
Новости переводов

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Копирайтинг в переводах

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Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

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Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий технических терминов

    Radiation, английский
    1. Rayonnement

    2. Energy transmitted from a heat source to the air around it. radiators actually depend more on convection than radiation.

    3. Energy radiated in the form of waves or particles; photons.

    4. Radiation is a general term for energy which radiates out from a source and which can be particulate or part of the electromagnetic spectrum . it is more useful to specify the quality of the radiation, for example ionising radiation or non-ionising radiat

    5. Излучение; лучеиспускание; радиация

    6. Радиация, излучение

    7. Излучение; охлаждаемый излучением

    8. Systems, incorporated фирма «рэдиейш`н системз инкор- порейтед»

    9. In the context of optics, electromagnetic energy is released; the process of releasing electromagnetic energy.

    10. Waves of energy which are given off by some substances, especially radioactive substances comment: prolonged exposure to many types of radiation can be harmful. nuclear radiation is the most obvious, but exposure to x-rays, either as a patient being treated or as a radiographer, can cause radiation sickness. first symptoms of the sickness are diarrhoea and vomiting, but radiation exposure can also be followed by skin burns and loss of hair. massive exposure to radiation can kill quickly, and any person exposed to radiation is more likely to develop certain types of cancer than other members of the population.

    11. Источник излучения

    12. N иррадиация11

    13. Излучение; радиация; лучеиспускание

    14. Радиация, излучение. в общем смысле — а) испускание или перенос энергии в виде электромагнитных волн или частиц; б) сама энергия, называемая также «лучистая энергия» (вмо). в радиационной физике радиация определяется более конкретно как: 1) электромагнитная или квантовая энергия (например, рентгеновские лучи и гамма-лучи); 2) корпускулярное излучение, состоящее из а) заряженных частиц (например, альфа-частиц, электронов,`протонов, дейтронов) и б) незаряженных частиц (например, нейтронов) (мэк, 2). на приводимой схеме дано примерное расположение спектра электромагнитной энергии с указанием типов радиации, рассмотренных в данном словаре. ю-14 ю"`3 ю-12 к)"11 ю-10 to" длина волны (м) ю"8 ю~7 ю"6. ю"5 1сг4 ю"3 1сг2 ю"1 1 космические рентгеновские- лучи лучи фотоны ультрафиолетовое излучение инфракрасное излучение радар гамма - лучи -минроволны л=3,8*ю~ =7,6*10 ~7 м спектр электромагнитного излучения

    15. The dissipation of energy from a source into its surroundings by the emission of waves or particles.

    16. A heat transfer process whereby heat is given off through electromagnetic radiation, usually infrared rays.

    17. Heat transfer by way of electromagnetic energy.

    18. The transfer of energy through propagation of electromagnetic waves. see also radiant energy. radiographic testing (rt): use of penetrating radiant energy in the form of x-rays, gamma rays, or neutrons for volumetric nondestructive testing of objects to provide images of the objects’ interiors. also called radiography; radiologic testing.

    Radiati, английский

    Intensity, английский
    1. Intensity is one of the most desirable traits of a high-quality wine. wines of great intensity must also have balance. they should never be heavy or cloying. intensely concentrated great wines are alive, vibrant, aromatic, layered, and texturally compelling. their intensity adds to their character, rather than detracting from it.

    2. Saturation or reflective energy as related to visible wavelengths of flight. reflect range of wavelengths at high intensity generates high saturation or chroma.

    3. Яркость, интенсивность. характеристика, определяющая интенсивность излучения источника света

    4. Интенсивность; напряженность; сила; яркость

    5. The magnitude of radiant energy.

    6. Power per unit solid angle.

    7. The square of the electric field strength of an electromagnetic wave. intensity is proportional to irradiance and may get used in place of the term "irradiance" when only relative values are important.

    8. The strength of e.g. pain

    9. A интенсивность

    10. Интенсивность; сила; напряженность; расход 308 ~ of earthquake интенсивность землетрясения ~ of rainfall интенсивность дождевых осадков (количество осадков в единицу времени)

    11. 1. the amount of energy per unit (space, charge, time). 2. the brilliance of a color. 3. the brightness of light.

    12. The brightness or degree of a color’s purity or saturation.

    Radiant, английский
      Источник света

    Emlsslve, английский

    Antiradiation, английский

    Attenuation, английский
    1. The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. measured in decibels (db).

    2. Поглощение

    3. Зависимость снижения мощности сигнала от расстояния. для оптоволоконных кабелей обычно выражается в дб/км

    4. In general terms, a reduction in signal strength.

    5. The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or

    6. The difference between transmitted and received power due to loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices; usually expressed in decibels. the loss in power of electromagnetic signals between transmission and reception points.

    7. The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or an electric system. it is measured in decibels (db).

    8. The loss of optical power, whether caused intrinsically (absorption, scattering, microbends, etc.), or extrinsically by components (connectors, splices, splitters, etc)

    9. The decrease in radiation energy (power) as a beam passes through an absorbing or scattering medium.

    10. Reduction of signal magnitude, or loss, normally measured in decibels. fiber attenuation is normally measured per unit length in decibels per kilometer. the decrease in signal strength along a fiber optic waveguide caused by absorption and scattering. attenuation is usually expressed in db/km.

    11. A reduction in the effect or strength of something such as a virus, either because of environmental conditions or as a result of a laboratory procedure

    12. Ослабление

    13. Ослабление (затухание). уменьшение количества радиации при ее прохождении через вещество в результате всех видов взаимодействия с этим веществом. ослабление обычно не связано с уменьшением геометрических размеров (мос, 5). ослабление солнечной радиации — потеря энергии световым лучом при его прохождении через атмосферу земли. потеря энергии обусловлена рассеянием света молекулами воздуха, селективной абсорбцией молекулами определенных веществ и рассеянием света аэрозолями (вмо).

    14. The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the distortion of a digital signal or the reduction in amplitude of an electrical signal. attenuation is usually measured in decibels and is sometimes desirable, as when signal strength is reduced electronically, for example, by a radio volume control, to prevent overloading.

    15. The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the reduction in the brightness of light, as it travels farther from its source.

    16. Regulatory system of prokaryotes whereby secondary stem-loop structures formed within the 5’ end of an mrna being transcribed determine both if transcription to complete the synthesis of this mrna will occur and if this mrna will be used for translation

    17. Decrease in transmitted energy intensity over distance. the loss may be due to absorption, scattering, reflection, leakage, beam divergence, or other material effects.

    18. Снижение интенсивности передаваемой энергии на расстоянии. потери могут быть вызваны поглощением, рассеянием, отражением, утечкой, расходимостью луча или другими материальными эффектами.

    19. Decrease in signal magnitude during energy transmission from one point to another. this loss may be caused by absorption, reflection, scattering of energy or other material characteristics or may be caused by an electronic or optical device such as an attenuator.1

    20. (1) decrease in energy or signal magnitude in transmission from one point to another. can be expressed in decibels or as a scalar ratio of the input magnitude to the output magnitude.16 (2) change in signal strength caused by an electronic device such as an attenuator. (3) decrease in intensity caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. see also neper.

    21. (1) decrease in acoustic energy over distance. this loss may be caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. (2) decrease in signal amplitude caused by acoustic energy loss or by an electronic device such as an attenuator.10,16,21

    Detector, английский
    1. A general term applied to parts of instruments which are designed to detect ionising radiation . ionising radiations interact with the detector, the detector converts this interaction into a signal which can be amplified and interpreted by other devices.

    2. Детектор; датчик-измеритель; чувствительный элемент

    3. A device such a photodiode or photodetector that converts optical energy into electrical energy. they can be made from silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, indium gallium arsenide or from other semiconductors, depending on the wavelengths to detect. the positive-intrinsic-negative (pin) and the avalanche photodiode (apd) types are used in fiber optics. pin types can be used for analog or digital systems, while apds with their internal amplification can only be used in digital systems

    4. A device that generates an electrical signal when illuminated by light. the most common fiber-optic detectors are photodiodes.

    5. Детектор, датчик

    Continuous, английский
    1. Непрерывный

    2. Непрерывный; длительный; продолжающийся

    3. A продолженный, дли- тельный, непрерванный form, future, past, present contoid n контоид

    4. Непрерывный, неразрывный, сплошной, неразрезной (об элементах конструкции)

    Emission, английский
    1. Эмиссия, излучение

    2. Act of giving off radiant energy by an atom or molecule.

    3. The radiation of energy (for example, electromagnetic, heat, light, or sound).

    4. A discharge or release of fluid

    5. Выброс вещества (в окружающую среду); вентиляционный выброс

    6. Выброс. мера степени выделения загрязнителя из данного источника; выражается обычно либо в виде скорости (количество в единицу времени), либо как количество загрязняющего вещества на единицу объема выделяющегося газа.

    7. Any gas, vapor or particulate loss to atmosphere. see also carbon monoxide

    Дейтерид, русский

    Deodorization, английский