Глоссарий терминов по статистике |
- Утруска
- Intrinsic fiber losses caused by undissolved particles, boundary roughness, and intrinsic material losses
- Loss of light that is scattered off atoms in different directions, so it escapes from the fiber core. a major component of fiber attenuation.
- Рассеяние. процесс, в ходе которого происходит изменение направления или энергии падающей частицы или радиации, вызываемое столкновением с другой частицей или системой частиц (мос, 5). рассеяние ми — рассеяние электромагнитного излучения сферическими частицами при отсутствии четкой зависимости между размером частиц и длиной волны излучения. оно имеет большое значение для исследований по загрязнению атмосферного воздуха. свет интенсивно рассеивается частицами диаметром около 0,1—1 мкм; происходящее при этом снижение видимости является функцией квадрата радиуса частиц. рассеяние рэлея — рассеяние частицами, радиус которых меньше ую длины волны излучения (например, рассеяние света молекулами кислорода и азота в воздухе).
- Reflection of ultrasonic waves by small discontinuities or surface irregularities.
- Uncontrolled reflection of ultrasonic waves by small discontinuities or surface irregularities.7
Рассеяние, русский
Рассеяния, русский
Разбрасывание, русский
Рассеивание, русский
Россыпь, русский
Directions, английский
- Directions for use (on a bottle of medicine, etc.) instructions showing how to use something and how much of it to use
- Раскреплённый связями в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
- In the maps application, instructions for how to get from one location to another, either driving or walking.
Attenuation, английский
- The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. measured in decibels (db).
- Поглощение
- Зависимость снижения мощности сигнала от расстояния. для оптоволоконных кабелей обычно выражается в дб/км
- In general terms, a reduction in signal strength.
- The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or
- The difference between transmitted and received power due to loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices; usually expressed in decibels. the loss in power of electromagnetic signals between transmission and reception points.
- The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or an electric system. it is measured in decibels (db).
- The loss of optical power, whether caused intrinsically (absorption, scattering, microbends, etc.), or extrinsically by components (connectors, splices, splitters, etc)
- The decrease in radiation energy (power) as a beam passes through an absorbing or scattering medium.
- Reduction of signal magnitude, or loss, normally measured in decibels. fiber attenuation is normally measured per unit length in decibels per kilometer. the decrease in signal strength along a fiber optic waveguide caused by absorption and scattering. attenuation is usually expressed in db/km.
- A reduction in the effect or strength of something such as a virus, either because of environmental conditions or as a result of a laboratory procedure
- Ослабление
- Ослабление (затухание). уменьшение количества радиации при ее прохождении через вещество в результате всех видов взаимодействия с этим веществом. ослабление обычно не связано с уменьшением геометрических размеров (мос, 5). ослабление солнечной радиации — потеря энергии световым лучом при его прохождении через атмосферу земли. потеря энергии обусловлена рассеянием света молекулами воздуха, селективной абсорбцией молекулами определенных веществ и рассеянием света аэрозолями (вмо).
- The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the distortion of a digital signal or the reduction in amplitude of an electrical signal. attenuation is usually measured in decibels and is sometimes desirable, as when signal strength is reduced electronically, for example, by a radio volume control, to prevent overloading.
- The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the reduction in the brightness of light, as it travels farther from its source.
- Regulatory system of prokaryotes whereby secondary stem-loop structures formed within the 5’ end of an mrna being transcribed determine both if transcription to complete the synthesis of this mrna will occur and if this mrna will be used for translation
- Decrease in transmitted energy intensity over distance. the loss may be due to absorption, scattering, reflection, leakage, beam divergence, or other material effects.
- Снижение интенсивности передаваемой энергии на расстоянии. потери могут быть вызваны поглощением, рассеянием, отражением, утечкой, расходимостью луча или другими материальными эффектами.
- Decrease in signal magnitude during energy transmission from one point to another. this loss may be caused by absorption, reflection, scattering of energy or other material characteristics or may be caused by an electronic or optical device such as an attenuator.1
- (1) decrease in energy or signal magnitude in transmission from one point to another. can be expressed in decibels or as a scalar ratio of the input magnitude to the output magnitude.16 (2) change in signal strength caused by an electronic device such as an attenuator. (3) decrease in intensity caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. see also neper.
- (1) decrease in acoustic energy over distance. this loss may be caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. (2) decrease in signal amplitude caused by acoustic energy loss or by an electronic device such as an attenuator.10,16,21
- The degree to which residual sugars have been fermented out of a finished beer.
Направления, русский
Зависимости, русский
1. разновидность параметрического проектирования. 2. правила, определяющие положение, наклон, касательность, размеры и отношения между объектами в геометрии
Исследований, русский
Интенсивно, русский
По полюсам; возбудитель острого воспаления верхних дыхательных путей, отита, менингита у человека
Reflection, английский
- The abrupt change in direction of a light beam at an interface between two dissimilar media that returns the beam into the medium where it originated, i.e., a mirror
- A light ray incident on an air to glass interface will have some of its energy redirected back toward its origin due to reflection at the interface.
- The return of radiant energy (incident light) by a surface, with no change in wavelength.
- The bouncing off of light which falls upon a surface.
- The change of direction which a ray of light, sound, or radiant heat undergoes when it strikes a surface; also
- 1. the image of somebody or something which is seen in a mirror or still water 2. the process of reflecting something, especially light, sound or heat 3. careful thought 4. a situation in which an anatomical structure bends back upon itself
- The process of obtaining information about assemblies and the types defined within them, and creating, invoking, and accessing type instances at run time.
- When light bounces back from a surface
- General term for the process by which the incident energy leaves a surface or medium from the incident side, without change in frequency. reflection is usually a combination of specular and diffuse reflection.2,6
- General term for the process by which the incident energy leaves a surface or medium from the incident side, without change in frequency. reflection is usually a combination of specular and diffuse reflection (iesna 1984). see also diffuse reflection; specular reflection.
- The act of thinking deeply about one`s actions, behaviour`s, and progress, often facilitated by a coach or mentor to promote self-awareness and learning.
Ultrasonic, английский
- Manufacturers` association ассоциация фирм — изготовителей изделий с использованием ультразвука
- Of or relating to acoustic vibration frequencies greater than about 20 khz.
- Pertaining to acoustic vibration frequencies greater than about 20 khz.
- Of or relating to acoustic vibration frequencies greater than about 20 khz.7,22
Schedule items, английский
Вопросы переписного листа
Scale of output, английский
Объем производства; масштабы производства