
Новости переводов

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Подготовка к локализации сайта

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Копирайтинг в переводах

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Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

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Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

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На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий по эконометрике (англо-русский)
  1. Физическая величина, равная произведенной чем-либо работы в единицу времени.

  2. , физическая величина n, измеряемая отношением работы a к промежутку времени t, в течение которого она совершена; если работа совершается равномерно, то n = a/t. измеряется в ваттах.

  3. Способность исследования обнаружить ассоциацию, если таковая существует. м. исследования определяется рядом факторов, в том числе частотой исследуемого события, величиной эффекта, структурой исследования и объемом выборки. математически м = l – (ошибка ii типа). это характеристика критерия, применяемого для проверки статистической гипотезы, означающая вероятность того, что нулевая гипотеза будет отвергнута, если она в действительности ошибочна. см. также ошибка. разрешающая мощность (resolving power) — это сравнительное свойство отдельных измерений.

  4. Машины и оборудование, определяющие потенциальный выпуск производственных фондов.

Power, английский
  1. This is the probability that a statistical test will detect a defined pattern in data and declare the extent of the pattern as showing statistical significance. power is related to type-2 error by the simple formula : power = (1-beta) ; the motive for thi

  2. Refers to an hypothesis test. the power of a test against a specific alternative hypothesis is the chance that the test correctly rejects the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true.

  3. Conditioning, switching and control стабилизация питания^ переключение и регулирование

  4. Мощность

  5. The rate at which energy is absorbed, received, transmitted, transferred, etc., per unit time. optical power is measured in dbm or watts

  6. In an optical sense, the reciprocal of the focal length of a lens is equal to its power. lens (?) = 1/f f = lens focal length radian (rad)a unit of angular measure equal to the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius of that circle. one radian is equal to 360°/2?, or about 57.3°;1 mrad = 0.001 rad ? 3.44 minutes.

  7. The rate of energy delivery in a unit of time, expressed in watts (joules per second). thus

  8. The property of a lens to bring light rays to a focus.

  9. The rate at which work is performed, energy is transformed or transferred, or energy is consumed; usually expressed in watts or horsepower. power-assisted door a door that opens by means of a mechanism that is activated by an electric switch; especially useful to those with physical disabilities and often required by the americans with disabilities act. also called a power-operated door.

  10. N сила descriptive ~ описательная сила explanatory ~ объяснительная сила pragmatic(al)

  11. Mechanical force; in the steam-engine it is esteemed effective, expansive, or full. (see horse-power.)

  12. Оптимизация производительности путем усовершенствования risc-технологии

  13. Включать силовой блок [подачу энергии]

  14. The amount of electrical energy available for doing work, measured in horsepower, watts, or btu per hour.

  15. The rate of doing work. expressed as watts (w). for example, a generator rated at 800 watts can provide that amount of power continuously. pvc (poly-vinyl chloride): a plastic used as an insulator on electrical cables, as well as for conduits. contains toxic chemicals such as plasticisers. unplasticised pvc (u-pvc) is less hazardous as it doesn’t contain plasticisers such as phthalates which are often considered carcinogenic, but it does still require toxic chlorine compounds to make. r

  16. A button that shuts down or restarts the pc.

  17. The ui option on the start menu to shut down, restart the computer, or put the computer to sleep.

  18. Power is the rate in which energy is transferred or converted per unit of time or the rate at which work is done. it is expressed in watts (joules/second).

  19. Patent cooperation treaty operations workflow and electronic review

Potentia [ae, f], латинский

Energy, английский
  1. The product of power (watts) and duration (seconds). one watt-second = one joule.

  2. The capacity to do work; the amount of work that a system is capable of doing.

  3. The force or strength to carry out activities  you need to eat certain types of food to give you energy.

  4. Энергия

  5. Энергия; запас энергии

  6. Энергия о ~ per unit of volume удельная энергия (на единицу объёма)

  7. The capability of doing work; different forms of energy can be converted to other forms, but the total amount of energy remains the same.

  8. The power to perform chemical, mechanical, electrical or heat related tasks (see food chain). e. flow in ecosystems: the higher the trophic level, the less energy is available to the predator. e. pyramid: energy relationship among various feeding levels involved in a particular food chain; autotrophs (at the base) represent the greatest amount of available energy; herbivores are next; then primary carnivores; secondary carnivores; and so forth; similar pyramids of mass, size, and number also occur in natural communities (see biomass).

  9. Power consumed multiplied by the duration of use. for example, 500 watts used for four hours is 2000 watt-hours. also commonly expressed as kilowatt-hours, where one kilowatt-hour is 1000 watt-hours.

  10. The equivalent of, or the capacity to perform, mechanical work, the difference between two states of thermodynamic entropy before and after work has been performed. energy is measured either as the product of force and distance (e.g., in lifting a weight a certain height) or as the product of power and time (e.g., in getting an object to move with a certain speed). energy may be stored in a material structure as in a water resevoire or a barrel of oil or in a kinetic form as in the momentum of a wheel or of a bullet in motion. electrical energy is measured in kilowatt/hours (kw/h), heat energy in calories or in british thermal units (btu), mechanical energy in horsepowers, light in joules, explosives in tons of tnt, etc. different forms of energy are inter-convertable due to the first law of thermodynamics which makes energy the most important construct of physics. all physical processes including computation and communication are known to require energy (->thermodynamics).

  11. The ability (capacity) to do work. energy is measured in joules (j), calories or british thermal units (btu).

  12. The capability of doing work; different forms of energy can be converted into other

  13. The amount of work or heat delivered. energy is classifi ed in a variety of types and becomes available to human ends when it fl ows from one place to another or is converted from one type into another. daily, the sun supplies large fl ows of radiation energy. part of that energy is used directly, while part undergoes several conversions creating water evaporation, winds, etc. some share is stored in biomass or rivers that can be harvested. some share is directly usable such as daylight, ventilation or ambient heat. primary energy (also referred to as energy sources) is the energy embodied in natural resources (e.g., coal, crude oil, natural gas, uranium, and renewable sources). it is defi ned in several alternative ways. the international energy agency utilizes the physical energy content method, which defi nes primary energy as energy that has not undergone any anthropogenic conversion. the method used in this report is the direct equivalent method (see annex ii), which counts one unit of secondary energy provided from non-combustible sources as one unit of primary energy, but treats combustion energy as the energy potential contained in fuels prior to treatment or combustion. primary energy is transformed into secondary energy by cleaning (natural gas), refi ning (crude oil to oil products) or by conversion into electricity or heat. when the secondary energy is delivered at the end-use facilities it is called fi nal energy (e.g., electricity at the wall outlet), where it becomes usable energy in supplying services (e.g., light). embodied energy is the energy used to produce a material substance (such as processed metals or building materials), taking into account energy used at the manufacturing facility (zero order), energy used in producing the materials that are used in the manufacturing facility (fi rst order), and so on. renewable energy (re) is any form of energy from solar, geophysical or biological sources that is replenished by natural processes at a rate that equals or exceeds its rate of use. renewable energy is obtained from the continuing or repetitive fl ows of energy occurring in the natural environment and includes low-carbon technologies such as solar energy, hydropower, wind, tide and waves and ocean thermal energy, as well as renewable fuels such as biomass. for a more detailed description see specifi c renewable energy types in this glossary, for example, biomass, solar, hydropower, ocean, geothermal and wind.

Resolving power, английский
  1. Разрешающая способность. характеристика, определяющая способность оптической системы различать тонкие черные линии на белом фоне. задается числом линий на мм

  2. Resolving power. usual meaning is the reciprocal of the distance between two just-distinguishable subject details.

  3. The ability of a photographic system to maintain, in a developed image,

  4. Ability of detection systems to separate two points or lines in time or distance. resolving power depends on the angle of vision and the distance of the sensor from the test surface. compare resolution.

  5. Ability of vision or other detection system to separate two points. resolving power depends on the angle of vision and the distance of the sensor from the test surface. resolving power is often measured using parallel lines. compare resolution.

  6. Ability of detection systems to separate two points in time or distance. resolving power depends on the angle of vision and the distance of the sensor from the test surface. resolving power in vision systems is often measured using parallel lines. compare resolution.

  7. Measure of the ability of an ultrasonic system to separate two signals close together in time or distance.7,21

Thickness, английский
  1. Толщина ~ of pavement толщина дорожной одежды ~ of shell толщина оболочки

  2. The vertical dimension of a wing. (compare with span and chord.)

  3. Расстояние, на котором двухмерный объект выдавлен в перпендикулярном к его плоскости направлении для создания трехмерного объекта.

Takat, турецкий

Capacity, английский
  1. The person with the ability to perform under his or her will

  2. Мощность (добычи, производства).максимально возможный уровень добычи полезного ископаемого, максимально возможная нагрузка электростанции или другой генераторной установки, максимально возможный объем производства или выход продукции на перерабатывающем з

  3. The ability of a heating or cooling system to heat or cool a given amount of space. for heating, this is usually expressed in btus. for cooling, it is usually given in tons.

  4. The ability of a heating or cooling system to function in a given amount of space heating

  5. Usually measured in btus or tons, capacity refers to an air conditioning or heating unit`s ability to cool or heat a space. for instance, a 20-ton air conditioning unit has twice the capacity of a 10-ton unit.

  6. Емкость; объем; производительность

  7. The amount of contaminants a filter will hold before an excessive pressure drop is caused. most filters have bypass valves which open when a filter reaches its rated capacity.

  8. Ёмкость

  9. The total internal volume (of a container).

  10. Maximum number of people allowed in any given area.

  11. N способность generative ~ порождающая способность: strong ~ ~ сильная weak ~ ~ слабая capital (letter)

  12. Burden, tonnage, fitness for the service, rating.

  13. As applied to diamond and rotary drills, the load that the hoisting and braking mechanisms of a drill are capable of handling on a single line, expressed in lineal footage of a specific-diameter drill rod.

  14. As applied to air compressors, the actual amount of air compressed and delivered, expressed in cubic feet per minute (c.f.m.) of free air intake at sea- level pressure.

  15. As applied to pumps, the volume of a liquid the pump will deliver, expressed in gallons per minute (g.p.m.)

  16. A consumable resource which is pooled and reported as an aggregate value via a cloud.- cpu count, memory, and storage are examples of capacity dimensions.

  17. A resource’s time based on their resource base calendar minus certain standard exceptions. capacity is equal to base capacity minus an allowance for planned vacations, holidays, sick time, etc. for example, a part-time resource with a base capacity of .7fte might have a capacity of .65fte after accouting for partial benefits.

  18. The ability of a resource to produce an amount of output in a specified amount of time.

  19. The actual or potential ability of a resource to perform an activity or to produce output in a specified time period.

  20. Емкость

  21. Credit grantors` measurement of a person`s ability to repay loans.

  22. Plant and equipment that determine the potential output of a production facility.

  23. Производственная мощность

  24. A group of terms relating to measurements that include (a) storing or providing a substance or energy or (b) generating, transmitting, and purchasing power.

  25. In general, the facility to produce, perform, deploy or contain. generation capacity of a renewable energy installation is the maximum power, that is, the maximum quantity of energy delivered per unit of time. capacity credit is the share of the capacity of a renewable energy unit counted as guaranteed available during particular time periods and accepted as a ‘fi rm’ contribution to total system generation capacity. capacity factor is the ratio of the actual output of a generating unit over a period of time (typically a year) to the theoretical output that would be produced if the unit were operating uninterruptedly at its nameplate capacity during the same period of time. also known as rated capacity or nominal capacity, nameplate capacity is the facility’s intended output level for a sustained period under normal circumstances.

  26. Пропускная способность клапана или фильтра

  27. Мощность, грузоподъемность

  28. `capacity` means the ability to understand information and make decisions about your life. sometimes it can also mean the ability to communicate decisions about your life. for example, if you do not understand the information and are unable to make a decision about your treatment, you are said to `lack capacity` to make decisions about your treatment. see our pages on the mental capacity act for more information.

Равномерно, русский

Способность, русский
  1. Успешная стратегия выполнения некоторого задания. стратегия последовательность мыслей и действий для получения конкретного результата.

  2. Способность, дарование, дар, призвание, умение, ловкость, жилка, струнка, талант, гений; даровитость, талантливость, восприимчивость, переимчивость; годность, дееспособность, работоспособность, кредитоспособность, правоспособность. недюжинные способности.

  3. Определяются как такие индивидуально-психологические особенности субъекта, кои выражают его готовность к овладению некоими видами деятельности и их успешному выполнению, являются условием их успешного выполнения. под ними понимается высокий уровень интегр

  4. Определяются как такие индивидуально-психологические особенности субъекта, кои выражают его готовность к овладению некоими видами деятельности и их успешному выполнению, являются условием их успешного выполнения. под ними понимается высокий уровень интеграции и генерализации психических процессов, свойств, отношений, действий и их систем, отвечающих требованиям деятельности. включают в себя как отдельные знания, умения и навыки, так и готовность к обучению новым способам и приемам деятельности.

  5. Ability

Исследования, русский

Обнаружить, русский

Характеристика, русский
  1. ,..1) описание характерных, отличительных качеств, черт, свойств чего-либо или кого-либо...2) отзыв, заключение о трудовой, общественной деятельности кого-либо.

  2. , целая часть десятичного логарифма. напр., lg 300 = 2,4771, где 2 есть характеристика для lg 300; lg 0,3 = ,4771, где = -1 есть характеристика для lg 0,3.

  3. Качественный параметр для определения ценности бриллианта

  4. Отличительное свойство.

  5. Отличительное свойство. характеристика градуировочная (calibration characteristic) – зависимость между значениями величин на входе и выходе средства измерений, полученная экспериментально.

  6. Отличительное свойство (исо 9000, п. 3.5.1).

  7. Официальный документ, в котором содержится оценка деловых и личных качеств человека.

Вероятность, русский
  1. Вероятность , по всей вероятности

  2. Мера достоверности случайного события. статистическая вероятность события основана на частоте его наступления в длительной серии независимых повторений случайного эксперимента. математически вероятность задаётся аксиоматикой колмогорова как мера на вероят

  3. , в математике - числовая характеристика степени возможности появления какого-либо случайного события при тех или иных определенных, могущих повторяться неограниченное число раз условиях (см. вероятностей теория).

  4. Числовая характеристика степени возможности появления какоголибо случайного события при тех или иных условиях.

Оборудование, русский
  1. Оборудование , обстановка

  2. Совокупность механизмов, машин, устройств, приборов, необходимых для работы, производства.

  3. Совокупность машин, станков, агрегатов, технических средств, которые так устроены и управляемы, что они функционируют как единое целое для достижения единой цели.

Потенциальный, русский
  1. Потенциальный , тайный

  2. Гипотетический, скрытый, возможный, вероятный.

Powerful, английский
    A sound with good bass response below about 60 hz.

Model(l)ing, английский