more derived type than that originally specified. covariance in generic interfaces and delegates allows for implicit conversion of generic type parameters. covariance is also supported for non-generic delegates for matching method signatures with delegate types. cover (n)

  5. A statistical measure of the degree to which random variables move together. a positive covariance implies that one variable is above (below) its mean value when the other variable is above (below) its mean value.

Ковариация, русский

Statistical, английский

Association, английский
  1. Ассоциация, объединение, союз

  2. Two variables are associated if some of the variability of one can be accounted for by the other. in a scatterplot of the two variables, if the scatter in the values of the variable plotted on the vertical axis is smaller in narrow ranges of the variable plotted on the horizontal axis (i.e., in vertical "slices") than it is overall, the two variables are associated. the correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association, which is a special case of association in which large values of one variable tend to occur with large values of the other, and small values of one tend to occur with small values of the other (positive association), or in which large values of one tend to occur with small values of the other, and vice versa (negative association).

  3. N когн. ассоциация1

  4. Американская ассоциация производителей метизов [скобяных изделий]

  5. Американская ассоциация специалистов по антисептированию древесины

  6. Ассоциация (производителей) акустических и теплоизоляционных материалов

  7. Ассоциация изготовителей архитектурных алюминиевых изделий

  8. Ассоциация изготовителей конструктивных элементов из фибро- бетона

  9. Ассоциация изготовителей рулонных кровельных материалов на основе битума

  10. Ассоциация изготовителей стеклопакетов

  11. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных материалов и изделий

  12. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных метизов [крепёжных деталей] впп brinell hardness number твёрдость по бринеллю

  13. Ассоциация изготовителей теплоизоляционных материалов и изделий

  14. Ассоциация инженеров по подъёмно-транспортному оборудованию

  15. Ассоциация по научным исследованиям и технической информации в области строительства

  16. Ассоциация производителей изделий из ячеистого бетона автоклавного твердения

  17. Ассоциация производителей просечно-вытяжных металлических изделий

  18. Ассоциация специалистов по исследованию и совершенствованию деревянных конструкций

  19. Британская ассоциация (изготовителей) товарного бетона

  20. Национальная ассоциация (технического персонала) карьеров строительного гранита

  21. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей деревянных (строительных) изделий оа overall габаритный (размер) о/a on approval на утверждении (о проекте и тд )

  22. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей дубовых изделий для покрытия пола (сша)

  23. Национальная ассоциация по сборному железобетону (сша)

  24. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по выполнению теплоизоляционных работ (сша)

  25. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству кровель

  26. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству настилов покрытий зданий (сша)

  27. Национальная ассоциация поставщиков товарного бетона

  28. Национальная ассоциация производителей изделий из лесоматериалов nibs 1. national institute of building

  29. Национальная ассоциация производителей пиломатериалов

  30. Национальная ассоциация субподрядных организаций по установке оконных и дверных заполнений (сша)

  31. In psychology, the cognitive connection between two or more concepts or ideas such that the presence of one tends to evoke the others. in sociology, the process by which people become allied to one another and form groups as the result of such alliances. in statistics, the cooccurance of two or more events with a probability above what would be expected by chance. dissociation is the logical complement of the statistical concept of association.

  32. A relationship between peer objects.

  33. In performancepoint planning business modeler, the relationship between a source model and a destination model for the purpose of manipulating the arrangement of interpretive data and aggregating the corresponding numerical measurements.

  34. The definition of a relationship between entity types.

  35. The link between a collection and a deployment.

  36. The mapping of a file extension (for example, .mp3) or protocol (for example, http) to a programmatic identifier (progid). this mapping is stored in the registry as a per-user setting with a per-computer fallback. applications that participate in the default programs system set the association mapping for the file extension or protocol to point to the progid keys that they own.

  37. The state of being totally connected to, or experiencing, an event, mental or external. the opposite is dissociation (sometimes, disassociation), which is being an objective observer.

Continuous, английский
  1. Непрерывный

  2. Непрерывный; длительный; продолжающийся

  3. A продолженный, дли- тельный, непрерванный form, future, past, present contoid n контоид

  4. Непрерывный, неразрывный, сплошной, неразрезной (об элементах конструкции)

Individual, английский
    Физическое лицо

Expectation, английский
  1. Математическое ожидание.

  2. Generally, the anticipation of something to occur at a certain time or place or in a certain way. in statistics, the probability of an event in a universe inferred from the relative frequency of observing that event in a sample.

Correlation, английский
  1. A measure of linear association between two (ordered) lists. two variables can be strongly correlated without having any causal relationship, and two variables can have a causal relationship and yet be uncorrelated.

  2. Соотношение; корреляция

  3. N корреляция, соответ- ствие regular ~s закономерные соответствия

  4. Корреляция

  5. Correlation is a statistical measure of the association between two attributes or types of events. it typically ranges from -1 to 1, with a -1 indicating a complete negative association (e.g., if one type of event occurs the other cannot), and a +1 indicating a complete posipage 66 tive association. for continuous attributes, the pearson correlation coefficient is computed as the ratio of the covariance between two attributes to the product of the attributes` standard errors. see also: covariance.

  6. To correlate, in a stratigraphic sense, is to show correspondence in character and in stratigraphic position between geographically separated stratigraphic sections or rock bodies. there are different kinds of correlation depending on the feature or property to be emphasized (see section 3.a.9 and lithocorrelation, biocorrelation, and chronocorrelation). coset. a sedimentary unit made up o f two or more sets, either o f strata or o f cross-strata, separated from other strata or cross-strata by original flat surfaces o f erosion, nondeposition, or abrupt change in character (mckee and weir, 1953, p. 384).

  7. Creating relationships between an email activity and other records by using the information from email headers.

  8. Statistical measure of the degree to which the movements of two variables (stock/option/convertible prices or returns) are related. see: correlation coefficient.

  9. The extent to which a relationship exists between two or more elements. often used in seo research to infer relationships of variables on search rankings due to the black box nature of algorithms. always remember, however, that correlation ≠ causation.

  10. A standardised measure, bounded between −1 and +1, of the strength of association between two variables.

Conjunction, английский
  1. N союз coordinating ~ сочинительный союз (ант. subordinating ~) subordinating ~ подчинительный союз (ант. coordinating ~)

  2. In nautical astronomy, is when two bodies have the same longitude or right ascension.

  3. Конъюнкция; логическое умножение

Programming, английский
  1. Программирование

  2. Constructing a program; usually in a high level language. the art of instructing computers how to store, retrieve, and process data automatically.

  3. Планирование

Originally, английский

Conversion, английский
  1. Transformation of a forest from one forest type to another, favoring a particular species or group of species through practices such as cutting, planting, or weeding.

  2. The wrongful assumption of ownership over the goods or personal property belonging to another

  3. Пересчет

  4. Преобразование, переход

  5. The process of changing one thing into another  the conversion of nutrients into tissue

  6. Модернизация (напр., станка)

  7. N преобразование; кон- версия4 system speech to text ~ распознавание речи5 text to speech ~ синтез речи6 conversive a конверсивный transformation cooing n воркование 1 семантико-синтаксическая фигура речи, предполагающая пропуск среднего звена в трехзвенной цепочке с последовательным подчине- нием, например: зеленый шум вместо зеленого леса шум. 2 слово, значения которого противоположны друг другу; “aloha” – 1. hello 2. goodbye. 3 определенный договором или соглашением. 4 изменение частеречной принадлежности слова, производимая лишь изменением парадигмы; в языках с отсутствием склонения или спря- жения проявляется просто как употребление слова в функции другой части речи. 5 преобразование речи (произнесенных слов) в письменный текст. 6 преобразование письменного текста в речь, автоматическое звуко- вое воспроизведение компьютером потока текста. cooperative: ~ principle принцип кооперации7 coordinate a 1 сочиненный (о предложении ); 2 однородный coordinated a сочиненный construction, structure coordinating a сочинительный (ант. subordinating) conjunction

  8. Reducing a vessel by a deck, thereby converting a line-of-battle ship into a frigate, or a crank three-decker into a good two-decker; or a serviceable vessel into a hulk, resembling a prison or dungeon, internally and externally, as much as possible.

  9. An action by which a subscription (the source subscription) is replaced by a new subscription, both owned by the same billing account, along a preconfigured conversion path. the source subscription is canceled and the destination subscription is the new subscription.

  10. An action taken by a visitor to your public web site that results in a desired customer response, such as requesting more information or signing up for a newsletter.

  11. The process of changing from one form or format to another; where information is concerned, a changeover that affects form but not substance. types of conversion include data (changing the way information is represented), file (changing a file from one format to another), hardware (changing all or part of a computer system), media (transferring data from one storage media to another), software (changing a program designed for one platform so that it runs on another), and system (changing from one operating system to another).

  12. In the context of securities, refers to the exchange of a convertible security such as a bond into stock. in the context of mutual funds, refers to the free exchange of mutual fund shares from one fund to another in a single family.

  13. Изменение

  14. Energy shows itself in numerous ways, with transformations from one type to another called energy conversions. for example, kinetic energy in wind fl ows is captured as rotating shaft work further converted to electricity; solar light is converted into electricity by photovoltaic cells. also, electric currents of given characteristics (e.g., direct/ alternating, voltage level) are converted to currents with other characteristics. a converter is the equipment used to realize the conversion.

  15. When a user completes a desired action on a website. examples of conversions include:

  16. A conversion is any desired action taken on a website like a purchase, the completion of a contact form, and so on. unique conversions can be set up and tracked in google analytics for a website so one can see how many times these actions have been taken.

Parameters, английский

Signatures, английский
    Signatures. the very earliest prints were not signed at all, although by the later part of the fifteenth century many artists indicated their authorship of a print by incorporating a signature or monogram into the matrix design, what is called “signed in

Ковариация, русский

Клитический, русский