State agency
Глоссарий по правам человека (словарь иммигранта) |
Агентство на уровне штата
Агентство на уровне штата, русский
State agency
Agency, английский
- In context of general equities, buying or selling for the account and risk of a customer. generally, an agent, or broker, acts as intermediary between buyer and seller, taking no financial risk personally or as a firm, and charging a commission for the se
- 1. an organisation which carries out work on behalf of another organisation, e.g. one which recruits and employs nurses and supplies them to hospitals temporarily when full-time nursing staff are unavailable 2. the act of causing something to happen the disease develops through the agency of bacteria present in the bloodstream. ‘the cost of employing agency nurses should be no higher than the equivalent full-time staff.’ [nursing times] ‘growing numbers of nurses are choosing agency careers, which pay more and provide more flexible schedules than hospitals.’ [american journal of nursing]
- Payment pro opera et labore, fixed by the prize act at five per cent. as a fair average, but it gives nothing where the property is restored; in such cases it is usual for the agent to charge a gross sum.
- A business that provides a particular service to a company (that are outside of the country where the agency is located). dependent agency constitutes a permanent establishment for the other company and the income achieved through the agency is taxed on the income earned from the country where the agency is located whereas independent agency does not.
- Агентство сша по защите окружающей среды
- Агентство; фирма
- In context of general equities, buying or selling for the account and risk of a customer. generally, an agent, or broker, acts as intermediary between buyer and seller, taking no financial risk personally or as a firm, and charging a commission for the service. the broker represents a customer buyer/seller to a customer seller/buyer and does not act as principal for the firm`s own trading account. antithesis of principal. see: dealer.
- Агентство
- Organization selected by an authority to perform nondestructive testing, as required by a specification or purchase order.1
- Organization selected by an authority to perform nondestructive testing, as required by a specification or purchase order.
- Organization selected by an authority to perform nondestructive testing, or to provide nondestructive testing level iii services (that is, an authorized outside agency), as required by a specification or purchase order.
- The legal relationship between a principal and an agent. in real estate transactions, usually the seller is the principal, and the broker is the agent: however, a buyer represented by a broker (i.e., buyer as principal is a growing trend. in an agency relationship, the principal delegates to the agent the right to act on his or her behalf in business transactions and to exercise some discretion while so acting. the agent has a fiduciary relationship with the principal and owes to that principal the duties of accounting, care, loyalty, and obedience. also see buyer’s broker.
- Агентство, представительство
Agency, английский
Agency, испанский
One person acts for or represents another by authority. in traffic, the department issuing the citation
Agency agreement, английский
Агентский договор
Agency bank, английский
- A form of organization commonly used by foreign banks to enter the us market. an agency bank cannot accept deposits or extend loans in its own name; it acts as agent for the parent bank. it is also the financial institution that issues adrs to the general
- Банк-корреспондент
Agency basis, английский
- A means of compensating the broker of a program trade solely on the basis of commission established through bids submitted by various brokerage firms.
- Агентская основа; основа агентских отношений (способ оплаты услуг брокера в электронной системе торгов)
Agency by estoppel, английский
Представительство в силу неопровержимой правовой
Agency by ratification, английский
Agency closing, английский
Agency commission, английский
Агентская комиссия
Agency commission, agency fee, английский
Agency contract, английский
Агентский договор
Agency cost view, английский
The argument that specifies that the various agency costs create a complex environment in which total agency costs are at a minimum with some, but less than 100%, debt financing.
Agency costs, английский
The incremental costs of having an agent make decisions for a principal.
Agency fee, английский
- This is an annual fee, calculated as a lump sum or per bank per annum, payable by the borrower to compensate the agent for the mechanical and operational work performed by that bank under the loan agreement.
- A fee charged to the ship by the ship`s agent, representing payment for services while the ship was in port. sometimes called attendance fee.
- Агентская комиссия
Agency fees, английский
Agency for housing mortgage lending (ahml), английский
Agency for international development, английский
Agency for the security of air navigation, английский
Управление по безопасности самолетовождения [воздушной навигации]
Agency for toxic substances and, английский
Agency incentive arrangement, английский
- A means of compensating the broker of a program trade using benchmark prices for issues to be traded in determining commissions or fees.
- Система поощрительной компенсации
Агентство на уровне штата, русский
State agency
Real estate salesman, английский
Агент по продаже недвижимости