
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Over-the-shoulder shot

Глоссарий по архивному хранению медийных материалов

    Cámara ., испанский

    Shot, английский
    1. 1. p. и p.p. от глагола to shoot (стрелять); 2. ружейная дробь; 3. инъекция, укол, прививка (разг., напр., a rabies shot

    2. The action of hitting the cue ball into an object ball with the goal of pocketing a ball

    3. A ball kicked or headed by a player at the opponent`s net in an attempt to score a goal.

    4. Same as injection (informal )  the doctor gave her a tetanus shot.  he needed a shot of morphine to relieve the pain.

    5. All sorts of missiles to be discharged from fire-arms, those for great guns being mainly of iron; for small-arms, of lead. when used without prefix, the term generally means the solid shot only, as fired for a heavy blow, or for penetration. also, a synonym of scot, a reckoning at an inn, and has immemorially been thus understood. ben jonson`s rules are

    6. [1] a solid projectile for discharge from a cannon or other weapon. [2] the aimed discharge of a missile. [3] the distance traveled by a missile. [4] usn term for a 15-fathom length of anchor chain or cable (the rn calls this a shackle of cable). [5] the union of two or more cables to form one long one.

    7. Small spherical particles of brittle hard steel used as the cutting agent in drilling a borehole with a shot drill. also called adamantine shot, buckshot, chilled shot, corundum, steel shot. see shot drill.

    8. An explosive charge or blast.

    9. Of no further use.

    10. Thanks, e.g., shot for the drinks bru.

    11. The number of filling yarns per row of tufts.

    12. In magnetic particle testing, the period of time when current is flowing through the test object. shot duration and the number of shots required for testing may be varied.

    13. Current flow technique. si (international system of units): measurement system in which the

    Shot, английский

    Shot across the bow, английский
      A shot fired close to and in front of a moving vessel to warn her to stop, often for boarding.

    Shot across the bows, английский
      This is another obviouslynautical phrase, derived from the practice of forcing another vessel to stop by firing a cannon ball to splash just in front of it. now it is a colloquialism for an action intended to caution someone against unwanted moves.

    Shot bit, английский
      A short length of heavy-wall steel tubing, ranging from less than 3 inches to more than 6 feet in diameter, with diagonal slots cut in the flat-faced bottom edge. the replaceable flat-faced shoe on a shot-drill core barrel. see shot drill.

    Shot blasting, английский

    Shot boring, английский
      The act or process of producing a bore¬hole with a shot drill. see shot drill.

    Shot bort, английский
    1. Incorrectly used to designate a small spherical-shaped drill diamond. see drill diamond.

    2. Ballas,

    Shot break, английский

    Shot copper, английский

    Shot datum, английский

    Shot depth, английский

    Shot drill, английский
      A core drill generally employed in rotary-drilling boreholes of less than 3 inches to more than 6 feet in diameter in hard rock or concrete, using chilled-steel shot as a cutting medium. the bit is an annular-shaped, flat-face, steel cylinder with one or more diagonal slots cut in the bottom edge. as the bit and attached core barrel are rotated, small quantities of chilled-steel shot are fed, at intervals, into the drill stem with water. the shot works its way under the flat face of the bit and wears away the rock as the bit rotates. at intervals the core is removed from the borehole in somewhat the same manner as in diamond core-drilling operations. also called adamantine drill, calyx drill.

    Shot drilling, английский
      The act or process of drilling a borehole with a shot drill. see shot drill.

    Shot elevation, английский

    Shot fast, английский

    Shot feed, английский
      A device to introduce chilled-steel shot, at a uniform rate and in the proper quantities, into the circulating fluid flowing downward through the rods or pipe connected to the core barrel and bit of a shot drill.

    Shot firer, английский

    Shot firing, английский

    Shot firing in rounds, английский

    Shot garland, английский
      A wooden frame to contain round shot, secured to the coamings and ledges round the hatchways of a ship. see shot trough, brass monkey.

    Cámara ., испанский

    Sobredesviación ., испанский