- Disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility
- Разница; разность
- An important army term, meaning firstly the sum to be paid by officers when exchanging from the half to full pay; and, secondly, the price or difference in value of the several commissions.
განსხვავება, სხვაობა, грузинский
Разность, русский
- Разность , избыток, разница
- , результат вычитания.
Различие, русский
Различие , разница , делать различие
Pressure, английский
- Pression
- Force per unit area, usually expressed in pounds per square inch.
- Давление
- 1. the action of squeezing or forcing something 2. the force of something on its surroundings 3. mental or physical stress caused by external events
- The force per unit area exerted by a homogeneous liquid or gas on the walls of its container.
- Регулятор давления
- N давление pre-suffixal a досуффиксальный stress
- The weight of the atmosphere at any given point. expressed in millibars. standard pressure is 1013.2mb.
Temperature, английский
- Température
- Dry-bulb - temperature of air as indicated by a standard thermometer.
- An expression of thermal energy density. how hot or cold an object is.
- The measure of the intensity of heat that a substance possesses.
- Температура
- Температура тмр test methods and procedures методы проведения испытаний и последовательность их проведения тмр theodolite measuring point кинотеодолитная станция
- Temperatura, fiebre
- The condition attained when the wetted wick of a wet-bulb thermometer has reached a stable and constant temperature when exposed to moving air in excess of 900 ft (274.3 m) per minute.
- 1. the heat of the body or of the surrounding air, measured in degrees the doctor asked the nurse what the patient’s temperature was. his temperature was slightly above normal. the thermometer showed a temperature of 99°f. to take a patient’s temperature to insert a thermometer in someone’s body to see what his or her body temperature is they took his temperature every four hours. when her temperature was taken this morning, it was normal. 2. illness when your body is hotter than normal he’s in bed with a temperature. her mother says she’s got a temperature, and can’t come to work. comment: the average body temperature is about 37° celsius or 98° fahrenheit. this temperature may vary during the day, and can rise if a person has taken a hot bath or had a hot drink. if the environmental temperature is high, the body has to sweat to reduce the heat gained from the air around it. if the outside temperature is low, the body shivers, because rapid movement of the muscles generates heat. a fever will cause the body temperature to rise sharply, to 40°c (103°f) or more. hypothermia exists when the body temperature falls below about 35°c (95°f).
- Повышение температуры бетона ~ of truss высота фермы jet ~ высота подъёма горизонтальной неизотермической приточной струи, «всплывающей» над приточным отверстием
- Температура ~ of adiabatic saturation температура адиабатического насыщения
- Normal adult temperature varies among horses, but will usually range in degrees from 99.5°f to 100.5°f.
- A measure of the average kinetic energy of a material. the standard unit of temperature is a kelvin, (k). temperature determines the direction of heat flow between any two systems in thermal contact. heat will always flow from the area of higher temperature (t source) to one of lower temperature (t sink). temperature gradient (?t)
- A measure of the degree of molecular motion of a material compared to a reference point. temperature is measured in degrees farenheit (melting point of ice = 32 º f, boiling point of water = 212 º f) or degrees celsius (melting point of ice = 0 º c, boiling point of water = 100 º c).
- The degree of sensible heat of a body as measured by a thermometer or similar instrument.
- Measure of the intensity of particle motion in degrees celsius (°c) or degrees fahrenheit (°f) or, in the absolute scale, kelvin (k), where the increment of 1 k = 1 °c = 1.8 °f.
- Temperature of surrounding atmosphere. also called dry bulb temperature. compare standard atmospheric conditions. ampere (a): si unit of electric current. ampere per meter (a·m–1): si derived unit of magnetic field intensity. the measurement 1 a·m–1, for example, describes a current of 1 a flowing through a coil that is 1 m in diameter. compare oersted. ampere turn (at): in magnetic particle testing, unit for expressing the magnetomotive force required for magnetization using a coil in terms of the product of the number of coil turns and the current in amperes flowing through the coil. amplitude, echo: in ultrasonic testing, the vertical height of a received signal on an a-scan, measured from base to peak for a video presentation or from peak to peak for a radio frequency presentation.
- Measure of the intensity of particle motion in degrees celsius (°c), degrees fahrenheit (°f) or, in the absolute scale, kelvin (k) or degrees rankine (°r). an increment of 1 k = 1 °c = 1.8 °r = 1.8 °f. compare heat.
Разность давления з, русский
Разность температуры, русский
Diff, английский
- Difference
- Differential
Разница; различие;, русский
Разность;, русский
Разница, русский
- Разница, различие, разность, отличие. "дистанция огромного размера (т. е. большая дистанция)". гриб. "они и я -- это разница-с. земля и небо" дост. прот. сходство. ср. сравнивать.
- 1. несходство, различие в чем-нибудь; 2. величина, являющаяся разностью между двумя другими.
Dissimilarity, английский
Incompatibility, английский
- The fact of being incompatible the incompatibility of the donor’s blood with that of the patient incompatible 194
- Несовместимость
- Несовместимость, несовместность
- Impairment ofthe coating surface caused by other substances/powders in the coating layer
- Inability of material to form a homogeneous system.
Commissions, английский
Комиссионное вознаграждение
Различие, разница, русский
Умирать, русский
Умирать, помирать, мереть, скончаться, испускать дух, пасть (на поле сражения), погибать, преставиться, отойти в вечность (в горняя, в лоно авраама), переселиться в лучший мир, отдать богу душу, предать дух, испустить дух (дыхание, душу, последний вздох),