
Новости переводов

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Подготовка к локализации сайта

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Копирайтинг в переводах

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Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

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Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

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На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Трубопровод конденсатора

Глоссарий технических терминов

    Line, английский
    1. The basic unit of a frame or field containing the charge, which is proportional to the light falling at various points on the scanning line.

    2. L

    3. A report on how well a stranger plays

    4. Линия

    5. The correct nautical term for the majority of the cordage or "ropes" used on a vessel. a line will always have a more specific name, such as mizzen topsail halyard, that specifies its use.

    6. Линь, вер?вка, шнур

    7. Линь, линия

    8. The general appellation of a number of small ropes in a ship, as buntlines, clue-lines, bowlines, &c. also, the term in common parlance for the equator. also, in the army, distinguishes the regular numbered regiments of cavalry and infantry from the artillery and guards, to whom exceptional functions are assigned. in fortification, it means a trench, approaches, &c. in a geometrical sense, it signifies length without breadth; and in military parlance, it is drawing up a front of soldiers.—concluding line. a small rope, which is hitched to the middle of every step of a stern-ladder.—deep-sea line. a long line, marked at every five fathoms with small strands of line, knotted, and used with the deep-sea lead. the first 20 fathoms are marked as follows: 2 and 3 fathoms with black leather; 5 with white bunting; 7 with red; 10 with leather and a hole in it. then 13, 15, and 17 repeat the previous marks of 3, 5, and 7. two knots indicate 20, three knots 30, four knots 40 fathoms, and so on, with an additional knot for every ten. meanwhile a single knot indicates the intermediate fives. besides this system some pilots prefer their own marks, as in the hooghly, where they always measure the line for themselves. the term “deep-sea line” must not now be confined to the use of the lead for the ordinary purposes of safe navigation; deep-sea soundings for scientific purposes are recorded in thousands of fathoms, in which case the line is sometimes made of silk, the object being to obtain the largest amount of strength with a small weight.—fishing-lines. particular kinds of lines, generally used for fishing snood, mackerel, whiting, cod, albacore, &c.—hand-line. a line about 20 fathoms long, marked like the first 20 fathoms of the deep-sea line. it is made fast to a hand-lead of from 7 to 14 lbs., and used to determine the depth of water in going in or out of a harbour, river, channel, &c.— hauling-line. any rope let down out of a top, &c., to haul up some light body by hand.—knave-line. a rope fastened to the cross-trees, under the main or fore top, whence it comes down by the ties to the ram-head, and there it is rove through a piece of wood about 2 feet long, and so is brought to the ship`s side, and there hauled up taut to the rails.—life-line. a rope occasionally extended in several situations for persons to lay hold of, to prevent their falling.—mar-line. a particular kind of small line, composed of two strands very little twisted; there is both tarred and white mar-line. that supplied for the gunner and for bending light sails is untarred.—navel-line. a rope depending from the heads of the main and fore masts, and passed round to the bight of the truss to keep it up, whilst the yard is being swayed up, or when the truss, in bracing sharp up, is overhauled to the full.—spilling-lines. ropes fixed occasionally to the square sails, particularly the main and fore courses in bad weather, for reefing or furling them more conveniently; they are rove through blocks upon the yard, whence leading round the sail they are fastened abaft the yard, so that the sail is very closely confined.—white-line. that which has not been tarred, in contradistinction to tarred line.

    9. [1] is generally defined as being cordage of less than 1-inch (2.5 cm) in circumference. [2] in the usn it refers to rope that has been unspooled and cut for use. [3] one of the dimensions of a convoy, see column. see also braided line.

    10. Lines. 1. wire and/or fiber ropes and cables. 2. a given direction, bearing, or course.

    11. To cover the inner surface of. a lined tunnel is a tunnel where

    12. Гидролиния, магистраль

    13. A description of the location and grade of a tunnel.

    14. A continuous mark on a surface, which imparts motion and contour to a design.

    Condenser, английский
    1. A device that transfers unwanted heat out of a refrigeration system to a medium that absorbs the heat and transfers it to a disposal point. there are three types of condensers: air-cooled condensers, water-cooled condensers, and evaporative condensers. mo

    2. A device that transfers unwanted heat out of a refrigeration system to a medium that absorbs the heat and transfers it to a disposal point. there are three types of condensers

    3. Line

    4. Конденсато|р

    5. A heat-exchange device in a refrigeration system; consists of a vessel or arrangement of pipes or tubing in which refrigerant vapor is liquefied (condensed) by the removal of heat.

    6. Конденсор

    7. The chamber of a marine engine, where the steam, after having performed its duty, is instantly reduced to water. sailing ships frequently carry condensers, for the purpose of making fresh from salt water.

    8. Конденсатор

    9. Equipment that condenses turbine exhaust steam into condensate.

    Конденсатор, русский
      Служит для конденсации отработанного пара турбины при заданном вакууме. поддерживает минимальную температуру термодинамического цикла преобразования энергии. процесс конденсации осуществляется в поверхностном теплообменнике, охлаждаемом технической водой.

    Конденсатор с воздушным, русский

    Конденсатор с воздушным охлаждением воздуха, русский

    Конденсатор связи, русский

    Конденсатор т, орошаемый в атмосферном воздухе, русский

    Конденсатор установки кондиционирования воздуха, русский

    Конденсатор,погружной, русский

    Конденсаториспаритель с принудительным движением воздуха, русский

    Конденсаторная сварка, русский
      Конденсаторная сварка (сварка запасенной энергией, накопленной в электрических конденсаторах)

    Конденсаторная сварка сплавлением в шарик, русский
      Конденсаторная сварка сплавлением в шарик (оплавление концов деталей малых сече- ний с образованием сварного соединения в виде шарика)

    Конденсаторная сварка штыг- рей или шпилек, русский
      Конденсаторная сварка штыг- рей или шпилек

    Конденсаторная система зажигания, русский

    Конденсаторный двигатель, русский
      Однофазный асинхронный двигатель, снабженный вспомогательной обмоткой, в цепь которой включается

    Конденсаторный электродвигатель, русский
      , однофазный асинхронный электродвигатель, имеющий 2 сдвинутые на 90 °(электрические) статорные обмотки, одна из которых включается непосредственно в сеть, а другая - последовательно с электрическим конденсатором (так создается вращающееся магнитное поле). конденсаторным электродвигателем называется также трехфазный асинхронный электродвигатель, включаемый (с использованием конденсатора) в однофазную сеть.

    Трубопровод, русский
    1. Сооружение из труб, герметически соединённых между собой, для транспортирования газообразных, жидких и твёрдых продуктов

    2. Система сети трубопроводов с относящимся к ней оборудованием и станциями вплоть до места доставки. данная сеть трубопроводов является, главным образом, подземной, но также включает и наземные части.

    Трубопровод, английский

    Трубопровод баку-джейхан, русский

    Трубопровод горячего водоснабжения, русский

    Трубопровод для обратной промывки, русский

    Трубопровод для подачи пылевидного угля, русский

    Сжиженный попутный газ, русский

    Молекулярное, русский