Fluorescence microscopy
Glossary Of Laser Terminology |
- A technique for acquiring microscopic images using fluorescence which is excited in the sample
- Microscopía fluorescente
Fluorescence, английский
- Emission of light of particular wavelength, as a result of absorption of light at shorter wavelength. it is a property of some materials; each material has a specific wavelength of absorption and emission.
- Luminescence arising from irradiation with light
- The emission of visible light from a substance (such as a phosphor) as the result of, and during, the absorption of radiation of shorter wavelengths.
- The sending out of light from a substance which is receiving radiation
- Certain diamonds exhibit colored luminescence (usually blue) when exposed to strong sunlight or ultraviolet light. all you need to know about diamond fluorescence.
- Emission of visible light by a material such as diamond when it is simulated by higher energy x-rays, ultraviolet radiation or other forms of radiation. fluorescence continues only as long as the material is exposed to the radiation. strong or very strong fluorescence may make a diamond appear milky or oily especially in sunlight.
- Fluorescence happens when a diamond is exposed to ultraviolet light, it may emit a soft glow of white-ish, blue-ish or yellowish light. diamond grading reports will most often note whether a diamond has fluorescence, however, is not considered a grading factor, only a characteristic of that particular diamond.
- The property by which some minerals and some organic substances, when exposed to ultra¬violet radiations, emit a light of a color differing from their own, like the blue-white light emitted by scheelite.
- Emission of electromagnetic radiation, usually as visible light, that is caused by the flow of energy into the emitting body. the emission ceases abruptly when the excitation ceases. fly: the short, waste fibers that are released into the air in textile processing operations such as picking, carding, spinning, and weaving.
- The process in which molecules or matter absorb high energy photons and then emit lower energy photons. the difference in energy causes molecular vibrations.
- Phenomenon of absorption of electromagnetic radiation and its reemission at a lower energy (longer wavelength). in visual testing, fluorescence is typically a response to ultraviolet radiation.
- Phenomenon of absorption of electromagnetic radiation and its reemission at a lower energy (longer) visible light wavelength. fluorescence in ndt may be a material’s response to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation. the emission ceases as soon as the exciting energy is removed. differs from phosphorescence, which continues to emit after excitation energy is removed.
- Phenomenon of absorption of electromagnetic radiation and its reemission at a lower energy (longer) visible light wavelength. fluorescence may be a material’s response to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation. the emission ceases as soon as the exciting energy is removed. differs from phosphorescence, which continues to emit after excitation energy is removed. see also spectrofluorometer.
- Luminescent phenomenon exhibited by some substances where higher energy electromagnetic waves are absorbed and reemitted as lower energy waves. the emission ceases as soon as the exciting energy is removed. different from phosphorescence, which will continue to emit after the exciting energy is removed. in magnetic particle testing, pigments coating the magnetic particles are excited by invisible uv-a radiation and emit visible light.
Fluorescence immunoassay, английский
Метод прямой иммунофлюоресценции (пиф), син. прямой иммунофлуоресцентный анализ см. immunofluorescence technique (иммунофлуоресцентный метод).
Fluorescence in-situ hybridization, английский
Fluorescence microscope, английский
- Microscope that uses a fluorescent dyed sample and sample emitted light to form a magnified image of the sample
- A microscope that uses natural fluorochromes or fluorescent stains to increase contrast
Fluorescence spectroscopy, английский
A technique to measure the interaction of radiant energy with matter by passing emitted fluorescent light through a monochromator to record the fluorescence emission spectrum.
Fluorescence-activated cell sorter (facs), английский
Technique for using a flow cytometer to physically separate cells into two populations based on fluorescence intensity
Microscopy, английский
- The science of the use of microscopes
- Use of microscope to produce a magnified image of microscopic objects
Microscopic, английский
- Observable only with the aid of a microscope.
- Objects or organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Chirped-pulse amplification, английский
A technique for amplifying pulses to very high optical intensities while avoiding excessive nonlinear pulse distortions or optical damage
Twisted-mode technique, английский
A technique for achieving single-frequency operation of a laser, based on quarter-wave plates on both sides of the gain medium