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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Swivel washpipe

Глоссарий англо-русских терминов по подводному бурению
    Внутренняя труба вертлюга т

Внутренняя труба вертлюга т, русский

Swivel, английский
  1. Universal joint used in rigging to prevent lines from twisting (19).

  2. Вращающийся (о кресле)

  3. Вертлюг

  4. A pivot working freely round in a socket. they are fitted in boats` bows, ships` tops and bulwarks, &c., for bearing small cannon of 1/2 lb. or 1 lb. calibre, which are worked by hand, and called swivels. also, a strong link of iron used in mooring chains, &c., which permits the bridles to be turned repeatedly round, as occasion requires. also, a swivel-link in chain-cables, made so as to turn upon an axis, and keep the turns out of the chain.

  5. A shortened term for water swivel; also for swivel head.

  6. A rotating fitting used to keep a line from tangling.

  7. A small metal rotating device incorporated in your fishing rig to allow any line twists to unwind.

  8. Небольшое металлическое вращающееся устройство, встроенное в вашу рыболовную снасть, позволяющее разматывать любые витки лески.

  9. Joins two lines or a line to a lure, to prevent the line from twisting.

Swivel angle, английский

Swivel barrel, английский
    A misnomer applied to a swivel-type double-tube core barrel; also, the inner tube of a like^type core barrel.

Swivel chair, английский
    A swivel chair is a chair that turns up to 360 degrees, an office chair or a swivel armchair with footstool.

Swivel coupling, английский
    A coupling that gives complete rotary freedom to a deflecting wedge-setting assembly.

Swivel head, английский
    The assembly of a spindle, chuck, feed nut, and feed gears on a diamond-drill machine that surrounds and rotates and advances the drill rods and drilling stem. on a hydraulic-feed drill the feed gears are replaced by a hydraulically actuated piston assembly. also called boring head, drill head, drilling head, gate.

Swivel hoisting plug, английский
    Same as hoisting plug

Swivel hook, английский
    A hoisting hook suspended from a freely rotating (bearing) part in such a manner that the rotation of the drill rods is not transferred to the hoist cable, or vice versa, when the rods are pulled or lowered.

Swivel joint, английский

Swivel joint 108, английский

Swivel neck, английский

Swivel of the hand, английский
    Круговое (шарнирное) вращение кисти (манипулятора)

Swivel pin, английский
    A kingpin. 147

Swivel plug, английский

Swivel rocker, английский
    A rocking chair that also revolves.

Swivel spindle, английский
    In door hardware, a spindle, 1 having a joint midway along its length which permits the knob at one end to be held fixed by the stop works, while the other end is free to operate. swivel spindle 975 swing offset swiss cottage architecture

Swivel trough, английский

Swivel vise, английский

Swivel-head bevel gear, английский
    The bevel gear mounted on the outside of the drive quill in the swivel head of hydraulic-feed, and/or some types of gear-feed, dia- 87 mond drills. the gear meshes with, and is driven by, a matching gear on the drill-motor shaft.

Swivel-motion extension mechanism, английский
    This clever mechanism, allows you to extend your dining table with ease (and impress your guests at the same time).

Внутренняя труба вертлюга т, русский

Вихреобразование, русский