Amplitude transmission
Глоссарий терминов в телевидении и телевещании |
Амплитудное пропускание
Амплитудное пропускание, русский
Amplitude, английский
- Expression of the strength of a video signal at a given point. measured in volts.
- Амплитуда
- The maximum value of a varying waveform.
- The size or magnitude of a voltage or current waveform; the strength of a signal.
- The maximum value of the electromagnetic wave, measured from the mean to the extreme; simply stated
- Of oscillation or vibration, the maximum displacement from the mean position.
- N амплитуда
- As a general term, implies extent. in astronomy, it is an arc of the horizon intercepted between the true east or west points thereof, and the centre of the sun, star, or planet, at its rising or setting. in other words, it is the horizontal angular distance of a star from the east or west points. it is eastern or ortive when the heavenly object rises, and western or occiduous when it sets, and is moreover northern or southern according to its quarter of the horizon.—amplitude, in gunnery, is the range or whole distance of a projectile, or the right horizontal line subtending the curvilineal path in which it moved.—amplitude, in magnetism, is the difference between the rising and setting of the sun from the east and west points, as indicated by the mariner`s or magnetic compass—which subtracted from the true amplitude, constitutes the error of the compass, which is the combined effect of variation and local deviation.
- Амплитуда amplitude adderамплитудный сумматор
- Амплитуда, размах ~ of imperfection наибольшее значение геометрического дефекта (отклонения от проектного очертания) ~ of oscillations амплитуда колебаний ~ of vibrations амплитуда механических колебаний
- The height of a wave
- The extent of vibratory movement measured from the mean position to an extreme; the maximum departure of alternating voltage or current from the average value; indicated by vertical height on an a-scan presentation.
Amplitude, английский
Amplitude (of a symmetrical alternating quantity), английский
Amplitude (амплитуда), английский
Максимальное значение сигнала.
Amplitude addition, английский
Amplitude analysis, английский
Amplitude analyzer, английский
Amplitude dependent adjustment, английский
1. регулировка, опреде- ляемая амплитудой
Amplitude detector, английский
Амплитудный детектор
Amplitude diffraction, английский
Амплитудная дифракция
Amplitude dirision, английский
Amplitude distorsion, английский
Амплитудные искажения
Amplitude distribution, английский
Amplitude distribution of reconstructed image, английский
Amplitude d`oscillations, французский
Amplitude echo (ut), английский
The total vertical or pulse height of the received signal indicated by “a” scan presentation.
Amplitude error, английский
Амплитудная погрешность
Amplitude hologram, английский
Amplitude hologram grating, английский
Amplitude information, английский
Amplitude interference copy of hologram, английский
Пропускание, русский
Амплитудное пропускание, русский
Амплитудное отношение, русский